Friday, December 31, 2021

The Final Compromise IV

... I'm tired Love.

"Come ohn naw! We done been through way more than this bullshit! Shit! You remembah..."

Naw you startin tah talk bout shit in the past and the present! I'm talkin bout Our future present future!

"Yeah. You right. But we got each othah Love!"

I smile.


And you need tah quit it!

" "

Thank you! I haven't seen you smile so much!

" "

See, I told yah!

You need tah quit it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 30, 2021


 Sixteen years and twenty-four motha fuckin days ago!

My Black sorry ass found out:

It ain't evah been all about me!...

That was!

And still is!...

A Beautiful motha fuckin thang!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Todd Rokita! For President!"

 Those muh fuckahs ain't careful!

This motha fuckah could do it!

That muh fuckah talks like,

"Fuck it! This shit's the law! What!?"

I like him a lot.

And he's a pain in Holcomb's sorry ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

"Yahoo" Story Title: "Kardashian family business manager found dead"

 Their last words:

...I'm gonnah tell on all you bitches! 

Especially you ye!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Double American Standards

 Them mothah fuckahs got US twisted!

For real!

These mothah fuckahs talkin shit and got so much money...

They are above living!

The muh fuckahs have five children and every single one of those future sorry ass motha fuckahs had the same nanny! 

And ain't nobody workin in that motha fuckah! 

Momma nor Daddy!

Thah fuck! 


You have the mothah fuckahs!

And you pay othah mothah fuckahs, or not, tah take care of'em!?

Shit niggah! We call that shit welfare!

They got maids, servants, housekeepers...


Wipin their shitty ass toilets because these mothah fuckahs above doin it!?

Cookin every meal for'em cause the sorry lazy motha fuckahs can't cook fo shit!

Washin their smelly clothes for'em cause they have not a clue how tah wash the clothes on their backsides, let alone washin a load or flushin a load!...

Sonshines! That's just Our basic livin for most of US!

And these mothah fuckahs payin motha fuckahs tah do it!

Ain't that some shit!?

And gots the nerves, tah pass laws and legislation tellin US how tah live!?

And yall mothah fuckahs don't even have a fuckin clue how ta "Live" like US!?

You! Idiots!

You see now what I'm talkin bout?

They have lost their lyin, nasty, filthy rich...

Rabbit ass minds!...


Oh shit!

Maybe We have!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Book "E"

 Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 KJV

"Let US hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

For God Shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Freedom! And What President Trump Should Speak Loud And Clear!

 "I'm with you people about vaccines! 

Believe me! 

I got the shots and the booster!

But listen to me please!?

No American!

Should be mandated to do a 

God damned anti-American thing!

Let alone 

A God damned Shot!

If an American chooses not to get


(Peace! More to come...)


 This whole bullshit is about energy.

That's all Sonshines!

But don't challs sorry asses evah let them lyin shits take away

Our precious

Human energy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 27, 2021

Revelation 6:8 KJV

 What the fuck is!?:

"...And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth...."

Thah fuck!

You mean there's three-fourths of this motha fuckah we haven't even seen!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, December 26, 2021

"To Sir With Love". With Love.

 Whenevah I hear that mothah fuckah say, "Mark Thackery/Sidney Poitier", tah those lil no count miscreants:

"It seems you know so little, and are so easily amused, I can only look forward to a very happy time."

He cut their young asses up!

By just words and professional demeanor!

My Black sorry broke ass be crackin my ass up on that shit!


Good shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Mcdonald's, McChickPick!" 'Chicken and Pickles never tasted any better on a sandwich! If you like pickles...and chicken.' Marketing Exploration, Sunday 19Jun2022

 Try the new "McChickPick".

With a bunch of pickles

And a little mayonnaise,

In a succulent fried chicken thigh sandwich!


Code FADC (Defensive Coordinator, Robert Robertson, Pioneer Football League, Saturday, November 11, 2023) Butler University's First 8-0 Start In Program History

 I know I play with y'all alot!

But listen tah me one more time on this beautiful day of college football!

As in life!

Pay attention tah just these three things:

Field Awareness!


And Circumstance!...


Let's go and get in that ass!...

Voluntary!? Or Involuntary!?

 Motha fuckahs kill my Black sorry broke ass!

Everybody talkin that bullshit about imminent death if yah catch the shit!

I got news fo yo mothah fuckin blues Sonshines!

Yo sorry scared no-count havin asses...

Gonnah die!


Which leads US to the understanding of:






Don't mattah tah me! 

Nevah has!

Nevah will!

I hate this motha fuckin place anyway!

But I still do my best

Because for some reason I woke up today!

And one never knows!?


I mean,

Fuck it!

Yah know!?...



Now that's somethin I can kind of control.

I said "kind of"!

Which brings me tah my last point of this blog.

Yo motha fuckin sorry lyin, Luciferian, elite asses ain't gonnah tell me what tah do! 

Them days are ovah you worthless pieces of lyin shits!...

The air is fucked up!

The sky used tah be blue!


Most in the ICU because of



I shall say, 

Fuck you too!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, December 24, 2021


 It's Christmas Eve and I feel relieved of the perceived manifestations of alien nations.

But oh the strong have always been wrong.

While singin that tired ass depressing song:


(Peace! More to come...)


 Who are you?

What are you?

Are you really you?

Do you still Love?

Do you still care?...

But most of all:

Can you make a difference for US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Breaking Of The Already Broken Poor

 The stars above shoves the doves.

The blinding light finally 

Seeing the fight.

Bright nights shining no more.

Poor sans a core

To store.

The elite's sore

No more.

The center of the

Perpetual Folk Lore!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fall-Out (John O'Laoghaire, Fifty-Nine Years Old, Survivor) Dublin, Ireland circa 2025

 There were definite kind personalities where we resided.


There are only



Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Mute That Shit! Now!

 Oh, this shit is real!

For real!

But we gonna be all right!

Gonna go through some hellish pain Sonshines!

But Our Black sorry asses always shine!



But the souls from the beyond...

Still singin those chain gang songs!

Loud and the fuck clear!




(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 You have to love the effort and the cunning of it all!


Those some horrible motha fuckahs!

For real!

Think about the shit!

I mean really think about it!


Motha fuckahs!

Playin deadly games!

With Actual Sentient Humans!

Them motha fuckahs don't have shit else tah do!

But ta fuckin play horrible human deadly games with....

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 20, 2021

Enforcers Of Just Names!


Go to work!

Wake up!


Go to work!

Wake up!


Go to work!

Wake up!


Go to work!...

And Wake the fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, December 18, 2021

This Who I Be!

 Nobody thinks like you!

Nor, can there ever be! 


One of a kind

God sanctioned

Beautiful individual!

Who you most assuredly really


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, December 17, 2021

The Gospels In The Hopson House For Unmentionables: Don't Fuck With Our Cheese Muh Fuckahs!

 Motha fuckahs talkin that shit, 

"I can't stand mice!"

Shit! I feel yah!

But motha fuckahs!

Them motha fuckahs got a purpose!...

But playahs and playesses!

Don't fuck with Our "Cheetos"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Matthew 7:13-14. We Gonna Be Alright!

 You got motha fuckahs with all types of money that can't even boil an egg! 

Thee Holy fuck!

Butta betcha Black sorry broke ass,

There's broke sorry ass mothah fuckahs willin ta get paid,

And not even fuckin get paid,

Tah enable those sorry ass lazy moneyed-up sorry ass motha fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Most Definitely A: 'Mad World'!

 Think about all these so-called geniuses they throw in Our sorry ass faces ad nauseum!

Start researchin the motha fuckahs!

All of''em!



(Peace! More to come...)

"City Confidential: S7/Ep01"

 Sometimes watchin some bullshit!

Yo sorry Black ass gets some knowledge dropped on that ass!

So the motha fuckah says,

"...Monsters live among us. They don't have a tail...They have a smile."

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Real Human Code (Cameron Cook, Philosophy Major, Butler University) Circa 2022

 I often think of thought and its processes. 

The reason being I have read articles about transhumanism. I laugh oft times reading them. 

There is no fucking way!

Any mother fucking thing you can come up with...

Your human brain!

It is inhumanly impossible to mimic


The Plot Thickens

 The motha fuckahs can mandate a fuckin vaccine!

"And with the holidays coming up, we're going to see a surge of maybe a million or more..."

Butcha can't stop the spread!

Oh, shit!

Maybe because all yo motha fuckin sorry asses have tah do, 

If the shits real, 

Shut travel, to wherevah the fuck!


For thirteen motha fuckin days!

The fuck you really need tah go!?

"Zoom" and whatevahthefuck!?


Shut the shit down!

No more covid spreading!



We can kind of centralize the origin of the vector!

Lyin sorry ass motha fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

In Marvin's Spoken Words

 Fuck you!

I ain't crazy!

You think I am?!

I don't give three hard fucks!

But aftah it's all said and done,

Thee fuck niggahs!...

Thah fuck!

Really goin on!...

(Peace! More to come!...)

"...There is nothing new under the sun."

 Take a look around Sonshines!

Smile with Our Father's smile!


We've been through this bullshit


(Peace! More to come!...)

The Final Compromise III

 It's gloomy as fuck yo!

Something is wrong with me!

"The fuck we talkin playah?"

What we talkin!?

You right here nigga!

"Okay mothah fuckah that's the shit I've been talkin bout! This muh fuckin shit done came out of the fuckin blue and shit! Guess I'm just not feelin whahcha feelin!?"

Feelin what I'm feelin!?

"The fuck niggah! There an echo in this muh fuckah! No! Motha fuckah I ain't feelin what cho Black sorry ass fuckin feelin! And I don't need no God damned more echoes! Fuck that noise!"

I felt gloom before but ain't been shit like this!

"Shit like this!?"


There you go!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Malice Aforethought

 Nobody gives three hard fucks! Ya heard may!

Whatever "They" are doing to US, 

We are complicit in all the shit!

So who is at fault?

We the fuck are!

Not the fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Only Our Father Knows!

 Oh, he's/she's a police officer/congressperson/ mayor... they can't be tah any malfeasance!

Oh, he's a priest, he can't be fuckin lil boys or girls!

Oh, he's/she's a teacher they can't be a pedophile!

Oh, he's the president of this US he can't be a... pedophile!...

The fuck wrong with US!

There're people in your own God damned family you won't even cosign for!

And look atchou!

Cosignin fo a motha fuckah that's not even in yo immediate family!...

Thee fuck! Sonshines!

God only knows!

Yo ass sho the fuck don't!

Less, you fuckin that motha fuckah!

I highly fuckin doubt it based on their sick prurient interests of choice!


Even still!

If you are a grown ass whatevahthefuck!

You don't need no God damned cosigners bout cho shit!

Less, you ain't bout motha fuckin shit!

And, yo sorry ass ain't bout the right!...

(Peace! More to come,..)

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Crazy is! As crazy does! Uh...naw playah and playess!

 I love crazy people!

Cause I'm crazy my damn Black sorry ass self!

But the blessed thing about it My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

From the shit I've been witnessin...


I ain't that crazy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Chance Meeting At A Local Coffee House. No More Conversation.

 So where do you work?

The  Indianapolis Capitol building?

(I said to myself: Shiiiought! 

You ain't really workin then!)...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

2023 Executions (Maxwell Matthews, Thirty-Three Years Old, Paralegal, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tuesday, 06Jun2023 VI

 I took off today. I just had ta see some shit! There was a local bar downtown showin the executions on like ten wide screens. All of US hopin like hell the ol motha fuckah was gonna live until 3:33 PM. That evil motha fuckah had ta die! Pay the three-hundred and thirty-three dollahs and yo sorry ass will not feel one iota of guilt or sadness.

And there he was, George Soros, with his ol ass tryin tah look all pitiful. They rollin his ass up onto the execution dais in his wheelchair. 

They had ruled him to get the guillotine. Everybody in the bar making a slice with their hand across their neck. Hoopin and hollerin because the ol motha fuckah had the nerves tah start tryin tah cry! 

It didn't work. And at 3:33 PM, his blood was spewing into the trough that was placed to do what it was doing, catching filth. 

The owner of the bar, subsequent to the executions would play, 'Drowning Pool's' "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor" loud as shit! We all put our given drink up in the air as a cheers! Bobbing our heads to the wicked beat amid the spilling of just blood.

The owner yelling out, "Next fucker's booty on duty!"

And we all put our given drinks up in the air again,


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 7, 2021



The motha fuckahs what they call.

"...The age of majority!"

Howevah this motha fuckah goes!

For You!

Subsequent tah "...The age of majority!"

Is because of


(Peace! More to come...)

Then! Normal Human Immunity Kicks The Fuck In!

 Listen tah me my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

For every motha fuckin sunny muh fuckin days ya have in this sorry ass motha fuckin life!

Oft times!


Shall fuckin God damned


(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck You Talkin Bout!?

 We have lost all fuckin common human sense!

Where the fuck did it go!

I mean God damned!

I listen ta motha fuckas and all my Black sorry ass can say about it is,

That shit don't make no fuckin sense at the fuck all!

And I'm quasi literate muh fuckahs!

Thee fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 6, 2021

Paid In Full!

 So a muh fuckah got ohn my Black sorry ass for bein too close in Aldi's no less!

Shit! I'm sorry! You're not vaccinated!

"Plus the booster damnit! But still! You sees the micron goin round! I keep tryin ta tell yall young folks bout gettin too close!"

I'm sorry.

"You should be! This stuff out here killin people gettin too close to each otha!"

Two jabs! I'm straight! That's what they said, "Get the shot and all this will go away!"

I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Got the shit!

Times two!

And the shit ain't went away!

Now I'm quite sure yalls some lyin motha fuckas!

And you can kiss my sorry Black ass fo sho!

Even paid for the bitches!

So I paid ta get fucked!

So, I'll take that one!

"Fool me once" muh fuckahs!

My shit's paid!

And I can go and do whatevah I fuckin wants!

Without all this bullshit yall foul asses talkin!

Boosters! My Black sorry ass!


Just try and stop me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Name Says It All Motha fuckahs! Damn!

 Thee fuck!

You know motha fuckahs kill my Black broke ass! For real!

"Well, based on the extra capital we have to spend on shipping! The lack of workers!...We're going to have to raise our prices. And no! Most everything in the store will not be a dollar, any longer!"

So what? You gonna name the new shit, "A Dollar and Some Change Tree!"...

Thee Holy fuck niggas!

Y'all even too cheap ta change the muh fuckin name!?...

God damned!


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, December 5, 2021


 Gun control! My ass!


Give an American a God damned right!

Tah ownah muh fuckin gun!

Even to a child!

Oh, you ain't seen some of those tribes documentaries. A lil muh fuckah got this goddamned machete and ain't cut no fuckin body! Let a lone his self!

Every muh fuckin body!...

Now we can make Our Father smile!

Every single one of our human selves can blow Our fuckin brains out, 

Finally one a chord!

Our Father now crackin his muh fuckin side, while sayin:

"Shit! I should have known from you crazy muh fuckin asses, you'd go and do some shit like that! That's why I love ya crazy asses so much! And seriously, with my,

"All Knowin" ass!

I didn't see that shit comin!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, December 4, 2021


 Whatever you want this life to be...

You can make it happen!

And that is...

A beautiful thing...

(Peace! More to come...)


 They used ta call'em bougee! White or Black!

I call the motha fuckahs,

A pain in the ass!

Gotstah the nerves ta move out ta the sticks!

Now, just visitin,


In Our beautiful city of Indianapolis!

Ain't that some shit!?

Ain't no absentee rulers muh fuckahs!

Fuck no!

So, yo sorry weekend warrior sorry ass needs tah shut the fuck up!

We got room muh fuckah! I ain't seen no damn "No Vacancy" signs up yet!

History has shown time and time again My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...

Even now!

If yo sorry asses chooses not ta be round the shit!

Oh, Sonshines!

The shit will eventually come knockin on yo sorry ass doe!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, December 3, 2021

Electromagnetic Pulses: Electronic Trail v Paper Trail

 Call me crazy if yah wannah!

Okay! Shit!

My Black broke sorry ass is crazy!

Fuck it!

But my niggahs!

Start keepin yo fuckin receipts!

Whatevah yo ass can get a physical copy of now!

Up until they do that shit!

Yo sorry muh fuckin asses bettah start fuckin printin!

Believe me Sonshines!

Those muh fuckahs gonnah hit this shit with a big ol motha fuckin 


And blame that shit on Russia!

Or a fuckin power grid that over corrected!?

Some shit othah than what it was!

A big ol American Fuck You grand heist!

And fuck you very much!

"Well, I had a hundred thousand dollars in my account!"

Sorry sir/madam! All that shit was wiped out! You got any proof of that?...

How the fuck can "Reset"  be any purer to a muh fuckah sick, demented, Luciferian, occult...havin ass, than sayin intah John/Jane Doe American, God damned sorry ass faces! 'Putin' on the ritz grandiose style:

"Yo sorry ass ain't got a plugged nickel, that you can prove, tah ya sorry motha fuckin name son?! 


What the fuck can you do for me!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Biden Is A Perv! Straight Up!


Damn man!

You don't have ta believe me!


Watch the sorry motha fuckin sorry ass video!


It's out there right in front of Our sorry muh fuckin no-count havin asses!

Oh! It can't be playa and playess!


It sho nuff be!

Filthy ass! In the white house!

For every one of Our sorry no count havin asses ta see!...

God damned!

That innocent child!

And we still ain't did shit ta help her with that trauma!


Nano-second of what it takes to really know...

This, now, fucked up skewed life!

Something that he did to her chest!

Made her so uncomfortable!

She couldn't fuckin hide it!

Watch the shit!

It's fucked up!

That child, that girls innocent face changed within

A millisecond...

Disturbing! Fucking! Shit!...

My ass be tearin up!

That's some sorry ass abhorrent shit!

And ain't none of US...

Have done a muh fuckin God damned thing!

To at the very least, from what we have just witnessed

Do some God damned muh fuckin damage control,

For the predatory pedophilic crime we have just witnessed!

For the sake of that child and the ones aft!?...

And ain't no motha fuckin body in jail!

The motha fuckah is the motha fuckin president of this here US of


We are some,

Sorry muh fuckin no count havin, broke down... American asses!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Gonna Take A Trip Around The World! For The NWO!

 Ground! Them bitches!

Isolate the variant!

And motha fuckahs are still bein able ta go back and forth to otha motha fuckin countries!

Shits still flyin!




If true?!...

The Final Compromise II

 You've been vacatin this motha fuckah fo ova a score!

And over twenty yeahs, if ya didn't know,

"Is absurd!"


But here an absurd nigga be!

Shit! Time goes so fast!

And when yo Black ass finds a way ta cope with the cope-less!?

The fuck yo sorry ass wantsah nigga ta do?

And the shit is legal for anyone ovah twenty-fuckin one!

Just my style!

But when yo Black sorry ass is young! Shiiiought! That young just startin out twenty-one years old body can take all the chosen alcohol abuse yo stupid Black ass was doin to it!  

Fuck that! I'm the fuck ova twenty-one! The shit's legal! It helps me cope!

Fuck it!

"You remembah! I kept tellin yo Black sorry ass! What happens when yo get older? You remember?"

Yes, I do. But shit. When I was young, I had the concept of death. But for some reason it never seemed like something that was gonna happen to me back then. Shit, yea! I'm suicidal! Always have been. But my Black sorry ass still here! With You.

"Yo ass sho do make me smile Love! Let me break it down warmly to you. Yo ass grew up in a household where once Mommy decided ta turn to the Apostolic church! Shit! Yo Daddy had ta succumb ta the shit! Or oh Elaine was jettin! Yo Daddy placated yo Mommy fo whatevah the fuck: unconditional love, marriage vows, conditioning, yall sorry motha fuckahs..., fuck it! That muh fuckah had ta eithah walk inta the light with her...or without her! What they called back in the day, "Where the rubber meets the road!" The motha fuckah decided ta not take a final, "I'm goin up ta the sto! I'll be back!" Morgan knew where he had come from. And he sho nuff was in a way bettah position once he knocked yo Mommy up the first time! Befo they were even married! Shit! Nigga!"

Ya see? There you go. Always gotta take the shit where it doesn't have ta go. That shit's uncalled for sometimes. You didn't have to go there, Love. For real!

"Did I tell you, " Yo ass sho do make me smile Love!" Well, I was bullshittin witcha! Let me correct myself playa! Yo ass is hilarious as shit...Love!"

How so?

"Oh so I did need ta go there!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

True Freedom!

 I look at muh fuckahs texting and I fuckin cringe!

I hate that shit!

Got one word for yah Sonshines:


Those fingers need ta flow across some keys!


And make those keys unlock some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Final Compromise

 "They need yah!"


"Oh, what?! It took fifty-five years of yo muh fuckin life tah understand that you weren't born intah this motha fuckah fo shit's sake!?"

I'm just sayin.

"I know whatcha sayin motha fuckah! Whah!? You don't think I ain't been a witness ta yo sorry ass? I've been here playa! Day aftah day of yo sorry Black ass wasted life! Been tellin yo Black ass some shit! Oh, now a nigga get an epiphany and like Cain, gotta slay fo some respect!? Fuck you! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK! yooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! You wasted our fuckin life! Fucker!"

I know.

"So what are we going to do? With just limited time? Love?!"

I promise! 


We're going to be just fine!


Forgive me please?

"Forgiven. And what's a bitch been tellin you?"

I smile, "You can't have life, without life!"

"My niggah! Look atchou?!"

You need tah quit it!?

"I can't help it Love!"

I know you love me...



"   "

Oh, now you wanna smile?!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Weaning Reality

 You gotta take responsibility fo yo muh fuckin shit!

Tah help all US lost souls out!

Nobody told yo sorry ass ta drink every day since yo Daddy died back in 1998, then exacerbated when yo Mommy died in 2004 until fuckin now!

And if it wasn't fo heavy doses of Milk Thistle every now and then!

Shit! You already know!...

It's just You Sonshine!

Just You! 

Now yo sorry ass wants tah quit!

Cause ya an old  Black ass motha fucka thinkin bout some shit... and yo sorry Black ass needs tah get bettah!

Not fo yourself!

Fuck you!

But for the people whom you love...

You are here to do great things for this humanity in your own little way! To make it more humane!

And when yo ass on a third day of cessation!

And this motha fuckin life gets too much fo yo sorry motha fuckin tryin not ta drink Black ass! 

Take a motha fuckin drink motha fucka!

Not five!

But A!

We'll be all right!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Allow The PHE (Positive Human Energy) To Take Over! And You Will Never Suffer Another Day!

 I love the way my hands move on this keyboard while I make thoughts to words. I smile while looking at these words that I am generating without looking at what my hands are doing!... 

(Okay! Yah busted me! Shit! I'm fifty five! Sometimes that shit goes wrong. And my brain says to itself, "Did that left index hit the 't' or 'r'?" And a nigga gotta look at hand placement...and get ta gettin!) 

...Together as one. Creating...hopefully another life one can only dream! Why not! I have dreams too. 


Blue skies! 

Smiling faces! 

A  perpetual heavily scented flowery essence of course containing: patchouli, lavender, rose...!

Living in peace with one another!...

(Peace! More to come...)


The Sixth Sign

 When I finally see a nigga graduate high schooler from a high school in Martinsville, Indiana!

I will know the fuck then!

There's been a motha fuckin breach!

And the shitstorm is nigh!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 So they take niggas! Giv'em some type of incentive, subsidy...ta finally live out wits the whites folks! And the Black sorry broke asses take the shit!? God damn!

Ain't nothin free or at a discount Sonshines! Not in this motha fuckah! 

Fuck no!

And alms be God damned!

 Yo Black sorry ass may not have ta pay it back now!

But bet cho sorry Black ass yo ass gonna pay in...


The media states, "Reverse racism!", "White Privilege" in ordah ta get that federal funding yall motha fuckahs sho nuff loves! Ya gotsta take in some niggas!"

And them sorry muh fuckahs take that motha fuckin money!

Let me tell ya sorry broke Black ass!

Nobody talks bout the sorry ass shit! I mean shit! Bitches need some ends! Ya know? 

Ass? Cash? Or grass?

Cash! Please?!...

Thee fuck!

Just like those niggas moved from the hood ta the burbs, and they thinkin they can take that ghetto motha fuckin shit out the fuck there and the shit was goin ta be okay?! 


That's a recipe fo disastah! 

Nigga not  only they allowin ta smoke weed in the apartment! 

But let me take it on the road! 

And yo sorry Black ass think that shit gonna be cool!?


Listen, yo sorry Black ass from a place that gots too many problems! 

But these muh fuckahs out here! 

Well, they ain't doin too much! 

But now, you makin my white law enforcement ass work! 

And nigger I gotta teach cho Black disrespectin drivin undah the influence weed smokin ass!

Cho Black nigga ass in Hamilton County now


Ain't livin in fuckin Indianapolis propah!

No fuckin mo!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Due, It!

 Black sorry ass muh fuckahs kill my Black sorry ass!

For real!

You got these niggas out here believin this race-bait shit!

Show me a nigga lookin like my sorry broke Black ass,

Gainfully employed and goin ta work er day,

That's gettin their Black nigga ass kilted!?

The best yo Black sorry ass got is ta rob, steal, kill, rape...


I'm glad tah tell yah Sonshines!

Yo black sorry no count havin asses needs ta be


(Peace! More to come...)

Perception Is A Muh Fuckah!

 Always remember this shit! 


If yah able to.

The way you think about a friendship!

Don't have dick,

Ta do with that perceived friend and the ship!

That's your 'ship!

Not their 'ship!



And please!

Stop bein disappointed!

Cause again!

That's not their 'ship!


Your muh fuckin God damned


(Peace! More to come...)