Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Money Is...III

 ...I mean whatchou gonna do? Yo Black sorry ass still in the military! And military bearing and decorum still trumps everything in the outside world! 

Believe me in this. If one has any sense at the fuck all! When yo Black ass in! Ya in! Now, once you get cho Black ass out!? The same motha fuckas that chew kowtowed to, ya magically payin their motha fuckin salary! 

And the great thing bout that shit My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs is, their given rank don't mean a muh fuckin thang! 

"I pay yo sorry ass punk ass salary bitch!" 

But don't cha dare say that ta 'em with yo sorry Black ass self! Hell no! Most them motha fuckas will kick yo sorry Black ass! For real! 

Okay. Talk that shit if ya wanna! Them some lifelong Army "Hoo-Rah!" motha fuckas! Just sayin! Anyway...

When you in the shit! Whatchou gonna say?! 

"Fuck you First Sergeant! And that walk! I want out! Unless I get my muh fuckin money! Beee-atttch!"

Thee fuck!


Hell no!

Member motha fucka! 

This was voluntary shit! 

Nobody made cho sorry Black ass do a God damned thang! 

You in! 

You want out! 

Then, "Keep your Military Bearing"!


Yo sorry Black ass takes a walk,

As commanded...

(Peace! More to come...)

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