Sunday, October 31, 2021

2023 Executions (Maxwell Matthews, Thirty-Three Years Old, Paralegal, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tuesday, 06Jun2023 V

 Ten years equals to 3650 days. 

The order was put out that the executions would be carried out over the next ten years or no more than 3650 days, including holidays. They have commercials and the countdown to the next execution!

And at 3:33 PM or 18:33 Soros was up! And a nigga wasn't gonna missed that whiney ol bitch! Oh, no! A muh fucka likes you in this shit we got here? Gotsta go!... 

They were taking into account of an average American age at the time of the crime, about 40 years that would be able to witness such an atrocity and abhorrent ruse! And to be able to witness the failure and punishment; thence,...

There was a nasty amount of nasty shit goin on!

Of course,

Unbeknownst ta the American public!...

Ain't gonna bore ya with it but...

Believe me!

It ain't pretty! 

"...But if ya fill out the paperwork and ask for all of the nasty, filthy, inhumane...shit...that's goin ohn, that information, that we have against these soon ta be executed mother fuckers! If you want to look at that shit! We'll send it to you! Shit! All we ask is a shipping charge before we send it of 333 dollars! I know that sounds high!? But God damned! There's a shitload of evidence! And if you wanna fuck up the way that you think of this life from when you receive the information you've requested! Just remember!

There's no turning back!

And it'll cost ya 333 dollars!"

So, I sent my 333 dollar money order...

They Raped Me! (The'Rap'Y)

The way they formulate a word should tell a broke Black ass like You and me some shit!?

But it hasn't!?...

They've made words to make US overstand some shit.

But we only want ta understand!

I was thinkin today bout this parenting thing...

Why didn't they rule at least one semester in high school bout the shit!?


They wanted every fuckin damn body ta fail at this shit!?...

Now, that's some cruel shit!

Ya got sorry motha fuckas sellin their babies,

Raping their babies,

Pimping their babies...

And all ya gotta do is ta merge the sorry-asses-know-fo-fuckin-nothins inta this

Human Interstate that we all are travelin on!

And most faster than othas!...

We don't need sex education!

Fuck no!

Doth seems muh fuckas are quite adept at fuckin!...


What Our sorry asses really needs are

Some, simple fucking parenting classes!

Befo yo sorry asses become possible

Future fuckin parents!...

(Peace! More to come...)

PsychoTheRapists! And Pay Attention To Specialized Cycles.

 You got motha fuckas that refuse ta pay attention!


Look at the modern day General Practitioner of Medicine, a MD.

And them motha fuckas ain't even seein a correlation in this shit! And they a fuckin doctah Goddamnit!...


Look at Psychiatry!

There are very few Psychiatrists!

But a shit load of PsychoTheRapists!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Sometimes, Hit That Motha Fuckin Snooze (Listening to Alice Merton's-No Roots)

 You don't have to be awake all the God damned time!

God damned!

Motha fuckas wanna beat cho Black ass down!

Don't they?!

Like Job said ta Our Father,

And of course I'm paraphrasing,

"Back the fuck off! God damn! I gotchou!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

2023 Executions (Maxwell Matthews, Thirty-Three Years Old, Paralegal, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tuesday, 06Jun2023 IV

 ...understanding the fact humans are still humans...

We have started to understand, if just one is outside of human conscientiousness,

We all fail!

The six-hundred-sixty-six thousand and some change...


Me knows,

Understands some shit

Too fuckin late!

And maybe not!

But at this point!

Fuck 'em...

2023 Executions (Maxwell Matthews, Thirty-Three Years Old, Paralegal, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tuesday, 06Jun2023 III

 ...Well. What we all found out was, it was all or nothing type of thing. So, it couldn't fail.

Well, I'm glad ta tell ya, the shit did! Infecting US! Defecating on US!...

The elite had to pay!

And I'm glad ta tell ya My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

We all are able to watch justice being served,


After one!...

And it is,

A Beautiful thang!

Oh, yes it is!...

2023 Executions (Maxwell Matthews, Thirty-Three Years Old, Paralegal, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tuesday, 06Jun2023 II

 ...You see when you cause harm. Real harm. I'm talking, Blood and Death!

So the blood lost was owed. 

And whatahsurprise!

They were cryin like some stank bitches

Like they surely were!...

But by Our Father's Grace,

Not for long!...

2023 Executions (Maxwell Matthews, Thirty-Three Years Old, Paralegal, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tuesday, 06Jun2023

 We were watching it. Some Live. Most, like me, by telecast. One after the other, straight slaughter! 

"Convicted and executed for Crimes Against Humanity!"

Hard ta watch!

Six-Hundred-Sixty-Six-Thousand and some change!


But I watched!...

Cerebral Cortex and HTVs

 We gotta shot muh fuckas ta turn this shit 'round!

Ya heard may?

They go by algorithms and shit!

You can't stop the human conscientiousness!

And you can't stop US!

Not if we join togetha and finally,

Feel the ever present Human True Vibes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 25, 2021

The Masked Revenger

 Can't find no muh fuckin workers!

I wonder the fuck why?

I'll tell ya why with yo sorry motha fuckin asses!

You eva wore that bitch all fucking day!

What am I talkin bout?

Shit what every muh fuckin body talkin bout!

The masks!

I'm so tired of that muh fuckah I don't know what ta do!

But a nigga gotta work!

And a nigga gonna die...

Maybe even,

With my mask on!...


That noise!

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Right Time...Is The Right Time

 Now, it ain't no neuro-surgeon yah Black sorry ass gotta be ta understand 

It's about some shit!

Cause it fuckin always is!

And it can't be cause no easy shit and shit eithah!

Gotta be hard on yo Black sorry ass!...

But it's only in Our Father's Time!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 There's a truth to every single one of US if we are willing to dig deep and share!

Something that is so profound to maybe,

Get this shit in the right fuckin direction!...


It's starts with You,

And me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Isle of Man". Seriously, though!

 You evah watched that shit My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Made me undastand somethin bout this life!

White men are nuts!

I mean those muh fuckahs hittin those cycles! I mean the speed that they hit!...

And if ah rabbit, mouse...crossin that muh fuckin road, while yo dumbass is

Hittin it!


Yo white stupid ass is fucked!

O, but nigga!

It's a beautiful race for some reason ta me!

But I ain't seen one motha fuckin Black ass stupid motha fucka done got inta this shit!


Cause niggas ain't really crazy!

We just act crazy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

And Me, Makes Three!

 Muh fucka always talkin shit!

I tell 'im all the God damned time,

Bro! Check it! You don't want these other two motha fuckas ta take ova! You know the catastrophic shit that happens?! You ain't got the time for that playa! Yo motha fuckin days are literally and figuratively numbahed!

Neither One of'em bout shit! Always worryin bout shit! Or like this motha fucka always ova my right shoulda, straight Dick! And yes, with a capital 'D' muh fucka! These two muh fuckas ain't worth shit! I'm the one you want Son! Shit gettin crowded now nigga! Only way you gonna make it ta the finish line and talkin shit while ya doin it! Which I know a nigga likes ta do...of course in the written prose! Only then!... Ya see? I know yo Black sorry ass! These otha motha fuckas! Needs tah go!...



Motha fucka!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. XI

Day seven of DHEA 50mg!

All I can say,

I'm okay!

Can't wait for tomorow,

To come!

For now...

You know how it is?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Calm Yo Lil Ass Down!

 That's what I was told many of times.

You see, when you small in stature, light skinned, kinda docile...

In the Black community...

Nigga! You's a mark!

You gonna go through some hard shit in yo lifetime!...

But chou gonna be just fine Sonshines!

"No matter the road!"

Ain't that what they say?!

No matter...the motha fuckin road!

You and I are still here as a witness!







Motha fuckin wtiness!

And what are We


And if ill!?

The fuck,

You and me gonna do bout the shit?

Now, come ohn naw,

I'm talkin, 

Legally muh fuckas!?

Fuck that otha bullshit!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Clean Up Your Own Shit!

 You make a muh fucka start cleanin some shit, for real, 

And see how many babies these motha fuckin parents will have?!

A lot of motha fuckas too young ta remembah, cloth diapers. With those big ol diapah pins?...Shiiought!

And cloth diapers service?!

Member, I think, "Tiny Tots" diaper service?

I remember one was ovah there off of thirtieth street near School 110.

I remember like it was yesterday,

I was with Mommy (shit I was young, don't even know how young but I rememba) one day and she was drivin past the business. And she said, 

"That's where I take y'alls ish diapers! And you better not, not clean the ish off! They'll cancel yo service so quick! And if you a mothah! You don't want that! Huh! Oow!..."

And she had had twelve of US motha fuckas, me being the last,

Catchin some shit in this scenario, 

Frustration, meant for us all lil nappy headed, ungrateful... muh fuckas!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Not even Hollywood can make this kind of real Horror shit up that's playin in every fuckin American home!

 Nobody believes what the fuck is goin on!

Shit, look at me I don't want ta believe:

What the fuck is goin on!...

But the shit is!

And God damned!

It's scary as shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Walking Into Sonshine!

 What is the Truth to You?!

That's what it's all about!

Step by step!

And steps lead to more steps...

Look at cho sorry Black ass walkin!


Look at cho sorry Black ass runnin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, October 22, 2021

Tres Simple!

 It befuddles me oft times about the human conscientiousness. 

Where the fuck did it go?

I mean shit!

Ain't nobody thinkin about anotha muh fuckah?!

I ain't talkin bout gettin some shit cause a nothah muh fuckah!

Fuck! No!

I'm talkin bout just understandin the fact Sonshines:

Once you have chosen ta go out that motha fuckin residence,

Treat people right!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Fuck!

 I don't give two fucks about:

Israel! England! Africa! USSR!...

I live in the fuckin United States of America!

Can't do shit bout over there!

And shit!...

God damned!...

Can't do shit bout over here either!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck That Noise!

 You got ah bunch of shit!

But cha ain't got shit!

Diarrhea-ing some shit!

But cha still ain't got shit!

Look at "Ye"!

Poor "Ye"!

"The Kardashians"!

Poor my ass!

Fuck them bitches!...

But look what them mothah fuckahs gotta go through,

And do...

For that fine, sweet, succulent...


(Peace! More to come...)

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. X

 Well the shits have stopped! God damned!

And thank Our Father!

So what I did was this,

I started researching some shit about what a nigga needed. 



Hooked up negro!



Been takin 50mg for the third day now.

The dreaded horrible depression hasn't 

Stuck it's asp head up yet!

I just have depression that I can manage but not like I thought it would be, unmanageable...



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Idleness Kills! III

 ...We have a wondrous entity within US, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Oh, yes We do!

However small,

We bring Our infinitesimal uniqueness to this,

Table of Life...

That shit's gonna make all the difference toward Our future world,

If yah just give ya self a lil chance...

(Peace! More to come...)

Idleness Kills! II

 ...Okay it was killin me. I couldn't think of the company? O.K. Grain, on the Port of Muskogee. That was it. But before I get to a grain shed. 

Let me talk about the nigga neighborhoods in Muskogee, Oklahoma back some thirty-six years ago...

(Peace! More to come...)

Idleness Kills!

 I remember when I was in college, I always had at least a Summer job. Worked all kinds of interesting Summer jobs.

Shit I worked, believe it or not, on the Port of Muskogee, in you guessed it, Muskogee, Oklahoma. And I'm from Indianapolis, Indiana. Born and raised. I ain't went no otha place callin it home 'cept here.

Well, it was interesting as shit! Well all I did all fuckin day was shovel wheat into the underground hoppers. In a grain shed all Oklahoma summer hot arid air day! You ever see a motha fucka from Oklahoma who goes outdoors a lot, now I'm talkin a white muh fucka, shit We's got melanin, fuck that! I mean their skin looks crepe paperish. Sun done tore that white ass up! Yo white ass don't need that much Vitamin D! Anyway...

"What is a grain shed?"...

Ya see? Didn't I tell ya it was interestin'?!...

( Peace! More to come...)

Man Dates!

 You ain't gonna tell a grown muh fuckah what the fuck ta do!

Shit no!

Shit can't even tell yo offspring what ta do half the God damned time,

So why in the fuck they think the shit's gonna happen?

I mean shit, you incentivize some shit!

Shit, I might even sign up! 

But playas and playesses, it all depends on the fuckin incentive we talkin?!

Shove yo fuckin free donut, pizza, movie...where evah the fuck!

But if ya tell ah Black sorry ass American like myself that:

My ass won't have to pay Federal income taxes for the next five years!?

I'm sorry ta tell ya My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I be like, 

"You gotta put that shit in writin, on Federal letterhead and with the President's signature!" 

Done Son!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

What We Talkin Playa?!

 In my humble sorry Black ass opinion, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

If you gonna wear a scent!

Make it ah scent that makes a broke Black sorry ass just like You and Me!

Really appreciate some shit!

Think of freedom! True freedom! And that's what the shit smells like!...

Gonna take 'em away for a split second in this fucked up Life:

Smile and thinking, 

"Now! That's...some good ass shit!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Query Answereth

 What are You about?!


What! Are! You! About!

"I don't understand? What we talkin? My likes? My Hobbies?... What motha fuckah!?"


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 18, 2021

Diversity Of Diversity

 In or Out!

That's all what it's about!

Have you evah been to a German Beer Garden, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

Believe you me!

If you love beer!


Knows how ta make some delicious beer!

Fuck whatchou talkin bout!

Bud, Miller, Leinenkugel, Pabst...


There is nothing in the Beer World that can compete with:

A fresh German Lager!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Life's Clock Is Ticking...Until It's Not!

 I think a lot with my ol' ass. 

But maybe that's what chew do when yo Black sorry ass don't have much time left. 

And now is the best time.

Alas: ta think about some shit!

Don't cost my Black sorry ass nothin!




Motha fuckin, 

Almost outta,


(Peace! More to come...)

The Bitches! Owe Them Bitches!

 When you take the Blood money,

Yo ass gonna pay that shit back one way or anothah!

What the predators say, "Ass, cash or grass!?" 

And in that ordah muh fuckas!

But listen! They don't give three shits about the grass!

But the first, two! Shit you betta recognize!

All these airlines took all the muh fuckin cash, We and Our federal gov'ment didn't make them muh fuckas miss a fuckin beat! One of the few industries that has only gotten shut down for one fuckin day and that was cause 911! And some kinda fucked up way, the air USed to be owned by every American. But now it's owned by the federal government! Kinda conflict of interests shit is that?...


And muh fuckas think, "Southwest", "Delta"...ain't gonna carry through with vaccine mandates?!

Those Bitches on the stroll! 

And it's time tah pay sorry ass Pimp 'Merica! 

You're Grounded son!

Ya see?!


Them bitches!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Human Resonance

 These are the kind of things I'm tellin ya about My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

These "Truths" demarcation synaptic memories unique to US all! 

You may not remember what you do...

Buttah betcha Black sorry ass,

Some motha fuckin body will!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Dreaded Voices!? For Real?!

 Oft times I'll write some shit. 

Then I'll go back and refine it. 

Then, I'll go back and refine it again...

Eventually the written raw truth is scrubbed 



"Man people ain't ready for that shit! Calm your ass down! Refine that shit a wee bit! There you go, you's from nice American niggas. No need for all of that!?..."

...Then where does this end? 

It's already begun!

Where do we take this once of a lifetime journey!?

It's all about You!

And me!

Because it ends with 




(Peace! More to come...)

Here! I am! I've not drowned...yet!

I remember reading about compartmentalization. A book that tries ta make a sorry Black ass muh fucka like me understand: 

"That it ain't that deep!"

But for whatevah reason, that message came too fuckin late ta my Black sorry ass!

No! Fuck That!

It has always been That deep!

And my Black sorry ass can't even swim!

But forwhatevah reason?...

My Black sorry ass still afloat!?...

(Peace! More to come...) 

I Only Remember

 It is a wonderment to me about our minds.

Some people remember time, dates, smell...

And I only remember...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Memba! I'm ah fifty-five years old motha fucka talkin ta ya bout the big 'D'!

Nah muh fuckahs we ain't talkin bout no fuckin sorry ass 'D'ick!

Thee fuck! Good Lawd!...

We's talkin bout what erbody got a pro'lem wit!...

Oh, shit!

I guess we are talkin bout somewhat the same muh fuckin thang!

But I wanna bring the big 'D' I was talkin bout ch'alls asses bout was:


Or like most people would deem: Whatevahthefuck!

But sorry ta tell ya Black sorry asses some bad fuckin news,

The shit's real! 

And for real!

Ya readin the bonafide witness ta the shit for close to three score now!

God! Damned!

Now that's some real shit!

But let me tell ya somethin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs bout

The shit, if I may?

I have found through I guess so many years being my closest, hated friend...

I gotta live with that muh fuckah!...

Or Not!



Is always available!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Keeping The Faith!

 This Kyrie Irving thing is bigger than whatcho Black asses think.

"Oh, he's just an elite whinny overpaid fucking unvaccinated basketball player!..."


But the most important thing is that he's:


And havin the nerves ta say fuck you and yo one-hundred-eighty-whateva million dollars!

They can't stand that.

Does it sound familiar?

Oh, you remember what Dave Chappelle did ta those muh fuckas before his long awaited return?

You guessed it! Said fuck you and yo eighty million  or whatevah million dollahs!

And what is Dave Chappelle's religion:


Now, let's say ol Kyrie says ta himself, 

"Fuck God! Nigga gotsta get paid!"


Don't cha Black broke ass dare try ta give

"Religious Reasons",

As a way of gettin out of takin this shit no fucking more!

You hear me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Retakes In This Life

 You know My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothas how with a camera yo ass zooms in and out tryin ta get the perfect picture?

Shit ain't gonna happen Sonshines! Eva!

Cause when ya take a look at cho perfect, photographic, genious, one of ah kind...

Picture subsequently!




Is always gonna be

Out of fuckin focus!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. IX

 Well the shits started some 48 hours and some change. 

Oh, you got that right. 

Those withdrawals are not just for opiate, heroin...users.

Tryin ta be something other than yourself,

Sloughing the medicament induced persona,

Comes down ta some filthy shit!

And comes with complications when the shit goes south.




The shits,

Are just another step forward to becomin

Yo ol damn self again!

Shit! Shit! Shit!...

But maybe...

That's a good thing this time!

I'll soon see....

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Main Gospel: "Let Your Yea be Yea. Let Your Nay be Nay. Everything else is wicked and evil."

Now that's some advice fo yo Black sorry ass!

There has been no time in Our given truth of this sorry ass life, 

Where that shit don't ring-a-ding-ding like-the-fuck-now!


 Didn't come up with the shit! 

Nobody likes a middle-of-the-road motha fuckah!





Can't be "Lukewarm" motha fuckas no fuckin mo!




C'est tout!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. VIII

 It's been some 36 hours and some change since my last hit. 

The withdrawals starting to come to light.

"Wowahn-whahn-wowahn-whahn..." the rhythmic sound I can hear constantly replaying.


And I overstand,

This is just the beginning...

Motha fuckas!

Why start me on some shit!

If ya ain't gonna keep me on the shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 In ordah ta carry!

The one thing that a muh fuckah needs ta see,

In ordah ta appreciate that fatal weaponry!...


A motha fucka ya love dyin!

Right in front of yo sorrowful, pitiful...muh fuckin eyes! And yo sorry Black ass can't do a muh fuckin thang about it!...

Tell a nigga please!?

Would you really be so fast to pull that muh fuckin trigga!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Money Is...III

 ...I mean whatchou gonna do? Yo Black sorry ass still in the military! And military bearing and decorum still trumps everything in the outside world! 

Believe me in this. If one has any sense at the fuck all! When yo Black ass in! Ya in! Now, once you get cho Black ass out!? The same motha fuckas that chew kowtowed to, ya magically payin their motha fuckin salary! 

And the great thing bout that shit My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs is, their given rank don't mean a muh fuckin thang! 

"I pay yo sorry ass punk ass salary bitch!" 

But don't cha dare say that ta 'em with yo sorry Black ass self! Hell no! Most them motha fuckas will kick yo sorry Black ass! For real! 

Okay. Talk that shit if ya wanna! Them some lifelong Army "Hoo-Rah!" motha fuckas! Just sayin! Anyway...

When you in the shit! Whatchou gonna say?! 

"Fuck you First Sergeant! And that walk! I want out! Unless I get my muh fuckin money! Beee-atttch!"

Thee fuck!


Hell no!

Member motha fucka! 

This was voluntary shit! 

Nobody made cho sorry Black ass do a God damned thang! 

You in! 

You want out! 

Then, "Keep your Military Bearing"!


Yo sorry Black ass takes a walk,

As commanded...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Asketh, Seeketh and Knock'! Just ASK You Heathen! You! Please!?

 We all have it!

Some motha fuckin kind!

"What's my worth!? I'm worthless!"

Cause yo sorry ass says so! 

Just ASK!?

"ASK whom?!"


Well I'll be God Damned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 9, 2021

"Communism by any other still Communism!"

 When you go outside the construct of the Laws of this shit!



Ya get anarchy! Chaos! Wickedness!...

And we've been lettin'em get away from all of 

Their uncalculatable transgressions!?

"Voldemort! Or who one cannot name!" 

Well I'll name the motha fuckas,

The elite:

The vile,

The evil...

The subhuman ...


Cause the motha fuckas signs my check!

Nows ah nigga cans eats!?...

We some sorry Black asses!

Cut that sorry ass shit out!

And start lookin at the shit like this:

When you are powerless about the "Laws" where you choose to inhabit. And a so-called "Master" can tell yo ass what kind of spirits shall be put within your temple!? Without your consent!...That is the definition of enslavement! 

Put whateva colah ya wanta on that motha fucka!

It's still fucking sorry ass fucking Slavery!




And definitely,


(Peace! More to come...)

Mixed Messages II

 ...Takin a lil peek at sports. Why do we have to have the difference professionally between: Golf, American Football, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Cornhole, Bowling, Auto Racing...

I mean shit! Whatevah the fuck you identify with: Male, Female and I don't give a fuck!

You can play the shit professionally!

Or you can't!

Not gender specific.

If I were a professional women's basketball player, I would lobby for the "NBA" to start including female players in the "NBA" draft! I mean shit! Why not!? I ain't seen no rules bout it bein a "Male" only Association! Fuck it! 

And the fuckin "NFL"! Shit, 'Megan Rapinoe' would make an excellent "NFL" Kicker! And be dead-ass accurate as shit! Shit, the bitch only thirty-six years young! Fuckin Kickers in the "NFL" don't even get dirty and shit! Lookin like 'Tom Brady' 's uniform afta an American football game and shit! Member "Adam Vinatieri" all gray and shit when that muh fucka retired from the 'Colts'? "Morten Andersen"? "Ray Guy"?...?  A placekicker or a punter? A female could definitely do well in the "NFL"! 

And afta that...Our Father only knows...

These muh fuckin "Wanna Be Rulers of All" do shit half-ass backwards! 


Cause those sorry ass, lazy, non-laboring, welfare recipients...that US calls the "Elite"! 


Muh fuckas!

Put their given prurient interests,

Over US all!

And...we must! 

Change their narratives!...


All is lost!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, October 8, 2021

Find 'Your' Way

 Where do I start?

Shit! Ya got the answah ta that question since gestation!

But it has to be more to it than that?

No! That is quite simply the answah muh fucka!

So let me get this straight: It begins with me! And it ends with me!

Yes! You hard headed sorry Black ass motha fucka!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. VII

 ...So "CVS" sent me a text stating that my doctor will not okay refills!

Doctors ain't shit no mo My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! 

They ain't shit!

This muh fucka wants anotha shot at talkin bout some damn shot and shit!

So, shit!

I will have to go through the very rough mood swings, "brain jolts", fatigue, oh, did I say, mood swings and greater depression as before because sorry ass doctahs done upgraded to becoming Dicks!

"Why don't you just go see him?"

Fuck 'im! If ya gotta suck a motha fucka's dick cause yo ass needs yo fix...

Time ta get along in life without your God damned fix!

And y'all just don't know how I hate this motha fucka that's bloggin this shit right the fuck now! I can't stand the motha fucka!

Always worryin! Always thinkin bout some bullshit that don't amount ta shit! Self righteous! Nervous as fuck!...

I can't stand that motha fucka! 

The shit's hard with that motha fucka bein a principal playa!... 

But God damned!...

Principal playa I must be!


But let me tell yo sorry asses somethin before I leave this topic of note.

When a doctah puts an agenda ovah a patient's care and/or health?!


We got problems in this shit like you wouldn't believe!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

"The Nose. Knows."

 So this male patient came in to pick up his glasses.  

From jump I didn't like that motha fucka! Don't know why but there was this weird vibe emittin from his ill ass! So my co-worker helped him upon pick-up. And I was ever so grateful to her. I said to her subsequently:

"I can't stand that muh fucka!"

"Why what's up? What did he do?"

"Nothin but be himself. Which for some reason makes my ass itch! He irritates the dogshit out of me for some reason. Can't really put my finger on it! But when I do, you ain't gonna wanna smell it!"

And she thought that last statement was the funniest shit she's heard for a minute.


Somethings are all wrong with that muh fucka!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Money Is... II

 ...Now you do the math My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. That Black ass muh fucka cost my Black ass ova a half of my muh fuckin pay for the motha fuckin month! 

Thee fuck! That shit ain't right! Who's gonna pay for this absurdity! "Why don't you just wear the shit that you've washed, and couldn't get the muddy stains out! I mean fuck it!..." Surely. You jest!

Not fuckin allowed! 

"One shall have appropriate clean military attire given the circumstance." 

Who can I talk to bout this bullshit?!...


Yo ass stuck like chuck!

Cause the First Sergeant says subsequently ta ya light ass!

"Well, Drill Sergeant Quattalbaum has been goin through a nasty divorce. So I would suggest give him a pass Hopson."

"In all do respect First Sergeant, I don't give a damn about Drill Sergeant Quattalbaum. I really don't! Or what he's goin through! But, in all do respect, First Sergeant, I do care about half of my monthly pay being wasted on a situation that has nothing ta do with me. I hate ta tell you, in all do respect, two-hundred and forty dollars ain't much! But that's what I signed up for and subsequently am allotted. And Drill Sergeant Quattalbaum has effectively taken away half of my pay on anger and frustration that had nothing ta do with the enemy. So, digressing. You gonna sign me out? Or who else can I speak to about funds that need ta be exacted? Or, how do I get out of this branch, in all do respect First Sergeant? Well in all do respect First Sergeant. I want out. Unless someone wants to compensate for monies lost...."

"Really." First Sergeant says skeptically. "Let's take a walk!" He commands....

(Peace! More to come...)

Money is...

 Wallowing in mud!

That's what all of our Company was doing! Cause a motha fucka in Our company did some shit, unbeknownst ta US of course, but that shit didn't mattah whatsofuckineva! Y'all gotsta be punished! So saith the current "Drill Sergeant"! So here we all were, low crawling through the muck, in callisthenic gear no less! You know? T-shirt, hoodie and joggin pants. And here we all were! Low crawlin!

In AIT (Advanced Individual Training)?!

Cost me one-hundred-twenty-nine dollahs and some change ta replace all of the shit ruined by that muh fuckah! Drill Sergeant Quattalbaum in DINFOS in Fort Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Here my Black sorry ass was, with a college degree and goin in this bitch as a subsequent NCO cause a nigga can't stand bourgee! 

You know? Nigga thinkin!

"I'm's gonna works my Black ass up through the ranks, the proper American way!"


So I said ta myself. fuck this! I want the fuck out!

"Over that!?"

Yes! Muh fuckahs! Over that!

Let me hip you ta some shit if ya sorry ass didn't know it yet.

I went in as a Corporal in Our

United States Army.

Making a loud and proud $240 a month!

Yah heard that right. Speak ta some muh fuckahs. Now this was some twenty-eight years ago. 

Shit! I have not a clue what a Corporal makes now in Our United States Army...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Monday, October 4, 2021

We've Created: IT


Now, that's a conversation fo yo sorry Black ass ain't it?

Self don't take dick!

"Well what about the mentally ill? Oh, I'm sorry. Mentally challenged?..."

I didn't make them muh fuckas!

That's for their two creators to worry about.

I fucked! Got fucked! Now it's Our problem all the sudden!?

Fuck you!...

It's high time fo them motha fuckas ta own up ta their creating properties!...

Third and forth generations of welfare servitude!

Nobody owe yo sorry ass shit! 

Especially not your creations!

Who you sho nuff fucked, ta work for!...

Thee fuck!...


A normal motha fucka carin nothin but bout themselves

Ain't shit!

And, should not be motha fuckin strugglin!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I remember I was talkin ta a coworker who was homosexual. We were talkin bout some shit, bout a muh fucka that done did somethin that got his Black ass Thirty years! And I remember I told him:

"Shit! If I was gay! I would do anything I fuckin wanted ta fuckin do! Shit! Whatchou gonna do?! Throw my ass in a facility with a bunch of men!?"

Then the muh fucka copped an attiude, and rightfully so, 

"Jesus Meredith! You know? Voluntary! Involuntary! Listen? Please! Just because a woman loves men doesn't mean she doesn't want choice over the men who she comes to love! We're no different! I thought at least you would understand!?"

That statement hurt me. Though I understand now it was my fault. Tryin ta be light in the office atmosphere which we always managed to do! That topic was sensitive ta him unbeknownst ta me. "Oh, you knew he was gay!..." Well? Yes! 

But, up until that interaction, I didn't understand there were certain prohibitive verbal boundaries.

And at the time of his checking of me, I thought I understood my-damned-self at the time!

Until I got my sorry Black ass checked! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 2, 2021


 He was wondering why he awakened every day? 

Some impulses in his body catching the REM. 

The REM throwing him out.

He awakens with the resounding echo,

"You ain't ready for US yet?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, October 1, 2021

Mixed Messages

 You remember the bullshit slogans, I would deduce, 

"No! Means: No!" And, "Rape! Is rape!"

Member that bullshit?!...

Now they tellin yo sorry muh fuckin Black ass:

"Hold up now! In this case! I know that you want it! And you gonna take this penetration! This manly steeled dick!"

And nothin good has ever come out of a steeled dick! 

Let alone a real dick!


(Peace! More to come...)


 I don't put up with this...shit?!

What shit?

You, know. You see. This bullshit! Why don't they just get,


Oh, I see! And why couldn't niggas just continue ta be just slaves!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"...Because Three!...It's a magic number!..." 'School House Rock' (And This Is Heaven!)

 There's three factions in this bitch that's fuckin it up for the muh fuckas just tryin ta, "Keep Our Father's Commandments,"

The multitude!

But just three lowly-sad-ah-while-weak-ass-bitches:

Are those three sorry ass muh fuckas!

And here be the three:



And Lastly


Other than those fuckers!

The bullshit they cause...

We would be in Heaven!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Coming To A Neighborhood Near You, Real Soon! Don't "...Come Back Now! Ya hear?"

 "...We're going to have a vaccinated economy! And we're going to lock some people out! Because that is far better than locking everybody else down!..."

                                                                        Dan Andrews/ Austalian Labor Party (Victorian Branch)

(Peace! More to come...)


 Think of it like this. When you're born you know right from wrong. Once gestated, you become apart of this elaborate, ever-present, natural...phenomena:

Human Energy!

And HE...

May be cut off!...

(Peace! More to come...)