Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Unruly Truth

 Muh fuckas don't make no fuck bit of sense ta my broke Black sorry ass! For real!

Playin dumb and shit with what's goin on! 


Cause yo black asses buyin erthing that cha don't need...

Gettin fat and shit, The Sugars and The Pressures are all out of the fuck control...

"You Nigger! You!"

Ain't no God damned racism!

Save for the condition of that shit!

Look round Black asses! 


"Trust us!" They avow aloud,

 And are even allowed?!

The same motha fuckas who had Black ass nigger slave maids and shit! Field niggers! House niggers...

And we ain't given not even one Good Solid, 

"Fuck You!" 

Ta these motha fuckas? 

The fuck!

Done, went wrong with our Black asses?!

Our Great Father!...

Just because You have bought into the rules of this game we call life,

Doesn't mean that, 

Rules are not being broken!



(Peace! More to come...)

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