Friday, September 17, 2021

I'm No Cryptologist

 I'll say this and maybe this'll be my last post for the day.

If ya got somethin ta say ta a motha fucka...

Just say it!

This cryptic verbiage shit gets on my old ass nerves!

Three score and ten! 

My Black sorry ass at the very most,

Got fifteen more years!

I'm old,

I'm tired of dealin with Time! 

I don't have time.

And now my Black sorry ass dealin with the most precious unappreciated, consistent, ever present and never ending...Time!


Will not go away!


Help an old nigga out?


God damned!

Please tell me,

What cho Black ass is really sayin ta me?!

And save US both:

Some God damned 

Precious Time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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