Thursday, September 30, 2021


 I love those shits yo!

Don't know why?

But the shit sits right with me.

I undastand if ya don't like'em!

And I undastand! Believe you me!

But I love those shits!

With extra pickles and onions?!

And a large fry?!

Shit! You already know!

But don't chew dare ask fo extra sauce!


Believe me!

Tried it, not once, not twice but three times!

Talkin bout imbalance!

Just sayin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

White Noise

 There's this wave of human energy we are all apart of;

Zipping in and out of our temples at an uncalculatable speed.

And it's being cancelled out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Old Ass Story Toppers!

 You ever been round older muh fuckas than yo Black sorry ass and say, "I'm old. I don't get down like that no more." Then those older muh fuckas wanna make a big spectacle out the shit, "Old!? How old are you if I may ask?" Fifty-five. They laugh with condescending imperceptible tonality that cho Black ol ass has ta be listenin fo ta detect it! Gets on my motha fuckin old ass nerves! God damn! Then they continue with the dress down, "I'm eighty-five! Believe me. You're a baby!" And ya Black sorry ass just gotsta think ta yo old ass self, 

" You're way past yo motha fuckin prime Sonshines! Why the fuck yo sorry ass still here? If I look and act like yo motha fuckin ass in thirty years? Shoot my sorry broke Black ass! 

Cause, "That's some repugnant shit!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Insecure Muh Fuckahs!

 In order for weak muh fuckas ta stay on top,

They must,




(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Real Talk

 I remember always seeing pictures when I was a baby never crying. But there was only one I was in a baby walker, out in our yard, amid the trees, with the sun hitting my forehead and shadowing my face. I looked hard at that photograph, and I noticed I was crying. I asked my mother subsequently, why was I crying? She said:

"Boy! I remember that day like yesterday! You weren't no good that day! Look at cho lil face? Yea! That was the day you got your shots...."...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I believe, being 55 years old,

"It ain't ova! Til it's ova!"

Say whatchou motha fuckin want!

Yo sorry broke Black ass still here as a witness...


Motha fucka!

Thee fuck!?

Is yo hard headed motha fuckin direction gonna be


(Peace! More to come...)

We Just Fuckin Clownin 'Round!

 The more you start educating yourself,

Bout this sorry muh fuckah,

The more ominous this fucked up world gets!

I mean shit!

Stranger than fiction!

Doesn't even come close!

Fuckin bizarre!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Shit! Or Get The Fuck Off The POT

 Be gratefully appreciative of Your worth!

We tend to downplay worth 

To just include the way oft times we see the shit,

Inside out!

Start checkin that shit,



Outside in,

You start seeing it manifested by whomever you meet,

Whomever you interact with,

However short or long the time.

People you interact with on a daily 

Imbues that warmth human spirit

Radiating from You!...

If you are entirely here for US,

Instead of just You...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Respite! Just Tryin ta Get Bye! For Now...

 You're an alcoholic!

You're a weed-head!...


Nigga I work!

Has yo sorry ass worked in such an adverse environment

As now?

 In yo muh fuckin life?!

That's what I thought!

Shut the fuck up! 

Jack? Or J'B'?

We'll get ta the otha shit latah!

But fo now,

Pick Your muh fuckin poison!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Start The Search!

What are you?

Who are you?

Why are you?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Wakey! Wakey!" Your Prayers Are Indeed Answered!

 At one point in yo sorry Black ass life ya gonna get an epiphany!

What's that shit you talkin Meredith?

I'm always talkin shit! But hopefully not in a mean spirited way! 

This muh fuckin voice says, "Write this shit! Write that shit!..."

And here the shit be!

I'm sure you've guessed the epiphany!

Yo Black sorry ass gonna wake up,

Look at yo young, yo middle aged...yo old ass self, 

Dead ass in the fuckin mirror,

And ask yourself without movin yo muh fuckin lips,

"The fuck You wake my Black sorry ass up fo!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 27, 2021

We Ain't No Cookie Cutta Muh FuckUS!

 I think of a lot of shit! 

Just like everyone else.

But not in the same way.

You see we have unique backgrounds,

Unique upbringings,

Unique environments...

We bring to this Life's Table to share,

And to partake in graciously...

So why in the fuck!

Are they trying to take all of that uniqueness away from


Start writin  Your Individual Truths Muh Fuckahs!...


So some lost souls, 

Like you and me,

Will find it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Carl Carley Colon (Butler University's Hispanic Heritage Running Backs Coach) Tuesday, June 6, 2023 @ 6:30 AM

 I'm your new running backs coach. Thank you all for making it in this morning. I know it was difficult for you to make this meeting but I thought it was important enough to schedule it. And I'm so glad all of you showed. Why did you call a meeting coach? Well ta make you understand, I'm not here to make you a good running back! I'm here to make you a great running back! 

Oh, there're some philosophies you have to hold true, to accomplish greatness. But I wanted to also make all of you understand one thing:

"Whatever you learn in this room! Stays in this room!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth Is The Truth

 The sins of the winds

Never win.

Tends to lend the unfaithful to

PiteoUS thoughts

To defend

'til the end!...

(Peace! More to come…)

Friday, September 24, 2021

It's All About The Marketing

 Father! Why do they hate US so much?

"Well it's like this Son! You had muh fuckas decided they hated this hot ass weather! Fuck It! I need some coolness on my Black ass. So what did they do? They went ta the ends of Our Father's firmament tryin ta get away from the oppressive heat. Which lead them to Antarctica! And otha cold motha fuckin regions on Our Father's firmament. And what do ya know? Over time them motha fuckas got lighter, well, white. Shit. Whatchou want my Black ass ta tell ya? So lil motha fucka, go do your chores."

But Father? Couldn't it have been the opposite? The whites didn't like the cold and went to the ends of Our Father's firmament trying to find warmth?

"Now listen! You lil smart ass! You asked me a God damned question! I have answered it! Go do yo muh fuckin chores!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Rabbit Hole"

Suicide or Life's Death? Your Choice.

What do you do with the pain?!

Good Lawd!

Please take it away!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Miss You Brotha Al!

 I think often of my Brother Albert. 

Nee, Darland Albert Hopson. 

But Brotha Al, ta me.

There's somethin ta say about consistency. 

And Brotha Al was the epitome of that noun.

You just don't get that too often in this "New World"....

But I digress.

I think often of him because he had a handsome, toothsome...beautiful smile! 

Up and until he came to his passing....

I love and miss You Man 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Daughters and Thy Sons, Come Forth!

 It's not hard ta understand Sonshines!

It really isn't!

That's if,

Ya Black sorry ass honest with yo'selves!

Muh fuckas got US so used ta hidin' and shit!

The fuck you hidin fo or from!?

Yo Black ass ain't did a God damned thang wrong!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Unc's and Auntie's Faces Ain't Allowed Any Mo' Amid US!

 Them two niggas faces are forbidden in this wondrous global world!

"Ben's Original" and "Pearl Milling Company"!

The fuck niggas!

How many niggas were still buyin the shit with them two niggas faces on the shit, with the original names?

You don't know?


When Black sorry ass motha fuckas quit buyin the shit!

Then, holla atcha boy!

Otha than that!

Kiss my sorry Black ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Gettin Crunk Depends On The Spirits

They call:

Beer. Beer.

Wine. Wine.

Liquor. Spirits!...

(Peace! More to come...)

DINA (Dissent Is Not Allowed)

 "Oh, shit! You're one of those Conspiracy Theorists!"

They say that shit bout every God damned thing now, when a muh fucka got a brain and actually uses it! I mean these muh fuckas fallin in line in a bad muh fuckin way! I keep sayin ta myself, 

'I'm still in America! Ain't I?' 

I thought the "Powers That Wanna Be" were gonna have a way more difficult time gettin US in line! We some sorry Americans!

I mean God damned! I've been pissin for 55 motha fuckin years and you gonna tell me that ain't the way ta do it? Not holdin my dick properly like the rest? Don't shake it three times at the end, only once?...

Come ohn naw! You eva heard of prostate problems with my ol muh fuckin Black ass?! God Damned! 

But once you start lookin at the shit you can tell the shit was startin ta erode a way fuckin long time ago if yah really wanna get critical bout some shit! 

I mean the shit seems like it happened overnight but once yo sorry Black ass ponders over some shit, ya start realizin,

"If yo sorry ass don't go with the flow? They gonna point and piss your ass somewhere else, then continue pissin, steady, with the yellow flow..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

HAARP's Chord Range

They tearin that shit up ain't they?

Global warming my ass motha fuckas! 

Green House emissions...

Thee fuck!

Them motha fuckas up in the ionosphere hittin chords no HAARP was ever made ta be struck!

And ya can't dance ta this shit!

Hittin that ass in an ill funky kinda way!

Ain't they!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


 Don't chou eva!

With cho sorry Black ass take me ta ah Chinese buffet!

I will embarrass yo Black ass!


They got the right shit!

Oh, yes I will!

I ain't ashamed eitha!

Okay, you know those green beans, chopped garlic, oil and some soy sauce...some of them Chinese restaurants put out!?

I will eat that shit until I damn near burst!...

And the next day have the best shit I've had in about a month!


"Why you always talkin bout shitin?!"


As yo Black sorry asses get oldah, believe me,

You don't shit the same!

And ya gotta watch what ya eat!

You ever heard of the I-T term:

"GIGO/Garbage In Garbage Out"?

When ya young that shit's the truth:

But as yo Black sorry ass gets oldah!

"Legacy! Legacy!"

Trust me on this,

Ya eat modern day Garbage,

It's GDGO:

Garbage Don't Go Out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Raison D' Etre

Why me?

Why not chou motha fucka!? 

What... chou special, some shit!?

But you don't understand!  

I'm sorry!

You do but...Why me?!



'Cause shit s'posed ta be,

How it s'posed ta be!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Project Blue Beam/Serge Monast and The Antarctica/Admiral Richard Byrd

 Read the shit My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! 

As 'Spock' would say, "Fascinating!" 

You can't make this shit up!


Read it,

And add to your already

Depth of Knowledge!

And that is,

A beautiful thang!

Oh, yes it is!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Distorted Visual Acuity

 When I wake up in the morning,

It's gonna be Sunshine and mild sweet weather...

Come ohn naw!

You too old ta be thinkin shit like that!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 The motha fucka's name is; "Peter Popoff"!

God damned!

Get a fuckin clue why don't cha!

"The dick, is about to ejaculate!"

A man of Our Father?

I can honestly tell ya,

"I think not!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Calming Voice

 What can you do?

Shit, I'm a Black broke ass motha fucka?

What can I do?

"Our Father, which art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven; Give US this day, Our daily bread. And forgive Our debts as we forgive Our debtors. Lead US not into temptation; but, deliver US from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever. Amen!"


Bout what motha fucka?


The Fuck! Bout what?

The shit that's been botherin you all of your God damned life! The shit that eats you up inside and you don't know what to do with it, because you want to blow your fucking head off because you can't take the pain that you feel from some senseless inhumane shit that's goin on in this fucked up world...



(Peace! More to come...)

When You Got The Time

 Call me weird, but I love shoppin!


Oh, yes I do!

But not no clothes shoppin, no tool shoppin, no car shoppin...


Grocery shoppin! 

And I don't know why?

I mean I can spend an hour and some change at the very least in that motha fucka!

Lookin at shit! 

Oh, that's new? 

What ingredients does this have in it?...

It's interestin as shit ta me for some reason.

I absolutely love it!


If that bitch crowded,

Time ta get my shit and jet!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Save Yourself A Lot Of Money! MILF or FILF = OAMF

 No mattah how much chou colah yo hair, work out, wear shit ya shouldn't be wearin by no fuckin body let alone yo ol ass...

Yo ol ass is still gonna be...

An ol ass motha fucka!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Good Laugh Matters

 Are you laughin with me?

Or at me?

Ya see that matters to a motha fucka tellin a story about some shit!

If ya laughin cause ya feelin me, 

That's what my sorry Black ass talkin bout!

If ya laughin at me,

Now that's some unfunny evil shit!

Cause I can tell the difference!

Work on that shit!

If ya care at all about any of


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 17, 2021

I'm No Cryptologist

 I'll say this and maybe this'll be my last post for the day.

If ya got somethin ta say ta a motha fucka...

Just say it!

This cryptic verbiage shit gets on my old ass nerves!

Three score and ten! 

My Black sorry ass at the very most,

Got fifteen more years!

I'm old,

I'm tired of dealin with Time! 

I don't have time.

And now my Black sorry ass dealin with the most precious unappreciated, consistent, ever present and never ending...Time!


Will not go away!


Help an old nigga out?


God damned!

Please tell me,

What cho Black ass is really sayin ta me?!

And save US both:

Some God damned 

Precious Time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Dealing From Under The Deck"

 It's like this with me. I've never cared two shits about money. 

I've seen it come.

But mostly go!

But I don't give a real good shit cause that's the nature of this beast!...



Life's not here to leave yo sorry Black ass unscathed,

Once it's all said and done.

Quite, the contrary.


Is here ta make yo Black sorry ass understand some shit.

However hurtful...

But mostly,

Understanding life is universal and:

You play with the hand that you were dealt!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Respite From The Bullshit!

 Take one hand and open and close it several times, if you would please My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. 

Watch the various brain functions, nerve impulses, allow Your unique individual ass ta do just that. 


Start understanding how important you are in this chaotic world of Ours'.

You're alive Sonshines!

And with yo alive ass!

The fuck!

You gonna do bout that Beautiful enlightenment of Being?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, September 16, 2021

IDGAF (British/American Promoter, Sir Graham Niles) 30-Dec-2021

 The premier of their new video, British and American born and raised, the group, "I Don't Give A Fuck!".

With their first release, you guessed it.

"I Don't Give A Fuck!"

For your listening ears and eyes,

Here is the video you've been waiting for!

Here! Is "I Don't Give A Fuck!"...


 I don't like people. 


And sho nuff don't like my-damned-self!

So what does that tell you bout a nigga's situation?

But people don't give a fuck Sonshine!

They really don't!

Nor should they!

Cause the shit ain't only bout cho sorry broke Black ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

In The Words of: Voltaire (Translated)

 "...Labor takes care of the three great evils: Idleness, want and vice."

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

American Peace Is American Piece

 There's something to say about consistency. 

Not saying anything good about habits. 

Habits will kill you in the wrong environment. 


You be armed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chaud Ou Froid!

 That's all what it's about Sonshines!




Motha fuckas! 

That's all!

The tepid motha fuckas!

Fuckin it up for 

US all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Infinite? Uh, I Think Not.

 It's gonna go how it goes! 


You're a unique muh fucka!

Oh, yes you are!

With yo sorry Black ass!

And that will make 

All the difference in this

Finite future world

With You in it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

As Globalism Tries Ta Take Ova, Our Streets and Highways Are The Most Dangerous Places On Earth To Be!

 I know I've talked about it before, but nigga! 

I'm suggestin ta y'alls Black sorry asses right now!

Turn off your phone! Turn off the music! Be by yourself! And if possible with your windows down!...


Then get cho soon ta be woke ass behind that God Damned steerin wheel...

And take a fuckin drive!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 13, 2021

Watermelon: A Natural Cure For The Worms

 You think those slave owners gave them that shit cause it was sweet, refreshing and delicious? That what chou think?

Cause you niggas done worked hard in those cotton and tobacco fields! Y'all niggas deserve a surprise! A respite!....

Good ol Coon Melon, 

Or Sir Watermelon!

Y'all still think that shit?!

The fuck!

These fucking scientist right the fuck now stating,

"Watermelon may cure erectile dysfunction."

You think motha fuckas?!

Helpin more nigggas!

Make more nigga baby slaves!

And life is good...

But I don't give a shit!

Watermelon is some sweet, refreshing and delicious shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sodom & Gomorrah 2.21-2.22

 They all gonna turn into dust right in front of our Black sorry ass eyes!

What did ol Pop's say on one of those "House Party" movies? While yellin out the window ta those niggas goin inta the disruptive party goin on next door while dialin 9-1-1! 

"Go head dance with yo big ass!" 

Uhm! Our Father!

"lil nas x", (Now that's how you spell the shit! If ya gonna put "lil" in any name! Why capitalize a God damned thang! You supersillymothafuckas! You! Ya know?) et al.

 Thee fuck! 

This will only last a minute in Our Father's Time.


Well, you know the Biblical story...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Only Oases IV

 ..."Man check this out? This stories all over the place for me. I'm lookin for a point Tye. That's all," I  said.

"Nigga! Don't cha see? Let me finish the story first? So, Mom's says subsequently, and I need you to have that back to me in about twenty minutes, so I can finish dinner! Shit! I go to a motha fucka's house I buy to sell from. "I need thirty dollas,?" I say to him.

"Youngblood! That's kind of light! You sure you don't need more?" The motha fucka says and asks.

Well all I really needed was a dollar-ninety-nine, but a motha fucka bust out all ova yo ass comin ta their home at seven-thirty in the evening for two fuckin dollas! But thirty? You must need ta bust yo head fo a minute. So, I get the thirty. 

Go to the store up the street. Get back home and hand out the pound of butter to my Mother. She cuts her eyes to the island in the kitchen. Four pounds of "Land ol'Lakes" pretty as you please stacked two by two. "Well the good thing about what I'm seeing is that it's in a bag. You gotta receipt for this Tye?" She states and asked. 

"Yes, Momma. But I don't understand?"

"You said you had a receipt? I need a receipt," she asked and stated.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled the crumbled receipt out. Ta this day I don't understand why I kept it. But after I have went over the story in my mind, and have told the story verbally. I start appreciating the events that subsequently happened. 

And I was a lucky motha fucka!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Only Oases III

 ..."I don't get it," I said to nee Tyrone Denifer Muse.

"Man come ohn naw! The shoes...The shoes motha fucka! When we were in high school Florsheim's and Stacy's were the shit! And, shit, Mom's knew I didn't have money for the shit! And she damn well didn't! So where did I get the money? Nigga, I ain't stupid you know? I know whatcha doin! She didn't say the shit like that to me, but I definitely got what she was layin down! Shit, I was sellin. Straight up. I mean no big shit. Just weed. That's all. For some shit I wanted. But I never stored in the house! But on the flipside I stored it in the house all the same! Unbeknownst ta me of course! Cause I was young and stupid! But you couldn't tell a nigga like me, shit!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Only Oases II

 ...but with my old ass I found out, shit's complicated. You really want it to be a white or Black thing, but the shit's way more than that.

I remember this guy I worked with while I was in college. He's an attorney the last I spoke with him. But we were jaw-jackin round bout our youthful days. He told me,

"Hop! Check this out! So you know I'm from G-I. I'm at home in my room chillin! "Tye! Come here!" Moms right. I go in there. She cookin and shit. She said without lookin at me, "Go up to the store and get me a pound of butter." I looked at her and said, "Where's the money? I'm tapped." She looks down at my Florsheim's. Then looks me dead in the eyes and says, "Go up to the store and get me a pound of butter." And she looks back at what she is cookin, slowly stirring...."

(Peace! More to come...)

Only Oases

 You know how you go out and shit on an errand, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothas? 

The phrase used ta be, "I'm gonna run up here to the store real quick. You need anything?"

Shit, ain't too many stores anymore given up the goods. And yo soon ta be raped ass if yo Black broke ass decides ta drop by the local convenience store! Don't do it! 

Naw, just like a nasty Ho or Ho-monga, motha fuckas just pulls out! The fuck!

I remember the time I was a co-manager at "Kroger", the scuttlebutt was there was a group in the hood cuttin up about prophylactics in the nigga sto gots ta ask somebody ta buy some shit, just ta get some pussy! Shit all locked up and shit!

 But the white stores, up in "Carmel" and shit, could stop by their local "Kroger".  Go to the aisle where the condoms were, and they in business afta gettin where the pussy is!...

(Peace! More to come...)  

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Our Father's English

 Niggas kill me!

If ya talk like Jesse Jackson motha fucka!

Work on that shit!

For real!

Nobody wanna hear that shit!

Sounds downright

not right!...

(Peace! More to come...)

All Aboard?

 You can't stop the shit.

This train of 


It's, "Choo-choo as I'm comin through!"

And leaves yo Black ass at the station,

Looking at that ass!

You smile because,

You're fine Sonshine!

You've just found out,

You were one of the lucky ones,

Because it wouldn't have been worth the fare!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

American Up! Or...Get Shot! And Shut The Fuck Up!

 These old motha fuckas playin some hard-fuckin-ball shit now! Ain't they! 

I mean talkin shit! And not even a little bit!

The Old evil motha fucka today, straight from the ass's mouth, 

"...This isn't about Freedom!..."

The fuck!

I said to myself, 

"The shit storm is here! And, We're not in America any longer!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

William P. Henderson, Graduate, Indiana Central College (1922)

 Dost thine soul weep and wail a pitiful siren's song. The sounds start from thine furthest members thence carries upwards, pauses in thy bosom. Settles there for a time, resting. The true mournful cry flows easily upwards after that, finally spewing forth in a wondrous lovely lament.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

"The xx Intro long version" (American means...some...thing.)

I see what this life is supposed to be.

Feeling Free!

American Free!!

You want to be me?

You see....

(Peace! More to come...)

Epiphany 06Dec2005

 I was running for my life!

I was so tired!...

But motha fucka!

It ain't all about You!

Not no more!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Real Words

 I read the Gospels oft times. 

I'm sorry! The shit's funny as hell sometimes ta me!

Don't get me wrong I truly believe in The Holy Bible!

But ta me...

Shit ain't that deep Brah!


"Shake the dust off thine feet..."

Motha fucka! If ya didn't know!

Ya see Heathen ta thine core?!


Shake the dust! Shake the bed bugs! Shake the lice! Just shake for Our Father's sake! Cause those infidels didn't have a drop of oils!

Can't chou just see the various two Apostles showin up on a motha fuckahs doorstep, they open the thatched door. 

And how did "Richard Pryor" say the shit? 

"The Funk knocked me ta my knees!"

You better recognize?!

The various two Apostles missioning and not.

Look at one another in an all too familiar look,

'Fuck this! I'm already shakin!'


"Sorry to have bothered you!"

And bounced!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Heathen v Tribalism

 They used ta call it: The Apostolic Handshake.

That's where if ya Heathens didn't know...

Seriously though?

I'm sorry!

I thought we had it like that?...

Ah, come ohn naw! That ain't even fair!

Listen ta me Sonshines! 

I'm a Heathen!

Loud and proud!

Read the definition and you will say it to the trees, the birds, the racoons...!

"I am a Heathen!"

For real!

Cause these motha fuckas out here are nuts!

Now where was I?...

...The Apostolic Handshake...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Disclosure - Help Me Lose Mind (Mazde Remix)" (But there are better days to come!)

 Don't take or fake in the wake 

Of what's to come.

Oh, not from,

The left or right.

Gonna be in between!

Quite violent!

Quite insolent!


Quite mean!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Unruly Truth

 Muh fuckas don't make no fuck bit of sense ta my broke Black sorry ass! For real!

Playin dumb and shit with what's goin on! 


Cause yo black asses buyin erthing that cha don't need...

Gettin fat and shit, The Sugars and The Pressures are all out of the fuck control...

"You Nigger! You!"

Ain't no God damned racism!

Save for the condition of that shit!

Look round Black asses! 


"Trust us!" They avow aloud,

 And are even allowed?!

The same motha fuckas who had Black ass nigger slave maids and shit! Field niggers! House niggers...

And we ain't given not even one Good Solid, 

"Fuck You!" 

Ta these motha fuckas? 

The fuck!

Done, went wrong with our Black asses?!

Our Great Father!...

Just because You have bought into the rules of this game we call life,

Doesn't mean that, 

Rules are not being broken!



(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 3, 2021

A Start of Another Day II

 ...He walked downstairs. Opened the refrigerator. Looked on the door shelves and found the bottle on the top shelf. Opened the bottle up and took out one slender pill. Reversed his actions, save for putting the slender pill back into the bottle. Closed the refrigerator door. Ran some warm tap water in a glass. Popped the Probiotic. Drank the twenty-two ounces of tepid tap water without taking another breath. Belched.

In about forty-five more minutes, he thought to himself with a smile, it will be time to purge! 

But for now, time for "Peet's"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

"DRAMA-Don't Hold Back" Stay Grounded.

 The kaleidoscope of hope through dope smoke.

Take a toke!

Feel this life leaving

Not breathing!

Seething for another reason to keep hope alive.

You can't stand still, to deprive

The innate straights

Turned crooked.

Booked another interview 

To see you through.

This life has never lied about what it is!

It's all about the money!

It's all about the Biz!

Our dreaded fates.

(Peace! More to come...)

A Start Of Another Day

 The alarm went off. He opened his eyes to see the ever present phosphorous red digital numbers reading: 5:10 AM. He let it make its annoying fire alarm type of noise for a few seconds before he got from under the covers, got out of bed, walked over to the dresser where the god-awful noise was coming from. Reached on the back of the alarm clock and pressed the off button. Silence. Finally. 

He had awakened with his fifty-five years old self to witness another day. He didn't smile at that. Quite to the contrary. Waking up and getting started was beginning to get laborious. And that's the damnedest thing he thought to himself. Once he got up, there was nothing left to do but to live...another day....

(Peace! More to come...)