Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Please, That Young Coors Light Son! (Thirty-Six Years Old, Youtuber Pepsi Coked Jackson) The Ghetto Wine Connoisseur, Posted: Monday, July 6, 2020 at 11:59 PM

...In my opinion, an avid wine drinker as is I, red and white, I may let you know...in a beer setting the reason I believe wine drinkers order a light beer is because light beer is the most like a wine, a sparkling wine at that, save for some of the lacing retention given brand of light beer.

Take for instance Coors Light.  The color is spot-on Sparkling wine, a straw color. Nose...bland but with a very little hint of rose.  Taste, their is a kind of slight fruity taste going on, with a slight bitterness at the back end.  Can't quite describe it. Definitely not offensive at all. Dry finish.  Effervescent.  Refreshing.  And the most important aspect with the beer crowd, quite session-able.  You know beer drinkers. Get all out of sorts when they drink too many.

But we wine drinkers are...classy chil'!

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