Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Our Past, Present And The Future (Impoverished Self Educated Female Tribe Person) 1899

I am speaking to all of you from the future because the future is our past. Though the years change you will see throughout your various lifetimes that the human condition stays a constant. Humans have been destined to fail, the soul of a human is fallible at its very core. We constantly believe in the mantra, "I am better than my fellow human," yet, man is no better than woman; white is no better than black; one's religion is no better than we still are, fighting with and against one another because of not being able to accept one another. You might be asking yourself, "I thought you were speaking from the future Dear Lady?" I am. Time changes but the human element never does, Our burden to bare less we change. And we can...if...

And that "if" is all up to you. "If" you all choose wisely and without self. Until then the past, present and future for all of US are synonymous.

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