Saturday, March 8, 2025

US Right Lefties

 Awkward lookin shit!

I was watchin this chef, Sarah Moulton, ah lefty! 

Can't watch her any longah!

Like Sunny Anderson and shit!

Looks like they're gonnah stir some shit out of ah skillet!

Looks like they're gonnah cut thah fuck out of they're fingers while choppin with a knife!...

There's somethin that my old Black broke sorry ass doesn't process shit 

Right about


Our Father's speed!

"If You Could Only See - Tonic"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass gets lost in this righteous shit!

Flyin ovah Indianapolis!

Just viewin from above!

Realizin from this perch!

US IN goin tah be jUSt fine


Like "Happy Harry Hard-On" avowed in "Pump Up The Volume",

"Talk Hard!"!

But most importantly,




And no ED meds shall ever be


Our Father's speed!

"Laura Ingraham, American Conservatine Television Presenter - WikiP'"

And characterizes thah sorry ass propagandists' minion's professional title as, "American Conservative Television Presenter"?! Not ah "Journalist"! Not ah "Newscaster"! Not ah "Reporter"!...but sorry ass "American Conservative Television Presenter"?! Like MTF Vanna White and shit? Oh, y'alls sorry evil asses talkin bout just "reading" the news! But don't know shit about thah news! Anyway...

 I'll be shit!

Fuckin dude!

MTF fo US show!

Thah fuckin neck and thah ugliness says it all! Along with that fucked up androgynous voice!

Thah Holy fuck done went wrong with 

US Sonshines?!

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!

US Critical Information Forms Without, Not Within.

 my old Black sorry broke ass got frustrated like ah muh fuckah tryin tah formulate how my

Wife processes information then says the way the processes spew.

And thah reason I was havin so much of ah problem was for the simple reason,

'I was processing the information from within me. Not from without me!"!

Our Father's speed!

US Fucked Literally & US Fucked Figuratively!

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is show thah fuck 

Humbled witnUSsin this FED Commie shitshow!

I mean, shit!

US broke sorry FED/State/County...taxpayin assUS gettin

Taxed! In more ways than 




Our Father's speed!

Friday, March 7, 2025


 Our Father's speed!

If There Is Nothing Else For Me To Do In This Firmament Our Father?! Free Me? And FED Commie US UbiquitoUS PTSD.

 I listen and write the voices inside my old broke about tah die Black ass broken soul!

I smile!

But most often than not,

my old humbled Black broken and broke ass be


And that frequent FED commie evilly induced US meltdown along with thah physical pain, fucking


Our Father's speed!

OA Ain't The Fuck, 'Okay'! Fuck that fuckin sorry ass fucked-up nonsense!

 Does US sorry broke muh fuckin assUS experience every God damned day from thah time US awaken! Go tah fuckin work! Spend eight muh fuckin hours walkin around in pain because yo broke ass gots tah make ah "proper' US livin!? PCP ain't givin ah shit, I mean, shit...unless ah muh fuckah wants tah evilly have hip and knee replacement surgeries!

Them evil desensitized orthopedic surgeons don't give one solid US fuck!



Now...that my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS is some

InHumane type of evil shit

US is


Y'alls sorry evil assUS can honestly sit in front of my old Black sorry broke osteoarthritic diagnosed tellin me:

You can heart transplant! You can liver transplant! You can penile transplant! Make a girl into a boy! And a boy into a girl!...

But thah science doesn't look too well for close tah 52.1 million Americans dealin with this obvioUS disease! And thah best these FED commie scientists, doctors, surgeons have come up with is,

"You're going to have hip and knee replacement surgeries Meredith."

That's thah best you sorry ass doctors and scienific muh fuckahs have fucked-up 

US got?!

Openin up, sawin on an old niggUS bones, replacin thah shit with this type of manmade alloy metal shit that my broke Black ass, has not ah clue thah origin! Ye! Old US muh fuckUS clockin my fucked-up walkin be like,

"You need that hip and knee replacement surgeries Son!"



There has tah be ah muh fuckin

US bettah!




In this 


Created Our Father's


There is a natural way!


US old assUS supposed tah

Die while livin in



Now that's fucked-up!

Our Father's speed!

US evil FED Commies Are Out To Murder...US!

 I mean, shit!

None of 

US wants tah wake up every God damned day until US die thinkin bout



Shelter...most importantly


But don't US worry Sonshines!

US knows every God damned muh fuckin day as ah broke Black ass witnUSsUS,

This ill FED commie shit ain't 

What's up!!!



Our Father's speed!

Preemptive RighteoUS US Broke Ass Alcoholic Measures

 Burdock root!

Yellow dock!

Dandelion root!

Milk Thistle!

I mean, shit!

US can alcoholic hang with thah best muh fuckin


And US 

Livers shall



Our Father's speed!

RUSsian President Vladimir Putin!

my niggah! 

Don't give ah conditioned evil fuck!

 my old Black sorry broke ass would vote for President Putin if he were a part of US!

Read about thah 


Russian people's


President Putin had everything tah do with kickin these now US FED degenerate vampirical commies thah fuck

Out of Mother



US has tah have everything tah do with kickin these US evil FED degenerate vampirical commie muh fuckahs out of





Our Father's speed!

"Bondi Accuses FBI of Withholding Epstein Files 'Thousands of pages' - The (Raleigh) News & Observer"

 What thah fuck?

That muh fuckah actually thinks one of their US FBI/US CIA/ US SS...Masonic "Brothers" gonnah give evidence tah convict for ah long fuckin time, 

Masonic Brothers?!

Does JFK assasination ring any fuckin bells!?

Martin Luther King Jr.!? Malcolm X?!...

Does disembowelment sound anything fuckin

Nice tah MTF

Bondi and shit?!

I mean, shit!

Get some of this evil FED commie sorry ass deplorable Godforsaken muh fuckin Anti-American shit!

They're all fuckin sorry ass degenerate

Masonic/Luciferian fucked-up


And them evil muh fuckahs all need tah be murdered for



Hanksville, Utah

 "Often Used as Mars simulation site for NASA."?!

Thah fuck!?


De-the-fuck-fund evil FED commie

Fake ass


If not?!

DOGE is some fake ass evil FED commie shit


"Democrats' Anti-Trump Meme Attempt Goes Viral For All The Wrong Reasons - HuffPost"

God damned muh fuckin skippy! 

First evil FED Commie Maxine "Dirty" Waters! Then Andre "Dumbass" Carson! Then  Ayanna "Manly" Pressley! Then Al "Pimp-old-daddy" Green! ... Now these other sorry ass FED Commie niggers!

And what thah fuck did US RighteoUS Black people inform US back in thah muh fuckin day God damnit?!

"Let White folks fight with White folks!"?!

And what these Black sorry ass evil FED Commie niggers do?!

Jumpin in! Fightin with White folks! Thah fuck's wrong with these US FED commie niggers!?

Like in CIA influenced Jonestown massacre, US niggUS done drank thah fuckin tainted 

"Kool-Aid" and shit?! 

I mean, shit! Some US muh fuckin shameful Black sorry ass shit!

Can't make this fucked-up conditioned FED commie nigger shit up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!

US Representative, Byron Lowell Donalds (R-Fla), Maybe The Next US President

 I like this muh fuckah!

Could be US next president and shit!

Pro-American! Straight forward. Highly informed. Quick thinking. Not offensive. Very civil...and of thah many interviews I've witnUSsed, he has yet tah get

Caught up in some evil fucked-up anti-American FED commie propagandists' mininions absurdity!

Our Father's speed!

"What About US! What About US! What About...US?!" Should Be Dems Sorry Asses US evil Psychological Chant! But It Ain't!

 If thah sorry ass Luciferian commie infiltrated Anti-American Democratic party had even one God damned US brain cell and shit?!

That would be thah new

Democratic battle cry!

But, I mean, shit!

Them FED Commie Anti-American imbeciles so caught up in

Themselves, them ill ass evil muh fuckahs be like,

"US?! The fuck you talkin about?! You mean

Them! Right?! Fuck that US shit! We gonnah have tah change that mess!"! 

Thah fuck's done happened tah US Sonshines?!

Thee Holy fuckin sorry ass fuck done happened tah


Our Father's speed!...

Joe "Pedo" Biden and Kamala "MTF" Harris Sign With Hollywood Talent Agency "CAA"?! - Multiple Platforms' Headlines

 Thee Holy fuck!

Now, check it?

CIA runs fuckin commie propaganda Hollywood!

Now, in these new contracts, in evil fine print and shit, this contract now signed, gives thah agency thah right to use your sorry ass 

"Likeness!"! Ergo,

Holograms and/or


Our Father's speed!

US Shall End In Blood Because of FED Commie Anti-Americans!

 These sorry ass evil degenerate lazy FED Commie muh fuckahs done lost their ever-loving God damned demented rabid ass minds and shit!

Done been, fucked


Them evil FED Commie minions don't give one solid US fuck about US! 

Not fuckin one!

And they havin thah muh fuckin nerves showin US for all of US tah witnUSs!

And throughout all this FED Commie adsurdity!

Not one of those FED Commie Anti-American sorry ass degenerate muh fuckahs, have yet, tah 



"What about US!? The American people!"!



Them evil commies say,

"What about the American people!"

While they 

Hate and fuck 



Our Father's speed!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

US "COVID" Lock-Down Fucked Over US YOUths! And Ecclesiastes 12:1

 Talkin bout payin every God damned muh fuckin YOUth undah 22years of age and shit for fuckin US Life! God damnit!

These YOUng muh fuckUS gots some psyop COVID Lock-Down fo four years PTSD shit for US's sorry broke assUS! US fucked these YOUng muh fuckUS ovah! Don't give ah fuck! US old muh fuckUS are some sorry selfish muh fuckUS! This time US willingly gave US consent tah violate US YOUths! Welcomin this evil FED Commie Vampirical lead US country!

Them pitiful YOUng muh fuckUS still tryin tah process that ovah four years and countin Global psychological bullshit! And bein forced-fed socially DEI, BLM, US allowin grown ass men and women makin boys intah girls and girls intah boys... that sprung its evil head durin and subsequent tah thah US lock-downs! Couldn't freely interact with their friends for four fuckin years! Couldn't go tah thah movies, go out to eat, go to the store...fuck it! Go outside their God damned home without ah muh fuckin mask! 

While masking

US beauty!

Masking now,

US global

Still Sovereign fucked-up


And US old knowin bettah sorry broke ass muh fuckUS,

Still ain't protectin 



YOUths from this

Global, but most importantly, from this abhorrent diabolical brilliant

US evil!

And US old muh fuckUS gots thah nerves tah honestly let come out of US's non-protectin US's beautiful YOUths sorry ass mouths,

"What's wrong with these YOUng people?!"

Thah fuck?!

Thah fuck yo sorry clueless ass been thah last four fuckin years some change and shit?!

CaUSe my old Black broke sorry ass is almost three score and shit,

And I'm still in 

Disbelief and


And I can't even begin tah imagine what thah fuck





Are goin thah fuck through


Thah fuck! 

Give'em ah God damn shameful break for fuck's sake and back thah fuck 



Our Father's speed

"Top 10 Countries Americans Want To Move To From The US - TravelNoire" II

 There's fifty fuckin states in this US bitch!

With all of their fifty different vagarioUS, whimsical, unique...characteristics and shit!...

And yo stank sorry broke muh fuckin assUS tryin tah tell an old niggah,

Not one out of 

Fifty God damnit?!

Yo sorry about tah be 

Ex-Pat assUS haven't felt

American in not


And US gots thah muh fuckin fucked-up problem?! 



Yo ass gots thah muh fuckin American problem

Not thah fuck


I mean, shit!



You anti-American fuckin whores!

Our Father's speed

"Top 10 Countries Americans Want To Move To From The US - TravelNoire"

 I mean, shit!

Let's noodle this shit for ah sec' shall US?!

Stupid Country Moving to number One!

Stupid Country Moving to number two!...

And finally

Stupid Country Moving to number 10!

Just suggestin some US RighteoUS shit!

Anyplace othah than this



Bastion of 

Sovereignty and


I mean, shit!

Go head with yo ex-US stupid broke assUS!

CaUSe yo sorry broke supersilly muh fuckin assUS show nuff movin tah just plain old

Global World



Get thah fuck 

Out of



And of course,

Our Father's speed!

Why The Fuck Are Any of US Even Fuckin Irritated?!

 US did this ill ass fucked-up shit tah US God damned selves!

Blame them evil muh fuckahs all US broke ass muh fuckin assUS wants God damnit!

But them sorry ass evil nasty ass FED Commie degenerates ain't called,

Evil for



I mean, shit!

Thah fuck's done happened tah US Sonshines?!

Our Father's speed!

'Pac = Kendrick Lamar. But Lamar Still's A WitnUSs! For Now...II

 Them evil degenerates are good at flippin 

RighteoUS for a caUSe rappin muh fuckUS!

Once, denied!

I mean, shit!

Yo denyin sorry artistic Rapper supersillyass gots tah 


Our Father's speed!...

'Pac = Kendrick Lamar. But Lamar Still's A WitnUSs! For Now...

my old Black sorry broke ass niggah ain't seen some RighteoUS Black rah-rah shit like this since

my old Black ass was watchin Lamar's "They Ain't Like Us" video! And seein all those US beautiful niggUS in unison sayin with passion, "Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! Run for your life! Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! Run for your life!"

And US show thah fuck knows what it takes for

US niggUS tah get motivated about ah God damned thing! And these Black ass muh fuckUS in unison, lookin happier than an absurd muh fuckah!

I mean, shit!

'Pac had that same bringin togethah niggah quality of 

US Black



'Pac went out on thah darkside tyin tah seek thah evil elite degenerates

All mighty dollUS fucked-up

Nothingness of


Cause that 'Pac niggah 


Our Father's speed!...

It Shall All Come To Be Of US Past His-Story And US ill Broke Ass Roaches

 I mean, shit!

No mattah what these evil FED Commie degenerates do tah US!

US's like 

Roaches and shit!

Still thah fuck here!

No mattah how many of US their sorry worthless asses

Murder and shit!

US broke ass muh fuckUS still


But, on thah real!

US needs tah stop

Scurring when

Our Father's light shines




Our Father's speed!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

US Tex Dem Ho's of Rep "Pimp" Al Green

 What thee Holy fuck is an old niggah witnUSsin and shit?!

Ain't US muh fuckin niggUS learned shit?!

Anothah close tah ah FED Commie octogenarian sorry ass muh fuckah ain't about shit!

Close tah eighty years old colorin his muh fuckin hair and gots thah fuckin nerves tah have ah muh fuckin ponytail God damnit! Shit US not! Lookin like ah straight up nigger-pimp!

Shame before Our Father lookin like an old

Fuckin gorilla and shit!

Go sit yo no-count happy ass down someplace evil FED Commie


Thah fuck's wrong with US?

Our Father's speed!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

"Mundeke - Afrigo Band"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Flyin ovah this FED Commie shitshow with no

US fuckin

Problems whatsoevah!

And don't know what thah fuck them niggahs singin and shit!



But I would deduce with my old Black ass,

It's some

Happy ass RighteoUS Human shit!

If not?!



That joint be jammin!

Our Father's speed!

"Sunset Road - Bela Fleck and The Flecktones"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

US bettah start recognizin!?

Some twenty-five years latah and shit?!

Feel this




Our Father's speed!


 Our Father's speed!

Them evil Elite FED Commie Minions Don't Give One US Fuck About US! And "Just Say, No"!

 I take a toke!

Poke and


US folks!

Oh, US never 


We hit that shit!

Hard in this 








Dope! Then

Lose all

Sovereign US



Our Father's speed 


Constant Human Perpetual Currents Quelled. Until...

 my old Black broke sorry ass feels thah



Current poppin off of the




Don't US worry at thah fuck all Sonshines!


Human muh fuckin

Our Father's 



Attenuators have nevah





Our Father's speed!





Our Father's speed!

Literal Literately!!!

 Oft times like anything else, my old Black sorry broke ass needs some inspiration tah write some shit!

Sometimes its brainstorming! Sometimes its headlines!...but most often!

I write most shit by interactin with


Beautiful muh fuckUS!

Thah pricelUSs fuckin stories ah normal broke ass old/young ass muh fuckUS can tell an old broke niggah, that gots tah time tah fuckin listen, ah muh fuckin story! And I try my fuckin old ass Black broke ass damndest! Tah literally,

Capture that pricelUSs moment in thah written prose!

And hopefully it reads as funny or as fuckin serioUS as my old mind visualizes and writes thah shit!

I hope!

Our Father's speed!

Beautiful Ants That Shall Die! II

 And them some bad ass muh fuckUS, for real!

Don't even have blood and shit, states got some shit called

Hemolyph?! Thah fuck?!

Stomp on one those irritatin as fuck muh fuckUS get this clear-like shit spreadin ah lil bit!

I mean, shit! These muh fuckahs be travelin like a hundred miles an ant day and shit, barely any water or food tah think of ?! Ain't stoppin for shit until those invisible phermones tell US ant soldiers,

"This is the spot!"!

Fuckin fascinatin!

They like US and shit,

Beautiful, ugly and needed muh fuckUS all thah fucked-up same!

Our Father's speed!

Trudeau "Canada retaliates after Trump confirms 25pc tariffs - The Telegraph"

 And on "Mardi Gras" even,

Wasted fuckin beer again!

Still laughin at this absurd Commie headline!

Get thah fuck out of here with that nonsense!

"Canada, Trudeau and retaliates" ain't got no business in thah same muh fuckin sentence! Let alone ah muh fuckin commie fucked-up propagandists' minion headline and shit!

I mean, shit!

And what thah fuck is an old ass broke still laughin US niggah missin and shit?!

"Bitcoin"? Get US's USDs And Jet!

 "Oh Bitcoin is through the roof! I told you to get in on it!"

I undahstand!

But muh fuckUS nevah thah fuck undahstand some US FED Commie shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs want US tah put every last muh fuckin US about ready tah be ghosted

Penny in that sorry ass shit!

And them degenerates know US! Done did studies and shit! They've conditioned US tah be just like them lazy ass muh fuckahs!

Ergo, them rich evil FED Commie imbeciles know US is greedy just like they've conditioned US tah be and shit!

So US ain't undahstandin this is thah time tah get yo USDs out that Bitcoin evil shit!

CaUSe tis nigh,

A "Russian" Cyber Attack is show thah fuck tah come! Then them evil brilliant nasty ass muh fuckahs shall say,

"Thank you!" for thah first fuckin time in their entire sorry ass evil slothful lives!

I mean, shit!

Get yo shit thah fuck


Before them evil muh fuckahs got thah time tah steal yo hardworkin shit!!!

Our Father's speed!

US SHHS "RFK Jr. Does 180 On Vaccines - Multiple Platforms' Headline"



Shit, that's what's called great US

Diplomacy God damnit!

I mean, shit!

Talk all thah shit yo ass wants outside that FED Commie shit! But once yo stank ass gots thah nerves tah get inside?! Now, that shit is ah whole nothah US thang!

Yeah, on thah outside thah muh fuckah said some shit like, "I'd ban all vaccines!"

Now, on thah inside thah muh fuckah be like, "A vaccine is a personal choice. If a person doesn't want to take a vaccine they should not have to. We're Americans. We have choice. I'm not saying people shouldn't take vaccines, I'm not saying that at all. But what I am saying is that it's a personal choice."

See what I mean?

"Fuck no!"

I undahstand! But check it?!

Remember when these muh fuckUS back in thah day, smokin like ah muh fuckah! Shit there wasn't ah warnin tah be seen on thah muh fuckin pack! Then they "researched" and found out squares were killin US muh fuckUS! Them evil muh fuckahs didn't banned 'em or stop makin 'em!



Those FED Commies made it a law tah put warnings on them shits and slapped ah warnin label on all packs of cigarettes and kept that lucrative unhealthy shit movin! Smoke now with yo broke assUS, y'alls sorry assUS have been evil FED Commie duly "Warned"!

Same thing US SHHS RFK Jr. tryin tah do diplomatically and shit!

Vaccines are like cirgarrettes, we evil FED Commie muh fuckahs been knowin them ill shits are killin y'all broke ass muh fuckUS! 

So yo broke assUS can at least have thah malice aforethought of thah innumeroUS vaccines deaths and injuries because yo broke assUS get some shit injected!

Same fuckin thing!

But, I mean, shit!

At least IN US, US broke assUS have tah be 21 tah buy ah pack of squares!

These God damned fucked up lethal vaccines have no muh fuckin




Now, that's fucked up!

Our Father's speed!

Monday, March 3, 2025


 Our Father's speed!

Beautiful Ants That Shall Die!

 Them muh fuckUS!

God damn!

Got an ant in yo 

Home lookin for some shit!?

Kill that sorry evil some bitch!

That muh fuckUS' recognizance!

And that muh fuckah once reportin back at that 


Ant shit!

Shall be back with numeroUS


Now, spray around and in your US

Abode with some

"Ortho - Home Defense" type of shit!

CaUSe if US don't!?

Them troublesome, pain in thah US ass muh fuckUS'...



Return with many brothers and sisters for thah muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!

Ukraine: The Axis of Global Evil

 Who thah fuck would think it is ah country on thah same size as



What thah fuck is in that sorry ass evil muh fuckah that 

US done given ovah

Three-hundred and half

Billion USDs and fucked-up


Thah fuck done went wrong with US


And what thee Holy fuck is an old niggah missin and shit?!

Our Father's speed!

"Stocks Plummet After Trump Confirms Mexico, Canada Tariffs to Go Forward - Newsweek"

 Holy shit! I bettah pull alls my money out thah muh fuckin stock market!

I mean, shit!

US are fuckin broke ass muh fuckUS!

US ain't losin ah God damned thang!

Ever, with US's broke muh fuckin assUS!

It's what thah fuckin market will bear!

If US wants tah pay twelve USDs for a carton of fuckin


Than thah market ain't 

Beared fuckin



So, fuck it!

Raise that shit tah

Twenty USDs and let US FED Commie sorry ass muh fuckahs see what's 



Our Father's speed!

The Global World In US Real Time Movie's Unexpected Twisted End!

It ain't lookin too good for these evil FED Commie muh fuckahs!


No! And with all that God damned money!? Fuckin imbeciles! 

Look at this fucked up

US FED Commie shitshow


Got broke muh fuckUS talkin ill of

President Trump and shit, and thah muh fuckah been in office less than two months and shit!?

I mean, shit!

US put up with Biden's worthlUSs, Alzheimer's, pedo...sorry ass for four fuckin years and shit!

Lettin every God damned non-American in this


God damn!

my old Black sorry broke ass ain't sayin that this WW3 shit ain't gonnah go down!

But, I mean, shit!

If US is ah broke muh fuckah like me?!

Shut thah US fuck up!

Grab your homemade 

Popcorn!  Your

Drink of choice!

Kick back!

And let's enjoy thah evil

FED Commie fucked-up 


Fuck walkin out this complicated, don't make no sense, made for public consumption sorry ass them evil muh fuckahs been force-feedin movie!



BecaUSe this Global World shitshow,

Shall have 


Hell of an

Interestin as fuck


And an old niggah,

Can't wait!

That's if Our Father allows me tah witnUSs that proper US RighteoUS Reckoning ending shit!?

Our Father's speed!

A RighteoUS US Reckoning Cometh Nigh!

 So, these evil degenerates think, like in thah good ol-days past!

Start anothah fuckin 

World War!

Traumatize thah fuck out of


Then, business as evilly fucked-up 

USual! Epstein, MLK, JFK...and all thah othah Godforsaken ugly US shit! Gone! 


History now 

Erased God damnit!



Thah difference now, than back in thah good-ol-Commie-days!

They're sorry evil asses could kind of control some shit!

But not, now!

That's why we don't witnUSs them ill muh fuckahs out and about and shit!

Them sorry degenerates know what thah fuck US be inhalin out here in this tainted



That's why most of these evil FED Commie muh fuckahs are all pasty white and shit!

Because they're an


US fucked-up 

Breed (should be euthanized) fuckin


And that shit shall be

Reckoned with


Just an old crippled broke niggUS' gut tellin me some shit!

Our Father's speed!

The evil FED Commies Will Never Tell On Another Brother or Transgendered Brother!

 US can all envision where this US FED Commie fucked-up shitshow is goin!

I mean, shit!

Ain't no fuckin way US can get out of this


WW3 shit!



Them evil degenerates would rathah kill a hundred million of US and more, tah evah let that

Epstein, JFK, MLK...and whatevah othah ill shit these evil FED Commies done did and covered it up! Anyway...

In ah fuckin war than tah evah let 

US witnUSs thah real

Truth about that ill deplorable, nasty ass evil FED Commie fuckin shit!

Our Father's speed!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

October 31st





"Hallowed be thy 


It only takes 

One fuckin sorry ass evil


Tah thah fucked-up ovah and othah 


Tah start an evil muh fuckin propagandists" minion


FED Commie


Our Father's speed!

Unwavering RighteoUSnUSs! And MelFar!

I'm thah last of twelve, eleven boys and one girl! Becomin thah 'Singleton"

Last of thah Hopson Human 

Factory and shit, like Ponitac tah

GM and shit! 

Anyway... I'm an Uncle tah this one

Niece that is real


Real fuckin sweet!

She ain't ever going to try to hurt or intentionally hurt not 

One of 


"Our Father will get ' im!"! She's avowed and shit!

In thah past! I would kind of looked at her when she said some RighteoUS shit tah me like that and be like,

"Are you serious?!"! And her RighteoUS ass hadn't blinked one fuckin time, God damnit! Up until this very Our Father's Day!



I mean, shit!

I don't know how else tah convey about US muh fuckUS meek and

Gentile oft times 







Characteristics of

Human Souls

RighteoUS shit!

But Niecy 

Honestly and 


Believes in



Walks thah muh fuckin walk! 


Talks thah muh fuckin talk!

God damnit! And an old broke ass nigggah 


And I smile like ah muh fuckah about that Beautiful, "Right-On" type of US broke muh fuckin shit! I mean I got ovah thirty nieces and shit! But she's thah only one that has always sent me ah text, email...that said, "I remember you! And I'm a witness to you! And you can help me figure this ill fucked-up shit, out!"!...Anyway...

my old Black sorry broke ass smiles at the texts, the videos and vlogs...about this osteoarthritic shit my old Black ass goin through! I honestly smile at that shit! I'd emailed her some shit I was goin through and my lyin COVID vaccine shit! Took one time Johnson & Johnson and shit! What could it hurt?! I mean, shit! Been excrutiatin painful more than three years injection ever since! Anyway...

Because given who I've witnUSsed her to



Given her selfish, my Brother, her

Father and




She shall always be ah




WitnUSs tah this fucked-up




And my old Black ass shall read, watch, listen to...whatevah 

Thee Holy fuck her

RighteoUS ass decides tah 

Hip an old broke niggah in excrutiating pain, about tah die, old ass muh fuckin...ass shall befall in front of me to old ass 



Thank you,


Our Father's speed


Straight Organic Evil?! Even Them Evil Muh Fuckahs Can't Control This Otherwordly Evil AI Shit!

 I mean, shit!

Its' like in thah computer


Programmed shit!

Backdoors are ah fuckin 


I mean, shit!


Can't survive 

Without takin ah 

Proper fuckin



Our Father's speed!

Even Limitless Evil Has It's Evil Limits!

 I mean, shit!

No mattah how evil them sorry degenerates are and shit!

Even them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs want some fuckin 



It ain't all about

Luciferian fucked-up 

Sinister Law 

God damnit!



Or, what thah fuck would 




Our Father's speed!

evil Advertisers on US Broke Muh FuckUS' Blogs, Vlogs...And The US Like?!

 I mean, shit!

Ain't that thah reason US

RighteoUS are all up in arms about thah 

Mainstream US media and shit?!

Them evil propagandists' FED Commie minions

Get paid in advertisin USDs for


US ah certain way and shit!?

Now you got these lil muh fuckUS doin their own thang and shit talkin that same old evil shit,

"Now, a word from our sponsors!"!

Y'all broke muh fuckUS' talkin bout, 

Advertisers! Muh fuckUS!

Ergo, yo individual US sorry assUSses have been majorly Commie


And what is an old ass broke non-monetized and non-advertised crazy writin niggah missin and shit?!

Our Father's speed!

Matthew 6:24 KJV. And 'Dual Citzenship' Shall Forever Be, US Banned and US Damned!


US President Trump

Executive Order 

That needs tah be muh fuckin

Signed and fuckin 


ExpeditioUSly and shit!




Pick ah muh fuckin

Side God damnit!

And if it ain't


Thah fuck?!

Send them sorry 

Anti-American bum ass muh fuckahs back thah fuck


Our Father's speed!

Saturday, March 1, 2025


Them evil propagandists' FED Commie minions talkin bout

WW3 and shit?!

CaUSe that 



Child nasty ass

Molestation muh fuckin shit, has tah be

Smoke screened


Our Father's speed!

Vo' Z, President Trump and Soon To Be evil Ass Conjured WW3!

 President Trump said,

"World War Three"

Three fuckin times tah thah 

Ukainian fuckin bum!

I mean, shit!

WW3 it shall US be God damnit!

Aftah this US ill evil shit goes down my dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Let's all meet up and  have coffee and beignets at 

"Cafe du Monde" in

N'Awlins and shit?!

Saturday, 06June2026 @




See US there!


Be fuckin 



Our Father's speed!

FTM Arnold Alois Schwarznegger

US FED Commie salient marketing point:

"More Male than Female! Is our evil motto!"

Our Father's speed!

Fecal Global Matter, Does Not US Matter! IV

The "US Anti-American" 

Executive Order!

In so much, as yo ungrateful US livin sorry broke migrant asses says one God damned thing against US? Caught doin one US protest? Posting anything negative on Social Media?...You shall receive a visit from US ICE agents to facilitate this new "Organic" 

US Non-Global Sovereign agenda!

Heretofore was US sovereigned fucked! 

So fuck yo ungrateful foreign non-US sorry asses!

ObvioUSly, you don't like it here! So you shall forever be not welcomed ever again, 



So, I mean, shit!

"Let's get your sorry broke ungrateful ass back! Where you still call,



Our Father's speed!

The Sorry Ass Wizard of Ukrainian Conjured Vo' Z!

 Zelensky is ah beggin bum!

S'posed tah be an actor and shit!

Got videos of his sorry evil propagandists' minion ass dancin all gay and shit!

But thah damndest muh fuckin thing is happenin and shit!

Actin like ah Ukainian President?!



Can't act for shit!

That muh fuckah was cast in thah 

Wrong muh fuckin

Global World fucked-up


OA And Close To Three-Score

 Every muh fuckin day my old Black sorry broke ass wakes up tah pain! Not complainin, jUSt writin some shit!

While I try tah go tah sleep, I  pray thah Lord's Prayer!

And in thah back of my tired old  mind I'm like,

"And please let me wake up pain free?" Amen!

Some three years and some change countin days latah,

That pain still kickin an old niggah's broke ass!

Again, ain't complainin! Just writin some ill ass shit!

Our Father's speed!