Sunday, December 3, 2023

Zombie Apocalypse And H.R. 8791.

 How do you murder over 3 billion people and get away with it?!

Shit those Georgia Guidestones (Now destroyed) avowed one of those edicts:

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

Shit US thinks some random artsy homeless type of muh fuckah erected them shits!?

"But with a Zombie Apocalypse!? Niggah please!?"

I undahstand my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs ! I really do! But thah shit's out there for now for US tah arm US! And oft times that shit ain't speakin of no damn rifles and pistols and shit! Anyway...

Them evil muh fuckahs bout gettin their evil shit done by any ill planned event necessary!


While US still waitin for them evil muh fuckahs tah finish what they've been



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