Saturday, December 2, 2023

"Shulamit Aloni, Former Israeli Cabinet Member. Winner of 2000 Israel Prize"

Them ZJs been tellin US what they think of US! They don't give ah fuck about US

Goy! Check it?! Here's jUSt what one of them knows and is willing to share, freely:

"Anti-Semitic? It's a trick, we always use it. When, from Europe, if someone is criticizing Israel, we bring up the Holocaust. When, in this country (USA), people are criticizing Israel then, 'they are anti-Semitic'..." (Shulamit Aloni, Former Israeli Cabinet Member. Winner of 2000 Israel Prize"

Thee Holy fuck!

They got US worried about US niggUS!

God damn!

Please! Muh fuckahs!

And muh fuckUS think these evil ZJs lookin out for


I'm ah muh fuckin niggah! US niggUS ain't no threat at all tah this US! But them evil muh fuckahs! Them evil muh fuckahs bout ready tah take ovah permanently! 'But, our evil asses gots tah get these numbers of Goys at least manageable! Murdering by any means necessary, for maintenance sake."

'Say no to Jewish hate'?! Kindah fucked up marketing campaign that shit is? So muh fuckUS can talk and write about NiggUS, Honkies, Spics, Wetbacks, Gumbaughs, Coons, Goons... muh fuckUS...but yo ass bettah not call ah ZJ ah muh fuckin 



And I can see all through their evil propagandists' bullshit! And I'm ah quasi-learned niggah and shit!

Fuck wrong with 



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