Saturday, December 2, 2023

Pharmaceuticals Instant Deadly Relief

 Been researchin about supplements and shit for ah long muh fuckin time now!

Tell muh fuckahs that you love and thah people you converse with some shit!

They ain't havin it! Try thah shit yo ass done suggested from reasearchin some shit, and aftah three days them muh fuckahs wannah say, "I'm going back to metformin. This Berberine and Barberry Bark ain't workin!"


US wants instant results from some shit! 

Natural shit ain't like that pharmaceutical bullshit!

Natural shit introduces thah shit naturally intah US! 

Takes maybe two tah six weeks sometimes to see the effects! 

But shit...US ain't got time for that natural shit!

Fuck it!

US chooses time and time again, muh fuckin sorry ass evil thieving...,



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