Friday, December 1, 2023

At The End Junction of Alcohol Road II

 I remembah ah Respiratory Therapist told me one time during just one of our many conversations. I used to work night shifts at Riley Childrens Hospital as a Unit Secretary on Peds ICU North and South! Anyway...

Well, I liked to drink back then too!  And he did too! So he said, 

"Listen I'm kind of embarrassed to be telling you this. But I feel the reason to tell you. Well this past weekend my wife and I went out for food and drinks. We were driving home from Hamilton County to Marion County. And we were pulled over just before we entered Marion County. Well, I knew I was probably over the legal limit. Well I'd had four Jack and Cokes for God sakes! Well, I put the penny in my mouth. And started hyperventilating! My wife says, "What's wrong?" I say to her don't say any of this to the officer! You hear me? She said, "Yes." So I continue to hyperventilate to get rid of the alchohol in my lungs! They breathalyzed me Meredith! Nothing! I kid you not man! Kid you not! I told my wife then. We will always have food and drinks in Marion county!"

And he also informed me, "Never let the law enforcement official see you hyperventilating!". And, "That you have to have the breathlyzer within twenty minutes. Twenty-five minutes at the most. Or the alcohol starts building up into your lungs again. Which means, failed test."

I'm glad tah tell yah!

Thah shit works!

And I ain't fucked up like that ill ass shit since!

Good lookin out


Our Father's speed!...


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