Tuesday, December 5, 2023

US Sacred Writings

 Writing on thah fly is rough! I mean yo ass gets through with thah muh fuckin thought when those hands say, 

"That about says it all!"!




"The Voight-Kampf Test - Philip K Dick"

 And every-muh-fuckin-one of


Needs one of those

Muh fuckahs!...


Rap Flows US

I listen tah  some shit! Thah muh fuckin music can stay thah muh fuckin same but thah rappers' cadence has slowed, sped up and or changed thah muh fuckin direction! Why? Cause thah vision has changed! Thah muh fuckin speaker has changed! And, ah brave new world order God damnit!

But thah muh fuckin beat ain't evah muh fuckin



"Po' Folks (with Anthony Hamilton) - Nappy Roots"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

That niggah says at thah  beginnin of thah muh fuckin video

"I love you Kentucky!"

God damned straight!

Quit fuckin complainin!

US muh fuckin


God damn!

US knows this my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!


US goin tah be jUSt fine

Sonshines! (Smile)...



 Fighting furiously with words?

Absurdity in those same words!

Unheard 's


Duplicity of

Times cyclical





"Five Minutes of Funk - Whodini" II

 Less than, "Two 'hours'




 So I have this nephew. We Used tah hang out a lot. Shit! Anyway....

Well Dee USed tah work at 'Chrysler' and shit!

He didn't have any problem with money really!

Kind of fucked it up like most of thah rest of thah

"UAW" muh fuckahs! But, fuck it!

But shit! Every-muh-fuckin-body got ah muh fuckin story! Anyway...

Thah muh fuckah was ah muh fuckin stickler at washin thah muh fuckin new clothes yo broke ass jUSt bought!

"Unc?! Yo ass ain't goin tah wash that shit before you put that cloth next to your body and shit? I mean, all of those toxic dyes and whatnot?!"

'Dee! Niggah!' Yo ass smokes Crack! Smoke cigarettes! Drinks copious amount of alcohol! And take pills!...Come ohn now? Give yo unc ah muh fuckin break!?'...


A Blank Slate

 He looked into the future!







"Oh, It's Going To Be A Bright 'Sonshiny' Day - Johnnie Nash"

 Muh fuckUS think for some God damned reason, US don't have tah labor tah give back tah this beautiful muh fuckin 


God damn!

Do US not undah-muh-fuckin-stand thah population control if muh fuckUS were made tah labor, (Oh, not work God damnit! Work is ah fucked up word! Labor makes ah muh fuckah undastand some shit! Anyway...), in this US beautiful Eden, like every-God-damned-one of



Our Father!!!...


Desert Urban Areas (DUAs)

 Thee Holy fuck yo Black, White, Brown...and whatevah thah Holy fuck?! What thah fuck my theft ridden business ownin sorry ass s'pose tah do God damnit!?


Ah niggah can only take too many muh fuckin 


Until that muh fuckah gottah throw in thah muh fuckin stank ass 

USed up



Big City High Schools

 Close tah four thousand muh fuckin students or more?!

That's ah muh fuckin 

City God damnit!

And they don't even have ah

Hospital, town hall, "McDonald's" or ah "7/11"... in that muh fuckah!?...


"Five Minutes of Funk - Whodini"

 "Less than three 'hours'




 In 'Mickey Dee's" 

French fries!?

Who fuckin knew!

No wondah why I stopped eatin those muh fuckahs about five months back!..


Alas; There is Always a Beginning to End to Become Another Beginning

 I walked down this muh fuckah with ah pure of heart!

Shit! Fuck it!

I will start writin and stand naked in judgement in 

Our Father's firmament!

Gettin back tah thah 

Eden which US are in dire need of once again! It'll come. Anyway...

I started writin shit in this muh fuckah! Didn't mean any harm. I mean shit! How thah fuck ah muh fuckah gonna mean any God damned harm and ah niggah ain't got penny one from this muh fuckah!

"So why did you do it then?"

Shit, for shittin! This shit was my mental laxative! Put those thoughts in words?! Bam! Works every muh fuckin time! Aftahwards I didn't even have tah wipe God damnit! Now that's some ill ass shit! Anyway...

Getin all this toxic bullshit out that I've read, I've seen, I've heard...I feel! And that's what matters aftah thah shit is all said and done!

I mean, is my House in order in this disorderly muh fuckah?!

Shit, let's get some shit out then God damnit!

But not to my damn self! No niggah! That ain't thah way this shit works! No more hidin muh fuckah! When is you goin tah start diggin niggah!?

I started thah shit when I was 39 years old. I'm now 57.


Come find me?

And we'll ping once again with literal telepathy. 



Says, Who?

 Sometimes shit ain't worth it!

Muh fuckUS tryin tah make points and shit!

Ain't no muh fuckin point when it's somebody God damned else's shit!

So this Ol muh fuckah, like me, was tellin me today how he walks two tah three miles ah day except on Saturday and Sunday some shit!

I'm thinkin whatevah thah fuck muh fuckah! Go head with your ol ass! Big ups!

Then he asked, "Do you walk?"

'Everyday, all the time!'

"You know what I mean. You know to keep your health up? After you get like our age we have to start exercising and takin care of ourselves. You know what I mean?"

'I understand.'...


Monday, December 4, 2023

Thy Covets Tribalism?! Shit...Real Tribalism Ye Shall Have!

 "Well what do you have against the Jews?!"

Not ah God damned thing!

I mean, we are talkin about the

Real Jews!? The Beta-Ethiopian Jews!?

Zionist Jews?!

Oh, that's thah wrong muh fuckin



Make Every Bullet Count! Unless...Shit...US Got It Like That?

 Muh fuckahs kickin in doors of 

US homeowners and shit!

Y'all sorry muh fuckahs picked thah right ones

God damnit!

Every muh fuckin American home should have at least two pistols and two shotguns!

Oiled, armed and at thah muh fuckin ready!

Along with six ballpeen hammers at thah muh fuckin ready! Anyway...




Is ah sacred muh fuckah!

US sorry broke ass 



From this tirelessly, laborioUS, monotonoUS...


And yo sorry broke ass ain't workin?!

Hustlin and robbin and yo sorry ass has thah nerves tah wake my ass up, that gots tah get up at five- fuckin-thirty in thah muh fuckin mornin!? And y'alls sorry worthless assUS tryin tah kick down ah niggahs sacred muh fuckin door at 3:30 in thah muh fuckin mornin?! 

And thah muh fuckahs bettah hope I get to those muh fuckahs first!

CaUSe my wife would cock those shits, and start firin!

But me! Fuck that shit! Have US witnessed thah muh fuckin price of 

Ammo!? God damn!

She ain't evah worried about price!

Shit, my ol broke Black sorry ass does! 

Now I'm gonnah cap ah muh fuckah or two, or three...

Or maybe...shit...it'll be me?! Fuck noooooo! Y'all sorry assUS are as wrong as two left shoes God damnit!

But shit!

I ain't wastin no precioUS ammo on these degenerates!

Fuck that shit!

Let me target and kill without the




 2 Shots Tequila

5oz "Clamato" juice

1teaspoon Tajin

2 tablespoons lime juice

1 tablespoon olive brine

Stirred, not shaken 

Pour into favorite

Tulip glass

Garnish with olives and/or gherkins



"Reed Ryan dead at 22" DL, SR, UMD

 Cardiac arrest?!

Had previous heart conditions?!

Playin DL in Division II?!



Our Father's speed!...


"David Caruso Photographed After Leaving Acting More Than Ten Years Ago! - Fox news"

 God damn


Yo ass can't come out durin thah muh fuckin


God damnit!

Still laugin at that ugly evil ass muh fuckah!...


'The US Suicide Show' @ September 2024 II

 It took maybe three days. He, as usual, working from home. An email message ping popped up.

He clicked on it.

"We have received your impressive work life experiences. From all of us, we thank you! But we just need a little bit more information to make our determination. If you would be so kind to send us a complete bio we would appreciate it ever so much. Email us with any questions you may have. If you need to contact US by phone: (333-666-3636). Looking forward to reading the information once you have emailed it to us.


'The US Suicide Show'"

He already had a bio that he had written some six months back. 



Back to work,...

Getting Older. If US Is Lucky Enough?

 Shit muh fuckUS always thinkin they goin tah be young





Shit! my old Black ass was there too God damnit!

I mean, thah only way I thought I could die was by my own hands, suicide!

I didn't foresee this shit ovah ah week when I was young!

Hear oldah muh fuckahs talkin about vacations and shit ah year or two out, didn't make no bit of sense tah my muh fuckin sorry young ass! Shit, I was on thah move God damnit! Had places tah go and people tah see God damnit! Slept maybe four tah five hours at thah most and shit! And these old ass muh fuckahs talkin bout some shit ah year and some shit in thah muh fuckin future!

Fuck thah future! I said tah my youthful self!


Shit, how did Ol 'Mister Fusco say in "Saturday Night Fever"'? 

"No Tony! You can't fuck the future! The future fucks, you!"

And again,



The Pit or The Peach?!

 Why thah Holy fuck would Our Father want US aftah sixty years of muh fuckin sinnin?!

Doin every-God-damned-thing tah fuck up and sin?!

Then US old assUS wants tah shout from tha sorry ass evil dais,

"I've found God!"

Why thah fuck would 

Our Father

Want ah muh fuckin

Pit of ah sorry, old ass,

Rotted and degraded 



US Censorship? What Thee Holy Fuck Has Happened to US!!!???

 "We The People..." 

My old Black sorry old ass wrinkly nuts!


"We The evil muh fuckin elite People..."

 Now US gettin closah tah reality!


These evil muh fuckahs watchin


And shit, muh fuckin




One More day Until, La Fin

Tuesday, 05December2023 @ 23:59 my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! 




Then sadly...

I'm ghost!...


Sunday, December 3, 2023

'The US Suicide Show' @ September 2024

 "Looking for lonely people who want to get out."

So shit.

He sent them his resume....

Organically Human Speaking, of Course.

 Who thah fuck are 



Aftah US asks thah hard ass query!?

Then answer truthfully tah that

RighteoUS shit!

US are muh fuckin



"Back blast area all clear?!"

 It awakened him! The blast! A blast is formed from a bomb. But he knew from after thirty-years in 'munitions, something had excited the bomb. So not set, most assuredly. No, that was a hit! Less than 300 meters away! He thought all of this while he scrambled out of his bed, putting on his clothes, socks and eventual shoes! Something was fucked up!...

"17 Days - Prince"

 Happy ass depressive shit!

But nodding my damn ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass head all thah muh fuckin same!

"Let the rain come down/ The rain come down..."...

Three more days my Dear Sweet Sistahs!

I'll try tah write somethin special before I get ghost on Blogger!

Yeah! That'll be quite solid!...

Our Father's speed!...


Zombie Apocalypse And H.R. 8791.

 How do you murder over 3 billion people and get away with it?!

Shit those Georgia Guidestones (Now destroyed) avowed one of those edicts:

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

Shit US thinks some random artsy homeless type of muh fuckah erected them shits!?

"But with a Zombie Apocalypse!? Niggah please!?"

I undahstand my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs ! I really do! But thah shit's out there for now for US tah arm US! And oft times that shit ain't speakin of no damn rifles and pistols and shit! Anyway...

Them evil muh fuckahs bout gettin their evil shit done by any ill planned event necessary!


While US still waitin for them evil muh fuckahs tah finish what they've been



Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Real US Postal Service

 "You're lying!"

Don' give ah Holy fuck!

Thah shit 's out there for now!

Research thah shit yo muh fuckin damned selves?!

God damn!

Don't doubt me!?

I research thah shit!

I'm jUSt ah lil ol



Who them sorry evil ill ass degenerate muh fuckahs



"The Son - Mind Over Matter 3" Sunday, 25August2024, Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana @ 4:20 AM.


 I want you to know (Now, now now),

I know it's the 


I want you to know (Now, now, now),

I know it's the 


I know it's the 


I know it's the 


"Julianna Margulies" (MTF). Paid ZJ Minion.

 "Well. What we don't understand is, why Black people hate Jews?"


Thah Zionist Jews can't stand ah muh fuckin niggah of any kind! Beta-Ethiopian Jewish people done made them muh fuckahs' salty as fuck! Banned them light-skinned crazy ass muh fuckahs intah the Caucasus Mountains and shit! Them evil bad DNA muh fuckahs escaped?! Now here US all are! Anyway...

Who thah fuck said that shit?! Hate?!

Want tah murder them evil muh fuckahs!?

Uh!..Maybe! But y'all evil muh fuckahs USed tah that prevalent righteoUSly categorized bullshit!...

I mean ol Julianna starving 

His ass off so much tah look like ah muh fuckin female?!

That ill shit done. took its muh fuckin toll God damnit!

Muh fuckah lookin bad and as withered as fuck!

"Skeletor" lookin at that muh fuckah and sayin,

"Ah! My pretty! You sexy male skeleton frail beast! Just my kind!"

He/she is busted as fuck!...


Degrees of Shit!

 "Well niggah yo ass ain't shit eithah!"

Guilty as muh fuckin charged!

But shit, can ah niggah ask jUSt one muh fuckin question?!

"Why! Sure!""

Thank You!


My question is:

"Whats thah definition of "Shit"!? The way yo broke ass USed thah shit so masterfully!?"...


Nigger? Sure! Kike?! Noooooo! III

I mean bringin all these

"Replacement Migration" muh fuckahs ovah here in US and shit! 

Thah United Nations ain't shit!

Nor US!

Cosignin for this ill ass shit!

And what thee Holy fuck, pre-tell! Would ah muh fuckah agree tah come ovah intah this muh fuckah unless them sorry ass broke muh fuckahs were our Global problem tah begin with?! And promised some shit!?

Yo ass gonnah get up and leave with yo muh fuckin sorry broke ass and family?!

CaUSe Massah calls!?

For nothing more than caUSin strife in


"I don't believe that for one minute!"


But, this niggah show nuff



"Ron Jeremy, 70 Years Old ZJ" Circa 1990

"I Love the porn industry! When I started. We couldn't wait to fuck those Roman Catholic girls!"...


And who the fuck are,



Nigger? Sure! Kike?! Noooooo! II

 So who thah fuck is really bein hated?!

White, Black, Brown...

Them evil


Don't give ah fuck!

Kicked out of more than 

1,000 or more countries!

Fuckin niggah infused 

Somalia kicked them muh fuckahs out in


 Oh, but it's all the other countries' fault because we are meek


Shit! Them ZJ muh fuckahs are muh fuckin elitist as fuck!

US are all

Goyim tah them evil ZJs!

And Them evil ZJs don't give one solid fuck about



Ye! Them evil muh fuckahs still prosper in




Thah Holy fuck is wrong with



And muh fuckin



"Fresh Haze IPA - Deschutes" 6.5 ABV


This shit ridin 




Enjoy the quick destined juicy muh fuckin



"Sandra Day O'Connor, The First Woman On The Supreme Court, Dies At 93 - USA Today" III

 That was ah niggah! 

Straight up!

So thah first transgendered


MTF muh fuckah





"Sandra Day O'Connor, The First Woman On The Supreme Court, Dies At 93 - USA Today" II

 "The first woman on the supreme court," my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass wrinkly old ass nuts!

When that ass ages as badly as that muh fuckah!

Yo muh fuckin ass was sho nuff not ah muh fuckin

US biological




There has never been an US biological 

Human female on thah muh fuckin




Thee Holy fuck is wrong with



Pharmaceuticals Instant Deadly Relief

 Been researchin about supplements and shit for ah long muh fuckin time now!

Tell muh fuckahs that you love and thah people you converse with some shit!

They ain't havin it! Try thah shit yo ass done suggested from reasearchin some shit, and aftah three days them muh fuckahs wannah say, "I'm going back to metformin. This Berberine and Barberry Bark ain't workin!"


US wants instant results from some shit! 

Natural shit ain't like that pharmaceutical bullshit!

Natural shit introduces thah shit naturally intah US! 

Takes maybe two tah six weeks sometimes to see the effects! 

But shit...US ain't got time for that natural shit!

Fuck it!

US chooses time and time again, muh fuckin sorry ass evil thieving...,



The Three Day Countdown to The Last Blog Shall Begin!

 I got four more days on this piece!

Will sign on and off for thah last time on Blogger

05December2023 before midnight strikes!

Kind of sad really!

I hate change! Hate thah shit! 

But shit! Things are changin like ah muh fuckah!

"Fast and Furious"! Yah got that right!


After Wednesday, 06December2023?

Hopefully we'll search and find one anothah


I'd like that!!!...


Nigger? Sure! Kike?! Noooooo!

 Shit them evil ZJ movie producers and ZJ studio owners!

Let the muh fuckin word.


Be avowed

110 times in thah sorry ass movie "Django"!


Out of all thah muh fuckin movies the ZJs produce?!

How many times have yah heard thah muh fuckin word


And them muh fuckahs wannah show "historical" movies and shit?!

I mean in "Schindler's List"!

Shouldn't US have heard thah word "Kike" at least

99 times some shit!?

I mean, if thah muh fuckin ZJs are hated that much!?

And durin thah muh fuckin so-called 



Transference of the evil Flow of Unghastly Liquid US Assets

 Like on thah muh fuckin US

Streets hustlin and shit!

The Ukraine got too muh fuckin 


Them sorry ass muh fuckin Israelis said,

"Shit that much money?! Bring that shit on Goys!"

Shit, thah muh fuckin

Ukraine can't get no muh fuckin

Love from





"Shulamit Aloni, Former Israeli Cabinet Member. Winner of 2000 Israel Prize"

Them ZJs been tellin US what they think of US! They don't give ah fuck about US

Goy! Check it?! Here's jUSt what one of them knows and is willing to share, freely:

"Anti-Semitic? It's a trick, we always use it. When, from Europe, if someone is criticizing Israel, we bring up the Holocaust. When, in this country (USA), people are criticizing Israel then, 'they are anti-Semitic'..." (Shulamit Aloni, Former Israeli Cabinet Member. Winner of 2000 Israel Prize"

Thee Holy fuck!

They got US worried about US niggUS!

God damn!

Please! Muh fuckahs!

And muh fuckUS think these evil ZJs lookin out for


I'm ah muh fuckin niggah! US niggUS ain't no threat at all tah this US! But them evil muh fuckahs! Them evil muh fuckahs bout ready tah take ovah permanently! 'But, our evil asses gots tah get these numbers of Goys at least manageable! Murdering by any means necessary, for maintenance sake."

'Say no to Jewish hate'?! Kindah fucked up marketing campaign that shit is? So muh fuckUS can talk and write about NiggUS, Honkies, Spics, Wetbacks, Gumbaughs, Coons, Goons... muh fuckUS...but yo ass bettah not call ah ZJ ah muh fuckin 



And I can see all through their evil propagandists' bullshit! And I'm ah quasi-learned niggah and shit!

Fuck wrong with 



"Tripledemic"?! "Syndemic"?! Uhm! Sorry evil Muh Fuckahs, Please!!!

 Here them evil muh fuckahs again comin intah an election year talkin bout thah God damned


Thee Holy fuck!

Like US don't know what thah fuck they doin and shit!

Makin US all have tah muh fuckin vote not in person, cause y'all evil degenerates want mail in ballots again y'all can...well...cheat! Cause that's what they do! Them sorry evil muh fuckahs are worst than thieves! Shit, they done took thah shit tah anothah level with these vaccines and shit, and become abhorrent serial murderers with US impunity! 


Don't give ah fuck!

If ol Joe makes it tah next November, with his one foot in thah grave and the other foot on ah muh fuckin banana peel, and that sorry ass worthless Luciferian pedo...gets in again!

Just ah dire warnin tah y'all non-thinkin evil muh fuckahs!

Don't fuckin do it!

CaUSe subsequently,

US streets will be dyed


Congealed deep



Friday, December 1, 2023

The Beidens

 Joe ain't fucked  Jill since they were married 

God damnit!

Just tah consummate that sorry ass show!


Cause old ass Joe!

Loves him some 



While Jill says,

"Don't give a fuck! Don't come this way you loathsome mother fucker!"...


"Sandra Day O'Connor, The First Woman On The Supreme Court, Dies At 93 - USA Today"


Now that's more like that evil ass numerological toxic Luciferian muh fuckin bull



"The Sunday After - Bill Evans"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

If I could rollah skate?!

My ol Black ass would have my earbuds in!

Rollin and glidin like ah muh fuckah!...


Atheist? Thee Holy Fuck!?

 Just by ah muh fuckahs recognizin some type of character flaw in their sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

By using thah muh fuckin term,


Yo sorry ass has conformed/confirmed ah religioUS muh fuckin 


With absolutely 



Tah back thah shit up!!!...


"Little Secrets - Steel Standing"

 Yet, anothah free vacay!

I'm on thah islands', 


With my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!


Whatevah thah fuck gets yo muh fuckin tired ass by!?

I mean!

Fuck it!!!

Our Father's speed!...


At The End Junction of Alcohol Road II

 I remembah ah Respiratory Therapist told me one time during just one of our many conversations. I used to work night shifts at Riley Childrens Hospital as a Unit Secretary on Peds ICU North and South! Anyway...

Well, I liked to drink back then too!  And he did too! So he said, 

"Listen I'm kind of embarrassed to be telling you this. But I feel the reason to tell you. Well this past weekend my wife and I went out for food and drinks. We were driving home from Hamilton County to Marion County. And we were pulled over just before we entered Marion County. Well, I knew I was probably over the legal limit. Well I'd had four Jack and Cokes for God sakes! Well, I put the penny in my mouth. And started hyperventilating! My wife says, "What's wrong?" I say to her don't say any of this to the officer! You hear me? She said, "Yes." So I continue to hyperventilate to get rid of the alchohol in my lungs! They breathalyzed me Meredith! Nothing! I kid you not man! Kid you not! I told my wife then. We will always have food and drinks in Marion county!"

And he also informed me, "Never let the law enforcement official see you hyperventilating!". And, "That you have to have the breathlyzer within twenty minutes. Twenty-five minutes at the most. Or the alcohol starts building up into your lungs again. Which means, failed test."

I'm glad tah tell yah!

Thah shit works!

And I ain't fucked up like that ill ass shit since!

Good lookin out


Our Father's speed!...


At The End Junction of Alcohol Road

 Well, if yah goin tah do thah damn thang! 

Do thah damn thang


That's all!

There are some bumps on that same road,

But shit! Aftah awhile my broke Black ass starts havin ah less muh fuckin bumpy road, for some reason I keep travelin!? With all the plethora of othah less bumpy muh fuckahs! Naw! 

This one I know has its 


And when I eventually get tah that muh fuckah!



Ah niggah got tah 

Bust that



Old G, ZJ, MurderoUS... Henry Kissinger Dead at 100! And It's About Time! II

 And US already knows thah evil heartless ZJ muh fuckah died at


Ain't no muh fuckin way they gonnah pass up some evil shit like that evil ZJ Kissinger by reportin,

"Dead at 100"!

Shit that shit ain't evil!

Even number and shit!

Quit fuckin playin! Unless that muh fuckah did some shit for US righteoUS, y'all thought his sorry ass wasn't worthy of thah muh fuckin evil numbahs and shit?! Uh! Noooooo! Anyway...

Shit, US knows, that evil ZJ's last


Died at age


And the real Human Kissinger died at age



All Consuming Human Life

 my old Black ass is here tah witness tah 

You, my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

God damn!


Some shit!

For thah betterment of your child, your children, your family...and whatevah thah fuck?!

Yo sorry broke ass

Gots tah let some ill ass shit

