Monday, November 1, 2021

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. XIII

 ...50 mg is not safe. Your liver will suffer and you will suffer all types of ailments!...


You eva heard of Omeprazole?

20mg since...foreva!

And ya s'posed ta only take that shit fo fourteen days, max!

And all I had ta do is ta take magnesium citrate 100mg in the morning and at night!

Give yo Black sorry ass loose stools. But fuck it!

And cheaper and healthier too!

Butcha see, when ya young,

Yo Black sorry ass don't have time fo all that shit!

I'm movin!

I'm shakin!...

Butcha Black sorry ass still in the same muh fuckin place!...

But when ya Black sorry ass becomes an ol ass...


Nigga needs ta start lookin at 


(Peace! More to come...)

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