Saturday, November 6, 2021

Pristine Elite Hands?! ("Divide and sho nuff conquer!")

 Why in the Holy fuck are they tryin ta rid US, 

Of all that makes US 

A Proud American?!


Shit do I dislike the fact that anotha American hates me because I'm the wrong fuckin colah ta like?!

Fuck! No!

I love that shit!

Mad at my sorry broke Black ass and I ain't in control of a God damned thing! Don't have the money or the juice ta get shit done! But cho own race is fuckin the shit out of ya, tirelessly!

And ya ain't said, "No!" or "Stop!" One God damned time! 

Still lookin at colah!? 

Still lookin at my Black sorry broke ass, ta blame?!...


You, as a free American, have that motha fuckin God given right!...

But check it,

Don't be callin my Black sorry monkey ass a nigga ta my face! Or boy!...

It's a free country muh fucka whether I like that shit or not!

I'm just suggestin for civility's sake.

And one Proud American to an othah!

The way that we were finally starting to evolve,


But cha see that bullshit changin 

At the speed of fucking clicks and swipes Goddamnit!...

(Peace! More to come!...)

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