Friday, November 26, 2021

They Don't Call It "Taco Hell" For Nothin!

 They always fuckin witcha nigga! 


And a nigga just tryin ta watch a college football game!

Thee fuck!

Call me a Conspiracy Theorists if ya wanna! 

All I can say ta that is, "Yah damn Skippy muh fuckahs!"

But that shit has always been a Good American thang,

Until now!...

So check it,

This "Taco Bell" Commercial comes on with the Asiatic androgynous lookin muh fuckah with the horns on. Looked more female than male, but shit, don't listen ta me, I don't hang around too many Asians! Aussi, Asians don't even like Our Black sorry asses! For real! You evah witnessed an Asian hangin out with a nigga?!... 



She sees this lanky, geeky lookin computer nerd type from kinda afar, with the same RAM horns!

And I didn't even have ta tell ya the race because you knew it wasn't a fuckin nigga!

Who fuckin knew!?

 Then the:


Right in front of Our motha fuckin eyes!

Ya get it!

"For Whom The Bell Tolls"? And E was a straight up Luceferian!...

Okay, you remember "Taco Bell" were the same motha fuckas that had that type of Illuminati lookin dark party goin on in their commercials! Showin all ovah the place  "The All Seeing Eye" type of shit!

Now they got "lil nas" sittin up there with his "Queer as Folk" havin ass! With pink hair, pink glittery suit and that, punch that nigga's fuckin face three times, fuckin greasy lips lookin like the motha fucka done ate four fried pork chops! Without! Wipin yo tired sorry ass mouth! 

Mockin "Outkast'"s/"Andre 3000"'s-Hey Ya"!?...


Who knew?!...

Mommy loved her some "Pepsi"!

But somethins wrong with yall motha fuckahs!

And my Black sorry ass gonna miss me some:

"Pepsi Max"!


(Peace! More to come...)

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