Saturday, November 13, 2021

Earlier Choices + Later Life = Fuck It

 ...Thinking. Memories are a muh fuckah oft times.

For some reason I started thinkin bout my love of Track. I was a sprinter and a long jumper which usually in the Track and Field world goes hand in hand. And once yo ol ass that didn't make a bit of fuckin sense ta yo young ass is, it makes all the fuckin sense in the world with yo old ass now! But cho sorry motha fuckin ass didn't connect the shit back then.... 

I'm, if ya didn't ova these many blogs, very critical about myself and the plethora of major choices that I have made in this life to be where I am ta this day!...


Humbling! Is the only word I can easily come up with.

So be it!


(Peace! More to come...)

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