Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Reality Sets In (Forty-Six Years Old, Unnamed, Non-Custodial Male Parent) (, Flashback) Friday, 30Dec2011

 As in life, there was nothing more to do but tarry. That’s all life is really, oft times sitting at your various locale and waiting for things to happen. Productive of course in nature but not in the adverse. The downside of that waiting game is oft times it takes too damn long, but I guess waiting has no time limit on it less there is one given and in this instance there wasn’t. This could take a very long time, years; maybe ten years or longer. I had to understand that. You see, when one, like I, has decided there is nothing else I can do to expedite the situation or to come to some type of relative conclusion or should I say acquiescence, there is no other option but to be patient and be of good will because all I was doing before was wasting time, effort and energy, which I am not replete with either of the three being 4 6 years of age.

And I guess too I have realized through all of the travails of custody disputes that I cannot fight against what is. And ‘what is’ is a traditional mindset in the juvenile courts and divorce courts that says, the child should be with the momma until…and that until was and is variant and rare. What is; what was; what has always been, is almost impossible to fight against. But, “Egypt wasn’t built in a day,” nor too our various ideological mindsets, oft times rooted in religiosity. It is a waste of time most often than not to tell an individual they have been wrong in their given staple that they have been force fed most of their collective lives, religion; which our judicial system is rooted in. When one dissects a system one must look at the little things and broaden out not the other way around. Good things always start with good intentions then parasitic microbes adhere to it and eventually take over the host; hence, “ Welcome to the present parasitic state!”...

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