Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Operation Pyrotechnics

 You eva heard of it My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? Of course you have, they just don't tell you bout that black-op shit. Every Hot-topic you have been/are viewing, reading, all apart of it.

It's called plausible deniability! 

You watchin the shit poppin off like crazy!

I'm watchin the shit like, "Fucking wow! Son!"

That's all yo sorry Black ass can do.

Gives a whole motha fuckin ill meanin ta that bullshit:

"And the rockets' red glare,

the bombs bursting in air,"

Cause if you can't stop the Igniters,

All yo sorry Black ass can do is ta sit back and watch the shit,

Blow the fuck up!...

(Peace! More...)

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