Tuesday, August 31, 2021

"The xx - Crystalised" The Alternative Brimstone.


I don't like to debate the truth.

But we must state the fate of this Great Nation.

Not alienation to the appreciation of who we are!

Far from the desperate fate

Which we have come to hate.

Satiate and seal the manifolds of this Human engine

To begin to exalt

Never to sin

But start building again,

The right way We have been taught....

(Peace! More to come...)

Inoculate! Humanity's Insanity.


This shit hurts so bad!

It's so sad.

But what is one to do but to live until?...

I don't need the thrills,

I guess just the ills

Will have to fill.

Give me space to replace the void.

I'm so devoid!

The coughing of blood still 

Doesn't cease with the cure of the one-shot kill!


Left to die 

Without real human will!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 30, 2021

'Jamie XX' "Loud Places" (Featuring Romy). And I'll get there in Our Father's time.

 Take me!

Don't waste me.

I need to heal and feel the will of US!

Trust the fuss.

Oh, you know.

The foe amid the show.

I just want to feel what's real!

And seal the deal,

At will

And finally be still!


(Peace!  More to come....)

The Work II

 The more you think about death, the faster it will come to your ever present.

I know that. 

Everyone should. 

But they don't.

I don't think about death because it hangs on me like one of my members.

Death is one of my members; ergo, an afterthought.

And with that, I know assuredly I will die in my own time,

When death decides to overtake me, in my precious own time.

Also, assuredly,

That makes it harder for me to die before death chooses to take me into its comforting bosom,

With my wishful think full, 

Thankful compliance of course....

Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Work

 I just want my money.

That's all. There's nothing uniquely defining about the quality. 

If I do what you say when you say. And get the job done. 

Where's my motha fuckin money?

This wasn't a week, two week, nor monthly type of shit. You and I both knew that goin in. 

Can't put the type of work I'm in on a time card.


You know that.

And I sho nuff do too!


Where's my money motha fucka.

Not a question.

A fuckin statement that needs ta be exacted.


I have to put in more work.

And the work I have to do subsequently...

You most certainly ain't gonna like the result in

What is known as,

Yo ass paid in full

At a fatalistic cost...

US Sans A!

Peace is not to cease. 

Increase to decease the casualties!

The formalities to the Throne!

Prone to subject to the abject of particulates chances.

Advances to the predilection to the supposed infections.

Affectations to the security amid US!

Trust US?

Kiss my ass POTUS and


You all aren't about



(Peace! More to come...)

Not Even Grounded In Lies!

 Until you can make a motha fucka like me understand why the airlines haven't even played even a smidgen of the COVID spread, you're just fuckin wrong son! 

Flyin motha fuckas all ova this motha fuckin firmament while the shit is supposedly spreadin like wildfires! 

Shiiiought! Get a fuckin clue!

It doesn't make a fuck bit of common sense at the fuck all!

Like the Drill Sergeants used ta say in Basic Training, 

"You're just dickin the dog son!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 21, 2021

"Artificial Turf"; Just Hurts

 You see that move right there! On a natural surface I make you look like boo-boo the fool! 

On a natural surface. 

You laughin! 

Afta I tried ta make that same cut on artificial turf,

Shit, you knew I couldn't make that same cut without the consequences!

Artificial Turf is lethal to the longevity to a modern day American Football Player!

 Don't make that cut unless yo motha fuckin ass on grass! 

Shit son!

If ya like your knees!

Your ankles!

Your toes!...

Just run out of bounds!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Feast or Famine

 In the religious realm you get the fat muh fuckas, or the skinny muh fuckas!

You gotta a motha fucka tryin ta fill a void!

And the otha motha fucka tryin ta prove a fuckin point!

The in-betweens me thinks will be a part of the Feast Family real soon!



More than any other entity in this Firmament, in this Heaven,

Have caused the most catastrophic events in our Human


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 20, 2021

Twelve-G + Son = 13 ( Thirty-Three Years old, Conspiracy Theorist, Malcolm Masters) Tuesday-06-June-2023 @ 3:33 PM

 He had a gift.

He could read people assuredly. 

Could see if it was a Galaxial spirit or not.

He knew they'd get on his nerves once he befriended them.

Just as assuredly,

He would get on their last fuckin nerves!

And he had to smile at that truism...

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. VI

 So we're all talkin bout how crazy we are after work. And an Optician started saying and showing the prescription which she had been takin for some eight days.

You guessed it!


Informed her, "Shit! You straight! And that shit will get cho ass straight! Give it a lil time! Except..."

"What!?" She excitedly asked!

"...Well, if you a man. Your wife gonna fall in love with ya all ova again! Cause you gotta work! If ya get what I'm layin down," I said.

"I knew it! I have always been like fireworks! One after another! Until this! I'm lucky to get even a flicker! I can't keep takin this! I need to feel normal!"

No! You want ta fuck and have fun instead of gettin yo shit in order! 

A hard cum is more important than your mental state of being?!...

Motha fuckin priorities,

 My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!...

But smile Sonshines!

We still here for some damn reason as


Ta this shit-fuckin-sho-nuff-



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Truth? Go straight...

 No matter how you want to look at it, We have dug ourselves into the proverbial hole.

So, when do you tell the multitude the truth. 

Oh, they know. We need ta quit fuckin round and shit! 

An entity can only stifle the Truth for so long until that entity shall state the Truth them damn selves!...

And We just bout there, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. 

I mean like half block up, then you bust that right.

Type of there...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. V

 ..."Oh, you're the problem! Agreeing with the big pharmaceuticals!"

Shit! Brah! I'm just a motha fucka tryin my best ta get bye without killin my sorry Black ass self!

The shit works!

Fuck it!

And Fuck whatchou talkin bout!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 16, 2021

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. IV

 ...When it gets to the point where your head hurts...real bad...I mean really bad!

You best do somethin bout that shit! 

Cause they gots some shit!...

But for real. Let me tell you something. All jokes aside. If yah need a little help ta getcha bye in this chaotic world we live in now?

Just reach out!...

Believe me,

It'll be all right!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. III

 ...You see its about anesthetization. Passing of laws to smoke bud legally.

Drink alcohol!

Take Opioid pharmaceutical drugs, Anti-Depressant pharmaceutical drugs...

Fuck it!


Why not!?...

But that's too unstable. The medicament swings widely from subject to subject.



We'd have to rely now on the Afghans!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 You remember, I think it was the Christian Bale movie: Equilibrium. Where the little motha fucka or Christian Bale wasn't takin their given meds like they supposed ta be doin? Anyway, if I'm wrong. I'm sorry, nigga old. And I'm at this point, "Fuck Google!"



That's cool. But check it. I've got a brand new appreciation for that scene. Shit!

In the coming Global World!

Yo motha fuckin ass betta be



(Peace! More to come...)

"Mister Impossible" by Phantogram

 People sleepin on'em! 

They be jammin their asses off!




In a totally Luciferian sort of way!

But fuck it!

A jam!

Is a jam, 

My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!

Just remember what Bernie Mack said!

Don't ever be scared!

We're here for one

And one another!

That's all!

We'll be just fine Sonshines!...

And it's still the motha fuckin jam!


(Peace! More to come...)


 I have always remembered the quote, but forget who coined it...so I shall google...

Okay it doesn't scan like I remember it. 

The way it was told to me when it mattered:

"A man without a vice, is a man with many secrets."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life. II

 ...So what with your smart Black sorry ass, whatchou gonna do when they quit distributing it to US!?

All I can tell ya Sonshines!

They don't wanna do that! 

They really don't!



They could not finally be able to


Nor ever overcome!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Venlafaxine: The key to a regular normal life.

 If you don't know you better fuckin ask some-fuckin-body!

So, I went to the GP for the good-good today.

Got a script but with much banter about one getting inoculated.

On and on the motha fucka went until...

I said, "And I appreciate all that, Doctor ______. I'll tell you what. When the first gets FDA approved, I'll be the first in line. How bout that? And bout that script?"

"I guess I'll go working on that now."

God! Damned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bitches!? Yo! Get Cho shit! We finally Out This Bitch! Hoo-Rah!

 So this ol Afghani bitch (yea, lookin older than me and I'm fifty-five. She havin the nerves ta have Black roots! Shiiiought!) went on and on about what's going on and what's going to happen with the Afghanis based on the withdrawal. And speaking about shit from afar! 

Ya heard may?! 

I would have flipped the script on the motha fucka! 

I'm sorry Miss, what is your name?

Oh, I'm sorry you don't find that relevant.

Well, may I ask how long you will be staying in the US?

Oh, I'm sorry again, you don't find that relevant either.

Well, as far as I can see, you are indeed safe....

Merkel talkin shit!...

How the fuck long you want our asses to be there before we have to ask for at least part ownership of the shit? 

Oh, you don't want US to have any part of Your Country!?


We out this...!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Tiger 2 Tiger = Fucked

 Think about it like this. 

They're stifling great talent.

Think about the powerhouse teams in college football? 

Shit, Alabama's number 2 QB and number 3 QB on any other team would be a starter.

And the shit's changin for'em. That's where all the bullshit starts to get leveled out.

Leveled out?

Yes! Leveled out! Let me tell you why that is. It used to be you tell these young great future QBs, "...Got a starter. But you know we're winners. I'm just askin you to make a commitment. A commitment for two years and you will be the starting Quarterback of this proven winning college franchise!..."

Check it? You ever heard of Kelly Bryant? Oh, and the great White Hope, Trevor Lawrence? 

Ol' Dabo, fucked Bryant for Lawrence! Nobody talks bout that shit! Bryant went to "Mizzou". Got injured. Why? I'll tell you why? Because he was promised a starting position if he signed on and tarried. And the Brotha did just that! Started. Then ol Dabo decided, we need a white face ta this winning thing in the south, though Bryant was killin it! And Watson before him did major damage!... 



When you are behind an offensive line that every D-1 college football quarterback would give there first born for, yo Black ass starts gettin a little too comfortable. Ya see,  with "Mizzou": yo innate slave genes have allowed you to be more mobile, this team doesn't need an excellent offensive line. No this team needs an okay offensive line! Because Bryant, yous be a nigga! And a nigga used ta runnin!... 

But shit! Bryant didn't get the memo! Shit Bryant, like Lawrence will find out in Jacksonville, subsequently found out: Offensive line giveth! And Offensive line taketh!

 Whether you on one Tiger team or another, ain't the line supposed ta do it's fuckin job!?...

Well, ya see, that all came afta the fact, Bryant, for some reason, cause niggas get used ta some shit, white or Black! Thinkin, I'm a Quarterback! 

No Sonshine! Correction! Yo, ass is a Black quarterback? You ever heard of Michael Vick!? Greatest Quarterback ever in professional football! Always runnin for his life, shortly after the line pass protection broke down! Randall Cunningham? Ever heard of him? Talkin bout a nigga workin hard ta prove a nigga point!? But Cunningham is/was one of the greatest in professional American football! Donovan McNabb? Steve McNair? James Harris? Warren Moon...

 And without a goddamned Brady hand-picked perpetual great offensive line! Shit, lets talk about Doug Williams when he got his shot! O-Line held their own, now Mr. Williams a "SUperBowl" winning quaterback!... Anyway...

Promises!? That shit worked before in recruiting because coaches kept their fucking word to the learning young talented prospects. 

But all that shit changed. And college football had now officially became a lucrative "Fuck You!" pimp show! 

Pimpin those young college ass bitches! 

Gots all the young Black men on the fuckin stroll! 

With yo sorry Black asses, 

You will definitely and willfully be 

The Best Fuck-Whores Scenes of:

The Street Pornographic Sports Agents and Owners (of any year)

If ya lucky enough...

To get the Best Pimp (Agent/Overseer);

To avow to any and all:

"This be's a good nigger bitch!"..."

(Peace! More to come...)


 That's all anyone needs in this bullshit!

A good ol' fashion, refraction!

By one of your friends,


Who hopefully helps yo sorry Black ass see this life


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Them motha fuckas will get cho ass in trouble every fuckin time Sonshines!

And we still ain't learned shit!

"They did it!"

Fuck you talkin bout motha fucka! Just you talkin that bull shit!


Oh, I see!

Them sorry motha fuckas getcho ass in trouble every fuckin time!

Don't fuck with


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Reality Sets In (Forty-Six Years Old, Unnamed, Non-Custodial Male Parent) (Lettersfromtheunderprivileged.com, Flashback) Friday, 30Dec2011

 As in life, there was nothing more to do but tarry. That’s all life is really, oft times sitting at your various locale and waiting for things to happen. Productive of course in nature but not in the adverse. The downside of that waiting game is oft times it takes too damn long, but I guess waiting has no time limit on it less there is one given and in this instance there wasn’t. This could take a very long time, years; maybe ten years or longer. I had to understand that. You see, when one, like I, has decided there is nothing else I can do to expedite the situation or to come to some type of relative conclusion or should I say acquiescence, there is no other option but to be patient and be of good will because all I was doing before was wasting time, effort and energy, which I am not replete with either of the three being 4 6 years of age.

And I guess too I have realized through all of the travails of custody disputes that I cannot fight against what is. And ‘what is’ is a traditional mindset in the juvenile courts and divorce courts that says, the child should be with the momma until…and that until was and is variant and rare. What is; what was; what has always been, is almost impossible to fight against. But, “Egypt wasn’t built in a day,” nor too our various ideological mindsets, oft times rooted in religiosity. It is a waste of time most often than not to tell an individual they have been wrong in their given staple that they have been force fed most of their collective lives, religion; which our judicial system is rooted in. When one dissects a system one must look at the little things and broaden out not the other way around. Good things always start with good intentions then parasitic microbes adhere to it and eventually take over the host; hence, “ Welcome to the present parasitic state!”...

Anonymous 2017 (Lettersfromtheunderprivileged.blogspot.com, Flashback) Wednesday 12Dec2010

The Earth, we have found, was a third of its size than what it is today, an half a million years ago. Just like any organism, it continues to grow, to expand, to sustain itself in its environment. It took over a miilion years to get to its current size and breadth; maybe more, maybe even less. No one really knows except that we understand it was diminutive, like Mercury, in its toddler years. The Earth is always growing, expanding. Conditioning, preparing itself to be the next Sun once our Sun has lost its last rays. No one understands that. Each planet having its own time to shine. Now, all but Earth being able to be the last planet standing. Eventually as a means to the end, engulfing all of the other planets in its gravitational pull that will cause Our universe to be no more. The other universi benefitting from this, perhaps. We never could imagine life living on the Sun with the intense heat it radiates. That's because life cannot exist on its surface. We found out the Sun was way more interesting than that. Our Sun, that we are seeing, getting life from, is nothing more than an elaborate blazing protective shield for the inhabitants who dwell inside its fiery environment. Impenetrable from anything that might try to pierce through it's ingenious, spherical hellish outer atmosphere. We, when we look up at Our Sun, are looking at nothing more than an inside out Earth. 

And Earth, we have also discovered, is aspiring to be like it's older sibling.

Operation Pyrotechnics

 You eva heard of it My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? Of course you have, they just don't tell you bout that black-op shit. Every Hot-topic you have been/are viewing, reading, hearing...is all apart of it.

It's called plausible deniability! 

You watchin the shit poppin off like crazy!

I'm watchin the shit like, "Fucking wow! Son!"

That's all yo sorry Black ass can do.

Gives a whole motha fuckin ill meanin ta that bullshit:

"And the rockets' red glare,

the bombs bursting in air,"

Cause if you can't stop the Igniters,

All yo sorry Black ass can do is ta sit back and watch the shit,

Blow the fuck up!...

(Peace! More...)

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Defining You, Defining Me And Defining US

 "Fuck that Black shit! We ain't Black!

Motha fuckas tryin ta say we black like crude oil and shit!..."

First of all I will suggest to yo motha fuckin hyped Black sorry ass,

It ain't that fuckin deep!

Shit yo Black ass eva see some of them Africans?

Shit, some of them motha fuckas are blue-black,

Them some  dark, black as night motha fuckas!

So fuck whatcha talkin bout!

But what is deep ta my sorry Black Ass :

White people aren't white like the whitest paper!

And the damndest thing My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!

White motha fuckas ain't ashamed, or complainin at all bout that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 9, 2021


 "Are you Blind! Can you hear! Can you read!..."

See fine.

Hear, just all right, I'm old. I do my best.

I am very well literate.

And very informed and topical.

But let me ask you a question?

If I may?...

Are You!?

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Just, Because.

 Motha fuckas wanna sit up there talkin that shit, "Why do I have to?"


Yea! Why do I have to pay child support?

Again! Seriously?!

Yes! Seriously!

When you become a Co-Creator Sonshine! You both have to pay! In some reasonable way....

(Peace! More to come...)

Passing The Same Time, Day After Day...

 I often wonder looking at those and conversing with those who have been at the same job for over ten years? 


That's some boring ass life shit! 

Drive yo ass crazy! 

Wouldn't it?!

For real!... 

I mean most ain't even tryin ta bust a move anyplace else! 

Kinda fucked up shit is that?

The fuck? 

Just settled in and shit!...

Alas; I guess, 

I will always


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 5, 2021

"Olympic Racewalking" (39 years old, Terrence Elizabeth D'Arby, British Blogger/Tiktoker/...) Today

 You see that racewalking shit!? 

The fuck!

What did "Right Said Fred" say?

Them motha fuckas walkin 

Thinkin they are sexy ass hell!

You ain't gonna tell their sorry asses shit!

That's some gay men 

Walking hard shit

For real!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Foles Knows

 I'm tellin you some of the funniest shit yo ass can ever hear and witness. Nick Foles talkin bout the possibility of being traded to the "Colts". That motha fucka shitty as hell with the position they put that ass in, in Chi'

Look at the motha fucka! He's almost raising out of his seat talkin bout the shit! Shit-to-the-ty! I know I wrote about it before but shit! That's an Ol' "SUperBowl" G shit right there! Makin motha fuckas understand respect!

"The fuck son! 

How the fuck you think my ass feels about being a third string quarterback? 

You don't do that to one of the few that have done! 

And I've done! 

And I will continue to do as long as I play the game that I Love!

I've won a bowl fucker! 

The fuck these scrubs done! 


They're not askin Brady to do that shit! 

I'm not Brady!?

I am one of the very few quarterbacks in history that can say I am a winning quarterback on very few bowl teams! 

You know what they call Brady?

A winning "SUperBowl" quarterback!

Ta dah!


Get me out this bitch! 

You non-appreciative motha fuckas! 

And not even Brady thought about quarterbacking this shit! He only signs with winning teams! But of course you know that..." 

Now he ain't said it quite like I wrote it My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! But it was definitely implied. (I could write about this episode in our pitiable sports history for the next few days. Funny shit.)

(Peace! More to come...)

Even Bears Wear Colts!


Shit yeah! He understands me! But I'm a Bear now.

Fuckin third stringer. To the loser red head dude!

Fuckin shameful! My name is in the same vain with Williams, Plunkett, Rypien...Foles son! Can't take that shit away!

They understand what I'm talkin bout! I'm a mother fucking "SUperBowl" quarterback! And the best my ass got is to be a third fucking stringer, on a loosing ship like this bitch is, behind the Loser Red Crew!

Fuck that! 

Hey, Reich! Holla atcha boy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 So I set down. Waiting for one of the very limited ubiquitous first interviewing questions in optical.... 

It didn't happen that way. 


"Who is your favorite author?"

"Excuse me," I said to Carol, the Office Manager, looking to be about my age, fifty-five.

"Who is your favorite novelist?" She asked again matter of fact finding

"Andrew Vachss! Of course," I said without hesitation.

She smiled ever so slightly, "And what is your favorite Vachss novel?"

""Flood!" Of course! Then probably, "Blue Belle," I said.

"What about Marcel Montecino? Heard of him? If so? Favorite Montecino novel?"

"'The Crosskiller!' And, 'Big Time,' being a very close second."

"When can you start?"...

(Peace! More to come...)