Friday, May 28, 2021

The Pleasure Principle of I-da-ho!

 No matter how yo Black or white ass wantsta look at it! That's some good ass shit! All my broke Black ass can say is, Yo's a motha fuckess! The most fuckess! 

Well Played! And my Black ass may just have to move to Idaho! Based on a Brotha I watch on his website, they just may be the first state to secede. And I say, that's some good shit too! Damn! Straight!

 The Fed done sold Our American asses out! And it's high time to protect Ourselves! People talkin that gun bullshit!? The fuck! That ain't gonna get yo motha fuckin sorry ass nothin but shot! And kilted!

 Dumb ass! The best thing We have found out to hurt those motha fuckas where it hurts the most, it is not from their bullshit balls (cause most of'em don't have 'em and the ones that did, don't no mo!) but in their God damned motha fuckin pockets! Believe me, research the shit, has humbled 666 billions and sadly counting throughout Our human history....

But anyway I just have to give a shout out to the Lieutenant Governor of Idaho! I didn't see that shit comin! At all! Brilliant! She would scare the shit out of me if I were her political opposition! 

Shit the only thing the otha motha fuckin candidate runnin against her could do is: to start a witty nasty campaign against that ass! Some slogan, "that went a lil somethin like this! Hit it!" 

"IdaHo? No she's the Ho! IdaHo? No she's the Ho!"...

Oh, It would work playa in times like this! Oh it would work playa! Be a shame but...

I'd still vote for her crazy Ida-'Ho' ass! 

Ya know...

(Peace! More to come...)

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