Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Ezekiel M. Gratis (Thirty-Nine Years Old Black Republican Spokesperson for the 2024 Presidential Campaign for Donald John Trump CNT interview) Sunday, July 14, 2024 @ 3:33PM II

 ...I mean look at it. It's been over nine months and President Kamala Harris hasn't acquiesced. But they were all in a tizzy when they thought President Trump wouldn't succumb to what they knew would be a defeat four years ago. And look at the Democrats now? Soros et al funding that ruse where an innocent American female citizen was shot and killed to take over the capitol to assure President Trump was going to leave the white house when the fake votes were tallied...

Look at the media? What in the world is happening in Our country? Do people forget what transpired less than four years ago? Have we regressed as a society that badly? 

I don't think so. Not by a long shot. You keep wanting to get back to the Sheffield reference I made before. That's the problem. I'm not you, a supposed reporter. A researcher. I'm a spokesperson for President Trump. I made that reference to make a point. But here we are again wallowing in mud. Throwing it even. And how does the old saying go, "When you throw mud someone's enviably is going to get dirty?" Or something to that effect? This has got to stop. The truth is the truth Like the old saying goes once more, "What is good for the gander, is in fact good for the goose!" President Harris, You're fired!...

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