Sunday, May 16, 2021

9-1-1! Maybe There's Still Hope?...Naw!

"Well shit Dick we can't keep them like this forever," Beiden suggested.

"Why not?! We've gottem' by the balls now! Trumps negated for the next four years! Fuck'em! They're primed! And you will go down in history! Why in the fuck should we release the grasp?" Dick asked.

"Because we are all Americans, Dick! We are all Americans! Damnit!" Beiden said.

Dick couldn't get ahold of himself fast enough, he busted out laughing right in the President's face. Then he started worrying; then he said with red alert in his voice, "Please tell me it ain't so?! Joe?!" 

And when Ol' Joe didn't respond looking out of the fucking window like the old kook that he is. Damn! When Dick righted himself. Dick started making a hellafied amount of cellphone calls cause the credo was forever in an emergency like this,"...and one more thing! No fucking texts allowed, ever! Just make the fucking call!" 

Damn! Right bout that! And can do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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