Friday, March 9, 2012

The Warming And The Last Cycle II (Anonymous) 2017

In the hyperbaric chamber, buried six feet deep in Russia's frozen tundra's permafrost, which was not so much frozen or tundra or perma any longer. The ten-by-ten-by-ten chamber's signal was activated, sending the alarm to the counsel. Adam Ten and Eve Ten began to stir. Their life support system fully activated and in less than seventy-two hours they would awaken. With the understanding that the chamber which used to be six feet underground, was now only three feet under, given the melting of once was hardened ice, almost impenetrable. But not for their species from which they were sent. They had sent the implants directly to that location by pure thought. Poof! Just by thinking as one accord. Anything or traveling anyplace in space was possible just by pure thought with everyone thinking as one to make the travel possible. It was the greatest form of energy. Pure energy. Which their species had honed, perfected.

This was a great honor for anyone of their species because if one was chosen to be the male Adam and the female Eve, and then sent to what was known as Earth. And if the ones' chosen instilled the given knowledge which ultimately lead to Earth's final non-self-destructive ideology, well, both would become supreme Gods amongst their species. And one couldn't ask for anything better given the ultimate goal of their species, "To aid in the sustaining of any life form that exists in the universes. Save for altering or doing everything for said life form to sustain itself in the universes or millions of worlds." The thought being, every life form, however small was meant to be, for some reason or another. Why? Was not for them to ask or even to answer. A life form, any life form, was worth being sustained. But the damn humans were enigmas indeed.

And the Counsel once more from the troubled enigmatic world named, Earth had received the signal, the alarm which didn't surprise them. All of them had hope this ninth time given their productivity and the way they had finally understood to use the Earth's energy to move speech across space and time. They just knew this was going to be the time Earth and it's life forms of humans, would possibly equal them in their intelligence. Being able to finally move matter through space and time with just their thoughts, their physical body along with their intellect would finally understand they housed within each one of themselves the ability which would awe each one of them; yet, humble them also. The Counsel had thought to themselves, Adam Nine and Eve Nine would have what all of their species coveted, being: Supreme Gods of Teaching The Ways To Ultimately Sustain Life. And they were saddened that they would have to send the disappointing thought to the previous implants, Adam Nine and Eve Nine, that it was, now, Adam Ten and Eve Ten's turn to try. (to be continued...)

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