Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Decisions And Badass Decisions (Thirty-Eight Years Old, Broke Black Prophet) 2003

Decision makin. Sometimes the hardest muh fuckin fact of life! Yah heard may! But yo sorry ass tried tah do everything yo Black ass could think of tah make things right. But yah see, yo thinkin is what's the fuckin problem in the first goddamned place. Yo thinkin is based on what you think is needed, not what another thinks is needed. And if the othah muh fuckah involved got anothah agenda, then yo Black ass done made some badass decisions! If a muh fuckah time and time again done told yo Black ass you failin, no matter what yo sorry ass has tried tah do or have done...then yo ass should have gotten a clue a long fuckin time ago. Yo sorry ass just been pissin in the fuckin wind, fo sho!

Again, yo decision makin didn't have a goddamned thang tah do for the othah, but had everything tah do bout what chew thought you could do for that othah. Way fuckin different. Very much so. If that othah person isn't pleased with yo sorry ass there ain't ah thang on this earth yo sorry ass can or could do tah please 'em, cause ain't nothin you can do tah please 'em.

They done already got their mind made up that you are a fuck up! That you are a sorry ass! That you are...a piece of shit! And, most importantly, that you are, from here on out, a whippin fuckin man or woman! Gonnah keep yah down so their asses can stay up! Shee-ot! Fuck that noise! The fuck, times two!? Whatevah mothah fuckah! Ain't nothin yo ass can do, or could have done! Absolutely-positively-not-a-goddamned-thang!

So listen'ere, finally start with some good decision makin and get yo happy ass on down the fuckin road! Be ghost! Bye-bye, boo-boo! Yah feel may? And the sooner yo sorry ass realizes that, the better your decision makin skills gonnah be! Yao Ming?

Peace! More to come...

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