Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hope For The Future (Anonymous) 1993

Even though yo ass know the shit is gonnah turn out the way that the shit is gonnah turn out…sheeit, you just keep it in yah heart, every-fuckin-single-time, that, this time, this mothah fuckin time, everything is gonnah be cool, just okee-the-fuck-dokee-smokee! But no! No! No! No! This time ain’t been no damn diff’rent than all the rest. Same ol’ shit just a diff’rent mothah fuckin day. Whoomp, d’ere it is! In yo face…hunh! But what else yo sorry black ass gonnah do? Not hope? Not pray? Not dream? Not…Even though yo ass know you only dealin with this othah mothah fuckah cause of Our child; I gotsta deal with this mothah fuckah fo a long ass time, at least til the age of gettin the child out of an university, some fourteen yeeahs and some change or a lil’ mo…fo the child’s sake…I have tah hope fo ah bettah day ev’ry time I have tah speak or meet the othah parent, fo whatevah reason, and think, somehow, someway, we can be fair and cordial tah each othah…for the child’s sake. And the bad part bout that shit is , I don’t even think that the shit will evah happen, but it sho makes may feel good tah hope, this time is gonnah be diff’rent!

And tomorrow is anothah mothah fuckin day!

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