Friday, March 2, 2012

My Mind's Playin Tricks On May! ( Black, Stand-Up Comedienne) 2002

So I wanted to ask her, but shit I couldn't once realization set in: "I don't have a fuckin phone! Goddamnit!"

I knew she had been there, couldn't find the mothah fuckah, "Shit! You gotcho phone? Good, could you call my phone? Thanks" I had said.

"Oh, never mind," I had said, because I saw it near her elbow resting on the dining room table.

Two hours later, I can't find it! I was right there! I saw it near her elbow, she had even acknowledged seeing it, not having to now go over to her purse and pull out her cell phone to call lost phone of note. was fucking there! So where in the fuck is it?

Oh, I see. Maybe under that winter hat that you put down over the phone after, I said, "after," you had put that hat over the same phone which you had not only ten seconds ago put on that same table, covering it now, with that winter hat you had just taken off, not seven seconds after, to cover seemingly lost phone...Stop it! Damn! I get it! The mothah fuckah is under my "winterhat." Whatdoyouknow? There it be!

But it still fucks my ass up, that if I had the fuckin phone I could have just called and asked her, "Where the fuck is my phone cause you were sittin up here and saw it yo damn self?" That still fucks me up! Right? I'm just sayin! Makes no fuckin sense...but hey?

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