Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Ukraine and Russia?! And Ukraine! Remittance Is Due! Fuck Another Muh Fuckin Even One More Dollar In Aid! Where The Fuck Are US's Ends?!


What thah fuck them muh fuckahs got tah do with


God damn!

The Ukraine, lets say Oscar De La Hoya, done picked ah muh fuckin fight with Russia, let's say Mike Tyson!

And grown ass men beggin US tah help get them Russian ass kickers out that 

Ukrainian ass!

Kindah muh fuckin sense this sendin aid, ovah ah hundred billion dollahs and counting, tah them obvious dumb muh fuckahs is beyond my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

But my Black sorry old ass still owes thah fed seventeen-hundred dollahs for 2022 taxes! And fuck if I know how much my Black ass will owe in 2023!? But them sorry ass muh fuckahs still expects me tah pay! But they ain't took payment one on ovah ah hundred billion dollahs aided!

And US ain't sayin shit about that ill ass shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

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