Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Real Perilous Evil Cross Over.

 There is something greater than this just waiting for US!

Oh, their scare tactics are unaware of our lineage!

We are the RighteoUS!


Them evil muh fuckahs can't stand US

RighteoUS asses!

Befuddled like ah muh fuckah!

God damn you evil hardheaded muh fuckahs!

Jump the broom! Cross ovah tah this RighteoUS side!

But ah lil warnin tah yo sorry jumpin thah gun sorry evil asses!

Y'all do undahstand!

Most of y'all USed tah be evil muh fuckahs shall be exterminated upon thah 

Cross Over!

Oh, I thought y'all evil muh fuckahs believed in 'Bloodletting'!?

Oh, not yo sorry evil worthless fuckin blood!?

It figures!

But if yah decide tah cross over!

Just lettin an evil muh fuckah know!

Yo muh fuckin blood may have tah be


(Peace! More to come....)

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