Wednesday, May 3, 2023

That Crazy Ass Muh Fuckah Is Yours! Not Ours! II

 If US started outin these parents of people that are now in the system and they do not help them!

We do!

"America's Fucked Up Parents"! Some shit like that!

Them muh fuckahs watchin television and shit and see their sorry ass makin all these muh fuckin children and not givin ah fuck subsequently! Yo sorry ass brought that muh fuckah intah this shit!

"But he/she is fucking thirty!"


When thah fuck did age have anything tah do with yo creationist's ass!?

Our Father created US!

And has never shunned US because of muh fuckin age!

Naw! I made you muh fuckahs!

And that's ah hellafied muh fuckin made!

Your fucking choice!

Your fucking creation(s)!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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