Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Absurdity Are US II

 These sorry ass muh fuckahs showin these hungry, distended bellies...sorry ass muh fuckin children in these othah countries on commercials and shit!

It USed tah affect me greatly!

Now, I kind of smile tah myself and say tah myself,

"Y'all parents need tah quit fuckin! Up in that muh fuckah! Broke ass muh fuckahs! And still fuckin!?"


Fucking tired!

Thah fuck I got tah do with all these muh fuckin sorry ass pitiful children starin back at me, with flies goin intah their muh fuckin eyes and shit, and them lil muh fuckahs barely blinkin!...

Fuck you!

I didn't fuck tah create them lil muh fuckahs yo sorry evil asses showin me an hungred!

Muh fuckahs havin these children! Creating! And failing like ah muh fuckah tryin tah play Our Father!? Not becaUSe they respect thah responsibilities of their fuckin! Naw! Cause they jUSt love fuckin! But their religion tells them no contraceptives! Can't make this shit up Sonshines! So, damn! Quit fuckin! But obvioUSly can't do that! All these lil muh fuckahs round here, y'all muh fuckahs jUSt love just fuckin! God damn! Then them muh fuckahs can't handle thah shit! Throw thah shit off on US!

While they still fuckin!

Makin more of US tah fuckin take care of!?

What thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?


What thah Holy fuck is wrong with US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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