Monday, November 28, 2022

Shut The Fuck Up With Yo Sorry, Ugly, Ignant...Rich Ass!


That's what these rich muh fuckahs are:

Fuckin ridiculous!

Butt ugly Bill Gates sittin up there on his bully pulpit espousing his scientific thoughts of:

Vaccinations and Depopulation...


All thah fuck it takes is 100 billion dollahs and some change for yo ignant ass to be credible on any God damned topic of yo rich ass choosing!?

How thah fuck that fuckin work!?

Bill Gates doesn't even have a fuckin college muh fuckin


And muh fuckUS still be listenin tah his ugly, stupid, muh fuckin non-degreed

Dumb ass! ...

Thee Holy fuck!

Only in muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

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