Friday, November 18, 2022

Damn! Is A Niggah Dead!?

 "What's been wrong with you!?"

Been sicker than shit!

Fuckin Aches! 

Severe chills!


Nose thah fucked clogged up!

Then yah can't take thah shit no fuckin mo, reach out tah relieve this fucked up shit!

Prescribe yo sorry ol Black ass some:

"PAXLOVID by Pfizer"!?

Then you read some shit...

"...a Non FDA approved drug..."

Fuck! That! Shit!

Niggah yah gottah deal with thah real!

Fuck it! So here my ol Black broke sorry ass continues...

...Sneezing and coughing!

No appetite to speak of!

Tired and weak!

Just wannah fuckin rest 


(Peace! More to come...)

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