Thursday, November 3, 2022

Opportunities Aforethought

 I remembah a young white dude, maybe in his mid to late twenties, came up to me one time when I was working as an Optical Manager at "Sam's Club".

 "Hey. I don't mean to bother you. But you look like you have kept yourself in very good shape. Do you practice any martial arts?" He asked.

"I do what I can. But, no. I always wanted to go down that path but never have," I said.

"Well, I run a dojo here in Columbus. Why don't you come out? I think you will fit in well," He said.

"I appreciate the offer. But now I'm too old for anything like that," I said.

"You have to start someplace. Here's my card with the address. Please? Come join US?" He suggested.


And walked pleasantly away....

(Peace! More to come...)  

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