Saturday, January 24, 2015

"Where's My Fuckin Monay? You fuckin Broke Bitches, You!" So Saith These Modern Day Pimp 'Preachers' (Broke Black Prophet) 2014

These fuckin preachers. Don’t cha just love these assholes? For real. People really don’t listen to these charlatans. They talk bout God this, Jesus that and then what does their asses do? Oh, you the fuck know. They say in the same breath, “Come to me! I can hep yah!” Then they throw in, knowin your ass ain’t gonna hear it, “That’s what God said!” But you see what he is sayin and what yo ass is thinkin and not really connectin the dots til yo ass is brainwashed subliminally into thinkin that preacher and God are one and the same because yo ass didn’t get what the muh fuckuh was doin. And if you really listen in the last statement they put less of an emphasis on “That’s what,” then they say in a more pronounced one, “God said!” It’s like a muh fuckuh says, “I’ll be…” Just leavin it there, dangling. And yo ass knows good and goddamned well that muh fuckuh wanted to say the, “Damn,” so bad it hurt.

But, cha see, it's bout conditionin the audience’s mindset, week aftah week you get used to the same preachers timbre, inflections, almost melodic because there is a certain cadence and delivery that one expects from said confidence wolves' oratory, hypnotic in a sense; hence the reason preachers kind of deter your ass from going to other churches on Sundays. Got to keep the slaves under control. Not for God sake! That would be too righteous. But for my Black or White lazy ass sake. Shiiiit! While yah playin. Ain’t no pimp game like these Goddamned OG (old gangster) pimp preachers. No! No! No! Next booty on duty, niggah! Six days on the stroll and give my ass my cut, my ten percent, so saith the Good Book! “Bitch better have my money.” And,“Would Thy rob God?” And is that all you can afford church? I know if yah gots ten then yah gots twenty percent easy. You worked hard this week, “But this church works harder!” Is not your God worth every penny he kept you alive these past seven days as a witness? Come on nah!

Pee-fuckin-you! You sorry sacks of shit, You! Muh fuckuhs! Get a fuckin real job! Quit livin off your perceived whores! Fuckers! But I don't mean no harm My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. I really don't. Just tryin to make yah mad if yah not already; cause we all have to sooner or later, and Lord willin, mo sooner than later.

 We got to turn this shit round.  We just gottah! And that is...A Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! Peace! More to come...

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