Saturday, January 10, 2015

Driving Test?

You can't make another human being want you. No matter what you do Sunshine, shit is what it is. For real. Hope all you want. The shit is still going to be fucked up! Yah heard may? Spend all the time of your life worrying about bullshit that doesn't amount to a goddamned thing. And for what? And yo ass knows the real deal Hollyfield. Shit, you the fuck know. Oh, yes you do! But what does your ass do? Why? Because the shit keeps your ass busy. Keeps your ass interested because yo ass has an inquisitive nature. Just have to find the truth. But what is that truth without the other telling you what you long for? That's the muh fuckuh right there. You don't know shit if the other muh fuckuh is playin games. Toyin with yo sorry ass unbeknownst to you because you like things done neat and clean, di-the-fuck-rect-ly!

But you see, it doesn't have a damn thang to do with you, yo ass is just along fo the ride and you have not a clue the destination. And maybe that is the con which you have fallen to with knowledge aforethought. Because you know. You know to tell the muh fuckuh to let your ignant ass out! I'll fuckin walk goddamn it! But there is no fun in that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. No! No! No! You say to that muh fuckuh, "My ass is rollin with you!"

But cha see, bein a passenger instead of the driver causes a problematic effect with yo life, though you know you drive straighter than shit and you know where you want to go; but this muh fuckuh! This muh fuckuh can't drive fo shit! And as you think with perilous thoughts, "Where in the fuck will we eventually wreck?" Yo ass still sits passively in the passenger seat intrigued. Stupidity with a capital "S". But stupid you roll recklessly with this ill driver. And you can only think to yourself, "What the fuck is wrong with me?" Silently urging the out of control driver, "Drive on muh fuckuh! Let's see where you take us! Cause this life is boring as shit!"

Fuckin dumb. But what's a niggah tah do? Yao Ming? As I sit back and watch; wishing like hell I could take the wheel. But what's the fun in that? And A Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. Peace! More to come.

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