Monday, October 28, 2013

Telepathically Speaking (Counsel Member, K.Now, Director, Department of the Advancement for Human People, Speaking to The Counsel of The Eleventh Environ: Oratory For The Need To Start Communicating Verbally Once Again) PRO-12-140041

We found out, quite too late of course, that the endless amount of wireless impulses going through our living environment was causing a tremendous amount of stress to the human form; like a microwave oven used to do…you all do remember those? Good… with food products, those same electrical impulses going through our bodies trying to penetrate whatever that matter, in this case our precious entities, was in front of those volatile impulses eventually they go through that matter, being hell bent on  getting  to its various connective sources and beyond, in the interim our bodies were being denatured; being broken down, more and more by the energy engulfing and passing through our human forms, destroying that form faster and faster;   what we know now as, clandestine subsonic ultra waves of ventricular vibrations.  The ones in the past that were, well… let me put it in the rarest of truth, killing themselves without knowledge of the cloaked danger they had created.   

And so we are here today, our honorable Counsel members of Eleven, to instill another teachings from the scribes of old which we can clearly see with our characteristically gaunt facial features and bulbous heads.  We have learned to diminish that energy going through our bodies, as in days’ pasts, by telepathically communicating.  But that has had its dangers too.  By us not vocalizing our thoughts we have transformed, in my opinion, to an unattractive race because of our wondrous ignorance.  We know and see what has been and what we have become.  Yet, we still have been disobedient from our past knowledge.  Working in adverse instead of being responsible; hence, the reason I am speaking to all of you, Great and Honorable Counsel members of Eleven.  We can change our present and make a better future; but we have to sustain the human form. 

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