Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hell Is Heaven (Forty-Seven Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Near Salvation) September 11, 2013

Sometimes I like this mothah fuckah.  Hate to say it, but damn.  Got this Police Officer herein our finest, Indianapolis, Indiana, hit, a group of motorcyclists while the motorcyclists were stopped at a light, he driving his police cruiser, Ol Officer Bisard, and whatdoyouknow?  Ol' Bisard tore those group of motorcyclist up!  Killing one and badly injuring another.  The mothah fuckah was over two times the legal limit and shit, oh, and did I mention, he was on a police run in the middle of his shift, getting paid to get fucked up.  

But that’s the fucked up thing about it, sometimes when you are getting paid to get fucked up, yo sorry ass fucks up! We’re dealing with numbers, the more times yo ass does some fucked up shit, the better chance yo ass got of getting caught while getting fucked up.  Oh, and he did.  But after over, I believe, almost three years, they are still trying to see what they are going to do with his white ass.  Now, if it were my Broke Black ass that gets into an accident, while almost two times over the limit and kill a person and badly injure another, they’re going to prosecute me to the ends of the law and the trial would be over in three weeks or less, which means, my Broke Black ass will not see a free light of day again until my soul leaves here.  But shit I still wouldn’t see it then.  Shit, The fuck I’m going to do in Heaven.  Mothah fuckahs talkin that shit bout, “Oh, and the streets are going to be paved in jewels…and you will be able to praise him until eternity.”  Oh, shit!  You mean everybody up in that mothah fuckah goin tah be the same?  Doing the sleep walker shuffle; in this intoxicating euphoric state of serving the lord only?  Ain’t that what we supposed tah be doing nah?  Ain’t no variances in ah person’s behaviah, everybody always in a good mood, no ill words to one another…Shit, that don’t sound like no mothah fuckin Heaven tah me!  Shit no!  That sounds like mothah fuckin Hell, goddamnit. 

Everybody bad mothin Hell, sounds like some haters hatin on Hellians.  Fuck that!  You mean tah tell me that, if God made this 'Hell' shit too, you tellin me, there ain’t one good thing bout that mothah fuckah?  Not one itty-bitty thing good about Hell?  And God made it also?  Um! Damn, Heaven got a badass P-R Department.  Fo Sho! 

And why the fuck we worryin bout Heaven or Hell anyway; unless, yo sorry ass gettin paid for gettin fucked up. 

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