Friday, April 29, 2022

Thank You! Adam Boston!

 Thah muh fuckah may nevah remembah the shit!

But I remembah the shit clearly!

And I smile at my memory of Adam!

He was white as white with freckles abound and had this red curly hair mostly on top and faded on the sides.  

A less severe "Kid" in "Kid 'n Play". But with whorls of red curls!

I ain't tryin tah Jones ohn ah muh fuckah!


That was the style back in the day!

Just tryin tah make a written picture from my ol Black broke sorry ass memory fo yah

That's all!


Butler's Women's Track Team was with The Butler Men's Track Team for some reason. I had said some shit that was on my mind durin probably ah two hour commute back tah the university. That I undahstand with my ol ass now, that was probably in adverse tah the female persuasion, a misogynistic outward thought! Not meanin anything but what I had been conditioned tah believe. Shit! I was the youngest of twelve, eleven boys and one girl, the fuckin last! Both parents Apolstolic/Pentecostals! The fuck this red haired mothah fuckah talkin bout?!

And I remembah Adam!

He sat up from the sixteen passenger van seat and said, "Don't say that again man!"

And fo the damn life of me I don't know what I said to offend! 

But at that point it was insignificant!

I watched him aftah he had said it and he nevah looked at me again. But with what I saw?!

I saw ah mothah fuckah that was willin tah beat some ass or tah get his ass kicked...whatevah's clevah!

And I knew based on his entire affect in his body language, facial expression...

If my Black broke sorry ass said whatevah the fuck again!

The shit was gonnah be on!

And I didn't say a damn thing shit else!

Not because I was scared of ah ass kickin or kickin some ass!

I done got my lil ass kicked ah lot!

Fuck it!

Shit, youth is a muh fuckah!

And I don't give ah fuck what any fuckin body says, the victor or the loser, pick yo muh fuckin poison muh fuckah!

Yo monkey ass gonnah feel some hurt...or ah lot of hurt!

But this man was willin tah do whatevah was necessary tah stop,

 On of course ah microscopic level, the bullshit we men project

Because of empathy!


That's some shit fo yo broke Black sorry ass fo sho!



We are not insignificant!

Yo shit fuckin matters!

You are You because 



In spite 


I'm smilin now!

I think of him often,

He's helped my ol Black sorry ass a lot throughout the years since that incident!

And all my Black broke sorry ass can say in late

Gratitude is...

(Peace! More to come...)

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