Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Cause And Effect! EMFs!

 I probably pre-tests fifty people ah week?!

Well durin the shit yah ask them questions bout their health history from the past year! "Any diagnosis of High Blood Pressure? Diagnosis of Diabetes?..."

Well fuck all that noise!

Yah start askin mothah fuckahs bout medications? 

And thah Holy fuck!

There's been an uptick in,

Psoriasis medications,

Or some othah medications or ointments that deal with

Itchy, patchy...fucked up skin conditions!

And I itch like a muh fuckah!

Fuckin noticin flare ups on my own muh fuckin


I ain't evah had that kindah topical bullshit befo!

And I'm fifty-six years old!

"Well you's ah ol muh fuckah!" You might be retortin!

But all these muh fuckahs I've been pre-testin ain't all ol muh fuckahs like me!


'There are no coincidences!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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