Friday, April 29, 2022

Speak On It!

 I got somethin tah say bout this bullshit!

"Say your piece! American citizen!"

Y'all ain't shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 We can't handle the Truth!

Because We!

Don't want thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Thank You! Adam Boston!

 Thah muh fuckah may nevah remembah the shit!

But I remembah the shit clearly!

And I smile at my memory of Adam!

He was white as white with freckles abound and had this red curly hair mostly on top and faded on the sides.  

A less severe "Kid" in "Kid 'n Play". But with whorls of red curls!

I ain't tryin tah Jones ohn ah muh fuckah!


That was the style back in the day!

Just tryin tah make a written picture from my ol Black broke sorry ass memory fo yah

That's all!


Butler's Women's Track Team was with The Butler Men's Track Team for some reason. I had said some shit that was on my mind durin probably ah two hour commute back tah the university. That I undahstand with my ol ass now, that was probably in adverse tah the female persuasion, a misogynistic outward thought! Not meanin anything but what I had been conditioned tah believe. Shit! I was the youngest of twelve, eleven boys and one girl, the fuckin last! Both parents Apolstolic/Pentecostals! The fuck this red haired mothah fuckah talkin bout?!

And I remembah Adam!

He sat up from the sixteen passenger van seat and said, "Don't say that again man!"

And fo the damn life of me I don't know what I said to offend! 

But at that point it was insignificant!

I watched him aftah he had said it and he nevah looked at me again. But with what I saw?!

I saw ah mothah fuckah that was willin tah beat some ass or tah get his ass kicked...whatevah's clevah!

And I knew based on his entire affect in his body language, facial expression...

If my Black broke sorry ass said whatevah the fuck again!

The shit was gonnah be on!

And I didn't say a damn thing shit else!

Not because I was scared of ah ass kickin or kickin some ass!

I done got my lil ass kicked ah lot!

Fuck it!

Shit, youth is a muh fuckah!

And I don't give ah fuck what any fuckin body says, the victor or the loser, pick yo muh fuckin poison muh fuckah!

Yo monkey ass gonnah feel some hurt...or ah lot of hurt!

But this man was willin tah do whatevah was necessary tah stop,

 On of course ah microscopic level, the bullshit we men project

Because of empathy!


That's some shit fo yo broke Black sorry ass fo sho!



We are not insignificant!

Yo shit fuckin matters!

You are You because 



In spite 


I'm smilin now!

I think of him often,

He's helped my ol Black sorry ass a lot throughout the years since that incident!

And all my Black broke sorry ass can say in late

Gratitude is...

(Peace! More to come...)

Satanists! Are Perpetual Losers! God! Damn!

 No mattah what they have tried!

Or what they still do?!

They always fuckin 


(Peace! More to come....)

Ambrosias Are For Rich Stupid Muh Fuckahs!


Is just ah snake oil Sonshines!

And unlike most snake oils!

Yo broke sorry asses can't fuckin afford thah



Be well!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"May The Punishment, Meet The Crime!"

 People still thinkin I'm bullshittin!

If yo sorry ass harms ah Human child...willfully!


Yo sorry asses gets!

What cho sorry muh fuckin asses


(Peace! More to come...)

For The Numerous Of Future Humans That Didn't Make It...Or, The Ones That Made It, but didn't have Shit To Do With Their Individual Bull Shit!

 I'm so fuckin very


(Peace! More to come....)

Maritime Law

 "The TerraMar Project", "Epstein Islands" (Jeffrey Epstein, Murdered), Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson, Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG (Deceased)...

Thah Holy Fuck!

And ain't no-fuckin-body been


"There are no


(Peace! More to come...)

"Cut To The Quick!"

 People think I'm bullshittin?!

I'm tired and I hurt!

Physically and literally!


Like I've said more than three times:

"Fourteen years and some change! 


Thah fuck do you need!?

I ain't got no fuckin life's personal


For fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Empathy Is The Shit! Sympathy...You Can Shove It Up Yo Sorry US Ass!


Is a muh fuckah!



Oft times makes yo soul



But the most beautiful thing bout



Can make that same muh fuckin soul


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 28, 2022


 We all are!

We livin in ah muh fuckin town, city and state!

Flyin here, there and yondah!

And ain't gave shit tah 

The businesses, city, county, state, people...tah

Where We dwell?

"On ah Vacation!"


"On ah trip!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Johnny Depp v Amber Heard"

 Thah Holy fuck!

What did I fuckin miss?!

The mothah fuckah's my age and shit!

He's an ol has-been!

Thah fuck we talkin bout this ol

Insignificant mothah fuckah fo?!

That ponytail niggah!

Loose it!

And yah lookin bad Johnny!

Real bad!

Don't cho sorry ass dare look at any episodes of  "21 Jump Street"


Cause yo sorry ass sho nuff would cry like ah bitch!...

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Just tryin tah figure out cho own damn self is ah lifetime job in and of 


Muh fuckahs captivated and shit with somebody else's fuckin 


You know what that means Sonshines!?

That's fuckin right!

Time tah get yo damn selves ah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Firm-ly Speaking Of Course

 Muh fuckahs talkin that bullshit:

"...til the end of the earth."

Thee Holy fuck negroes!

What they mean is, "...til the end of the liars of earth!"

We live in a fuckin flat


And the fucked up thing bout the shit is:

There's three more just like


On this same infinite


That We know!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Conflict Of US Interests

 There're no Good tyrants, presidents, governors, mayors, school board officials, police officers...


But them no count muh fuckahs got one

God damn thing in fuckin


They sho nuff don't work fo


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

"The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost" Alas; Yo Ass Gonnah Wannah Finally Sleep!

 Every fucking thing that you thought you 


I'm glad tah tell yah


Yah gots tah relearn all that muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Plain Lil Ol RighteoUS!

 The light will always shine 



Muh fuckahs talkin bout, 'Darkness'!


Why does yo sorry asses believe they do shit in:

The Darkness!?

Cause they don't want the effulgent right


Tah witness what their no-count havin wrong asses fuckin doin!

Put it simply!

If yah think the shit yo sick sorry ass is doin is right!?

The fuck yo sorry muh fuckin asses makin excuses fo?!


And doin shit in the


(Peace! More to come...)

Sorry Ass No-Count Butt Ugly (As Usual) elite Satanic Puppet: 'Sam Brinton'

 Thee Holy fuck!

Shame befo Our Father!


Read bout the mothah fuckah!

And undah Beiden's regime no less! 

Thah fuck Our sorry asses been doin!?

We ain't payin attention fo fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

All You Need Is Blood!?

 These crazy Satanists, Luciferians... muh fuckahs write:

"If you are sick? Prick your finger. Squeeze thirteen drops of your own blood into your glass of choice. Put three ounces of water in the glass, along with a pinch of sugar. Stir it up and drink it."

They write, that'll make yo sorry ass bettah within minutes! 


Fuck that noise!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Life Is Degrading.

 Every fuckin day!

I can physically feel myself breakin the fuck


It's not ah bad feelin!

But it damn sho ain't ah good fuckin feelin



Just annoyin as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 25, 2022


 It's about numbahs!

And oft times those muh fuckahs don't add the fuck



What ahbout thah numbahs!

Them shits!

You ain't addin the fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 24, 2022


 Even on "Gilligan's Island - S3/Ep3"!

The Professor and Skipper couldn't see shit!

But Mary Ann saw clearly a boat and the people who occupied the shit!

And We talkin bout


(Peace! More to come...)

The Series Is Called: "Imposters". On "NETFLIX", Originally on "Bravo". Seriously, Though!?

 I binged the first season!

Not one biological

Female in the whole muh fuckin thing!

Haven't researched enough bout 


(Peace! More to come...)


 We all got tah reason fo Our sorry ass deficiencies

Don't We?!

Always tryin tah throw those muh fuckahs on some damn body else 

Save Ourselves!

Feet be hurtin like ah muh fuckah;

Vagina, mouth and asshole throbbin, chafed from the abuse!...

But We still say,

"Shit! I ain't tired!"







(Peace! More to come...)

I Finally Undahstand What The Fuck, "The Rockets Red Glare!" Fuckin means!

 If yah cook in this here US!

Undahstand some shit


With this infancy tryin tah be ah 

"Global World" environment

We sho nuff livin in!...


So I went tah "Saraga's". Walkin up and down the various aisles, I ran across: "Oh, yes indeedy I needs me some "Chili Powder"!

Tah make some "Chili" of course!

Niggresses and Niggahs!

American "Chili" powdah!?

Ain't no thang!


American "Chili" powdah, I don't give ah fuck "Kroger" brand, "Ortega"...(shit, pick yo poison muh fuckahs!) is an Americanized conditioned "Chili" powdah! With, of course, ah lot of salt and ah pinch of cumin!

But "Indian" "Chili" powdah!?



Ain't nothin but fuckin nonsensical


"The fuck you make this fuckin hot shit for?" My Wife!?

Thee Holy fuck!


I ain't fuckin that muh fuckin


Aftah all?!...

(Peace! More to come!...)

""There Are Black People! And Then There Are Niggahs"-Chris Rock" And, We Have Never Needed Any Of The Ill 'Help'!

 There is no fuckin way!

I'd be givin any of these mothah fuckahs welfare!

Talkin bout entitled!

And ain't worked one fuckin hour in their sorry ass muh fuckin life


I don't give two shits what cho Black, white, brown...stank ass fuckin talkin bout!

I really don't?!

You ain't evah gonnah work around 'em!

Thank Our Father fo that shit!

But cho sorry no-clue havin ass gottah interact wit 'em!


Due tah HUD's

Equal housin bullshit! 

Gottah live next tah 'em!...


And it's thah muh fuckahs that look just like You!

But ain't really You!?

Doin tah ah Hard Workin American such as


Gettin ah lil what Our real BlackUS

Been talkin tah you Muh fuckahs 

("NOI" et al...)

Bout all this fuckin time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thine Light Will Forever Shine!

 Even mothah fuckahs that loves the darkness!

Just loves tah see who they

Fuckin too!

Or what would be the fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 23, 2022

You Are Going To, One Way Or The Other, Pay This Bitch! Unless...

 Yo sorry Black broke sorry asses still think this price of living is


Thee Holy fuck!

Didn't their so-called history inform You of some shit?!



You will always be the bitch!

And you don't wannah be the bitch!




Yo sorry asses just fine bein regulated tah Semi-


(Peace! More to come...)

Proximal Identity

 I'm gonnah stop complainin bout Our disturbin drivin habits in 



I saw some traffic shit in supposedly Vietnam!

How that traffic flows!?...

Ah chaotic ballet!

And an ol Black sorry broke ass livin in Indianapolis, Indiana 


Gots thah nerves tah


(Peace! More to come...)

A Reckoning

 "I like you Love."

Thank you!

"I know we don't have much time together...but I see what you are becoming."

Thank you!

"None needed Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

You! Are! Priceless!

 You don't have to be something!





Just have tah be something 








Are worth!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tetanus Shot

 They got Our sorry Black broke sorry asses!

But don't chou evah get mad Sonshines!



Cause We did it tah Our-fuckin-selves!


We shall 

Forgive Ourselves!


Start movin forward!

Once more!...

And just don't do that stupid muh fuckin shit like that


(Peace! More to come...)

"Reading Is Fundamental" II


Is ah self ritualistic process!

Every mothah fuckin body has their own way of processing the 

Written word!



Undahstand that shit!

Visually you can't stop it!

The mind with motion!

And the mind with still!

Are two very different muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Chitt'lins! At Least Mine's Cooked! II

 Playahs and Playesses!

Have yah evah eatin ah raw oystah!?

I've only had 'em one time vacationin in


And before we got Our ordah, the young Black Brothah servin US asked,

"So y'all evah had raw oystahs befo?"

My wife and I said, "No." Almost in unison

He said before he went tah get the oystahs we had ordered tah serve US,

"I don't like'em," he said offhandedly.

And We both took the bait, 

"Why not?" My wife and I, again, almost in unison.

"Cause they taste like boogahs tah me. I'm just sayin."...

These super silly muh fuckahs wants tah talk bout,

"Oh, you can taste the freshness! It tastes like the ocean!"

You tellin my broke ol Black broke sorry ass?

The ocean tastes like slightly salted semi-firm slime!?

Then they gots thah nerves tah tell yo no-count pedestrian havin ass:

"Well! Those obviously weren't fresh oysters you were eating!"

How thah fuck an ol Black sorry broke ass like me?

Hit the fuckin lottery with some bullshit like

Me gettin fuckin Slimy non-fresh oystahs!

Eatin it, mind you,

For the very first time!

In fuckin Nawlins!

Renowned fo their excellent raw oystahs!

Can ah niggah catch some


(Peace! More to come...)

"Reading Is Fundamental"

Damn right bout that shit!

Where subsequent writin is spawned!

I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read?!

And the fuck I know the fuck I would do without writin?!

There's not too many places you can just have an enema,

Then let the shit out

All in the same place!?

Gives a whole new meanin to the phrase,

"Never shit where you lie down!"

Yah know?

Everyone of US needs an


A place tah take a propah shit!

Even where We lie!


We all go fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Face Hustlin II!

You don't even know you have thee ability until latah on in this fucked up life! 

Unless yo ass is extremely intuitive!

Which I am not! 

I'm just awright.

Yah know?

That's why it's all comin tah the fore now because it took me 56 yee-ahs tah undahstand what I had conditioned myself tah become and had tah do!

For individual Human survival sake!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 22, 2022

Face Hustlin

 Well, shit!

You've heard of ear hustlin?!


Face hustlin thah same but with ah visual quality finesse tah the shit!

I've done it most of my life.

Bein thah last of twelve, one observes because of thah muh fuckin chaos....

Well, based on thah goings ons,

Bein thah youngest,

Yah pick up on some shit!

Unbeknownst tah you of course!

Until yah become an ol Black broke sorry ass mothah fuckah!


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Fucking Words?!


Mean everything to humans!

Get rid of the literal word?...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Perpetual Sirens' Song

 We have never!

In Our Human History!

Been able to stop fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Always Fuckin With Words!

 They wannah define ah word, "Webster's" et al!

Then they wannah try tah redefine it fo yo no-count havin ol Black sorry broke ass!

Fuck that!

Naw playah!

Here's how you defined it back

Two-hunnard or mo yeeahs some shit!

That what chou said!?



(Peace! More to come...)

Pure Human Electric (PHE)

 There is no way in this Heaven!

Yo ass can get electricity without ah

Positive charge

And ah

Negative charge!

Nor too!

Will you get ah child without ah


And ah


Mothah fuckahs might say:

"We have scientifically learned how to produce humans without the sexes even being involved!"

My ol Black broke sorry ass will have tah tell yo stank ass:

That creation isn't Human!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chitt'lins! At Least Mine's Cooked!

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black broke sorry havin ass!


Here ah niggah go!


Fuck yall!


They gag at thah thought of eatin ah chitt'lin!

But they down ah half ah dozen or more of

Raw oystahs!?

Thah... Holy... fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Men! We Ain't Learned Shit!

 If I was ah



I'd be tearin Our asses up!

Man ain't shit!

Without the Wo!

We fuckin-the-fuckin-shit


Merkel, et al...

I see yah ugly ass manbitch!...

And the sad thing about the shit!...

We still doin

Fucked up shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Transgenderism: If "Gender Doesn't Matter"? Then Why Does It Matter!

 Ain't nobody tellin yo stank ass:

"You don't have rights!"



Yo ass made ah conscious choice!

Or yo sorry ass parents did it fo yah!

With their child trauma based mind control abuse...sorry havin asses!


We just sayin,

With yo broke asses too,

"You don't have special rights!"

Because you made ah bad muh fuckin choice!...


Yo sorry ass parents made the choice for


(Peace! More to come...)

It's All About The Mother! II

 How so?!

Thee Holy fuck!

Read some of the texts in the Bible?

It'll tell yah all yah need tah know bout why we say the fuckin things that we do!

Might sound absurd! Sure!

But we some absurd mothah fuckahs!

Shit all the Bible talks about is Man!

But fuck all that noise!

Dig deep!



Soul needs reparations!

Because all this goodness in US starts within


In Ecclesiastes 1:4 King James Version,

"...but the earth abideth for ever."

And what's the full name of earth?


Mother Earth!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's All About The Mother!

 Stupid muh fuckahs wannah talk that crazy shit,

"Well, what about the Mother?"

Yah see what I mean?!

Stupid ass mothah fuckin shit!

Let me tell yah somethin Sonshines:

It's all about the wondroUS


(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father

 Most people wondah!

Let me tell yah somethin my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

That's a bad muh fuckin habit tah have right now!

Kill yo ass fastah than the elite with these sorry ass pharmaceutical companies!...


Wondah no more Sonshines!

And start seekin some fuckin answahs by the only One who has an answah fo that

Ol Black sorry 

Broken ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Just Talkin Bout This God Damned Life!

 I remembah, 

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

Mommy said on more than one occasion:

"Parenting is for everyone! 

 But everyone shouldn't be a parent!

 And I'd sure like to see a lil Meredith one of these days!"



There is ah lil Meredith!

But she never got thah chance to see


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Real Purposes For Those Ghost Cities

 You remembah, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs

China was building all these "Ghost Cities"?

And no fuckin body was livin in'em?!

Shit! We got'em here!

Ain't nothin the fuck new!

Thah fuck?

Now they showin these so-called muh fuckin Chinese in "Shanghai" bein 'locked down'?!

They showin police in China with HAZMAT suits on,

With Hanzi script on the back of the so-called police officials' HAZMAT suits!


Got's the nerves tah have the English word

"POLICE" underneath the Hanzi?!...


Thee Holy fuck!

Y'all gotstah cut this shit the fuck out!

These elite muh fuckahs are fuckin triflin and


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Bitch Beiden!

 That's how his sorry ancestors spelled their sorry ass last name!

Fuck whatchah talkin bout!

Ol sorry ugly dumb muh fuckah!

Remembah back in the day?!

Nobody remembahs the mothah fuckah of this here US

Wanted hair transplants to be covered by 

Health insurance!

And you see his fucked up plugs?!



How We soon forget!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

That muh fuckah is one sorry ass crotchety ugly no-count

Dick-face shaped ol bastard!

That they put intah office!

Not the fuck


We ain't that 

Fuckin stupid!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 18, 2022

The Muh Fuckahs Even Fuckin Up Their Own Theatrics! God! Damn!

 Shit's not goin too well for them elite muh fuckahs is it?

Can't even keep their own puppets in control let alone US!?

Lot of'em gettin low,

Tryin tah get ghost and shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

Y'alls in fuckin trouble!

Worthless pieces of shit!


Oh, I'm sorry!

Yall no count havin sorry asses gots that ace in the hole!

We all seein it though!

You mothah fuckahs gonna shut the shit down again!

But when you do that again to US!

Oh shit!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Get ah big bowl of popcorn,

A package of strawberry "Twizzlers",

Sit back

And watch the marvelous 

Shit-show, that they've done sho nuff directed and produced,

Come tah their glorious unscripted fuckin long overdue 


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 16, 2022


 Don't chou evah let them classify yo shit as "Mental Illness"!

Fuck that noise!



Fuckin normal!

It's called transference!

You ain't killin nobody!

You ain't tryin tah kill nobody!

You ain't meanin nobody any fuckin harm!

You go to work!

You pay yo mothah fuckin taxes!...

But cho broke Black sorry ass knows all the shit they doin tah US and have done tah US is and was fuckin wrong!

And just because yo broke sorry asses not goin along with their sick abnormal filthy behavior

That they tryin their fuckin best tah make normal!?

Yo broke sorry ass gots thah mothah fuckin problem!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Push The Button - Newcleus" Think About It!?

 Evil is spread.

Evil is lead.

But without evil's head

We'd all be dead....

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 15, 2022

Reverend (Psalm 111:9)

 Ain't no way yo sorry Black asses are worthy!

But sorry broke Black ass muh fuckin church goers

Still let these no count sorry ass idolaters on these churches' daises call themselves


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Ain't No Thang!


Yah got tah tough the shit out!

No othah choice!


Fuckin created!

Now yo sorry broke ass wannah bail!

And what pre-tell would 

Our Father

Think of yo sorry broke Black ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Perpetual Bad Dick!

 We all know one!

And most those muh fuckahs are foul!

Don't know why women put up with our sorry broke asses!

And if yah homosexual!


Two dicks ain't evah gonnah be at 


(Peace! More to come...)

Absolute Value?

The only absolute!


There's only one


There're  no fuckin


If there were any absolutes?!

There would be no reason for 


(Peace! More to come...)

Finally Take Ownership Fo Yo Sorry Ass Shit!

 No mattah how this muh fuckin shit goes down 

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

And it's gonnah go down!

One way or the fuckin othah! 

Best believe that fuckin noise!

When you take yo last muh fuckin life filled breath!

Believe me when I tell yah this shit!

It was all!

Your sorry broke Black ass

Muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

"Jameson Irish Whiskey Orange"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Buy some "Jameson Irish Whiskey"!

The name fuckin says it all!

And put ah orange peel in thah shit!


Thah fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)



Can help yo sorry Black broke ass!


You're not tellin ah muh fuckah thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Texas Sending Busloads Of Illegal Immigrants To D.C."


But quit fuckin playin muh fuckahs!

Start from fuckin scratch!

And begin the 


Journey of


(Peace! More to come...)


 I can only imagine what it's like tah be reared in two individual parent households?!

I grew up with both parents residin in the same home.

I smile at my daughter oft times when I don't think she's lookin at me, lookin at her!

Marveling at her!

I smile!...

Aftah all the bull shit I've put 


Through Sonshine

Bein ah non-custodial co-creator!

Yo beautiful bein

Have yet tah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

"Mildred Natwick"

 What did "Austin Powers" say that has been so apropos bout this caustic shit?

"That's ah man! Babay!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

NASA - Michoud Assembly Facility (NASA-MAF-NOLA)

 Niggresses and Niggahs!

Quit fallin fo the okee-doke!

Research one thing 

Or more than one thing!

Whatevah's clevah!

Every fuckin day!

Until yo sorry ol Black broke asses fuckin die!


They done got that ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cause And Effect! EMFs!

 I probably pre-tests fifty people ah week?!

Well durin the shit yah ask them questions bout their health history from the past year! "Any diagnosis of High Blood Pressure? Diagnosis of Diabetes?..."

Well fuck all that noise!

Yah start askin mothah fuckahs bout medications? 

And thah Holy fuck!

There's been an uptick in,

Psoriasis medications,

Or some othah medications or ointments that deal with

Itchy, patchy...fucked up skin conditions!

And I itch like a muh fuckah!

Fuckin noticin flare ups on my own muh fuckin


I ain't evah had that kindah topical bullshit befo!

And I'm fifty-six years old!

"Well you's ah ol muh fuckah!" You might be retortin!

But all these muh fuckahs I've been pre-testin ain't all ol muh fuckahs like me!


'There are no coincidences!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 11, 2022

Good Mornin Muh Fuckahs! II

 Morning Jolt Naturalist:

Two parts brewed extra-strong

"Seattle's Best - Henry's Blend"


One part


(Peace! More to come...)

Good Mornin Muh Fuckahs!

 Morning Jolt:

Two parts brewed extra-strong 

"Seattle's Best - Henry's Blend"


One part 

"Fireball Cinnamon Whisky"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yah Can't Make This Shit Up!

 So thah muh fuckah talkin tah me like he has ah fuckin point,

"Fuck them mothah fuckahs Hop! Talkin bout weed's addictive and shit! Thah first I heard that shit! And I smoke thah shit every fuckin day!"



(Peace! More to come...)

Can't Make Sense Out Of Nonsense!

 Check it!

Yah got fuckin Vegans wearin fuckin masks!

Thee Holy fuck!

But cho sorry asses worryin bout what organic food

Yah puttin in yo gonnah die body!?

And ain't no fuckin way that fuckin

Mask yo sorry ass is wearin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Final Time!


We agree!?

Tah put those muh fuckin masks on full-time again!

How thah muh fuckah croon back in the day,

"Yes it's ovah! Call it ah day! Sorry that it had! Tah end this way!..."


Them mothah fuckahs ain't comin back off!


And an ol Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah like me!

Don't wannah live that fuckin way!

No fuckin mo!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Alas! Thee Holy Fuck!

 Muh fuckahs always wantin tah play thah fuckin perpetual victim and shit!

Get ovah that shit!

"It's not fair!"

Maybe not Sonshines!

But we gotstah 

Keeps rollin with that unfair


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 10, 2022

I Know!

 There're certain muh fuckin things burned intah yo sorry Black broke ass psyche! 

And yah can't do shit bout conditionin!

But there's One muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Preferential Treatment

You remembah, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

When ol "Teddy Pendergrass" was "allegedly" with a transgendah when he had his crash that caused his lifelong subsequent paralysis?

"Eddie Murphy", "Arsenio Hall"...bein accused of havin an affinity fo the duos?!

But now!?

It's all the fuckin rage!

And lookin back with nearsightedness!

I mean!?


What ah muh fuckah gonnah do?!

We findin out all the 


In Hollywood!

Have ah fuckin dick!


Used tah have one!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Dodi", Born 'Chill' In Indiana!

 He loved every damn body when he was working!

But after eight hours of the bullshit! 

They could kiss his Black ass!

And it's time for the first


(Peace! More to come...)

They Got US Sorry Asses! Properly!

 A garden?!



And shit!

Fuck all that noise!

You don't need all that bullshit!


We got local grocery sto's fo yah Black broke sorry asses!

Ain't that nice not tah be slavin tah just fuckin eat?


Fuck that!



Local restaurants, Chain restaurants...!


Thee Holy fuck muh fuckahs!


At all these fine vehicles that will take you even two blocks away!...


Thah fuck yo sorry ol Black broke ass wannah do that stupid shit fo?!

We're gonnah tell yah

What thah fuck tah do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Manipulating Heaven?

 They can manipulate the firmament!

The adverse "Pangaea Effect" 

Helps US understand that shit!

But what thah Holy fuck the othah

Three-fourths of this

Heaven's existence!?



Maybe them muh fuckahs just as tired of their shit like


I pray!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 9, 2022

"Red Hot Chili Peppers -The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie"

 And where dost thou've been hideth?...

(Peace! More to come...)

For Real?!

 A high class attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana told my Black broke sorry ass shit, some eight years ago!

He was doin the shit kindah pro bono!

I mean he gave me thah,

"Come on niggah! A niggah at least gottah eat!"


Big ups!

But he told me some priceless shit!

I had thah nerves tah tell an attorney of his stature,

"That's not fair!"

And he tore my Black broke ass up!

"Meredith. There's fairness in the moral sense. And fairness in the Law!"



(Peace! More to come...)

A Human Connection

 I guess it starts with the Human element. 

It always has. 

And it shall always be! 

The human elementals amalgamating, 




We'll be fine!


(Peace! More to come...)

Your Shit! Not Everybody Else's Shit! II

 Butcha see what I did?

I automatically thought, based on how I believe myself to be, that she was, again, givin me like what the British would call,,  "The shag!"

Thah fuck!

Leaving Elaine Hopson!? In her own vehicle?! While living in her house in Anderson, Indiana?! Rent free?! Bein one of twelve is gonnah be good fo my rep? And yo ass comparin me tah that sorry Black ass muh fuckah!? That you call: Ah Brothah!?


I would have nevah...fuckin did that! 

Shit! Tah 

Elaine Hopson!...

Butcha see again?!

Not her shit!

My shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Priceless Time!

 Rich and powerful mothah fuckahs think that

They can put off the


You sorry lazy no-count havin asses!


Yah gonnah fuckin 




Just like Blessedly the 'rest' of


(Peace! More to come...)

Your Shit! Not Everybody Else's Shit!

 I don't know why I'm thinking about this shit?!

But I am fo some reason?


My wife has a real close friend. 

I like her too. And I would consider her my friend. I hope she would too? But...

Well I'd heard a lot about her brother. Who was doin some shit, like the British would say, kindah dodgy?! And on one occasion, this mothah fuckah decided tah go back tah Anderson, Indiana, thah function's in Indianapolis, where they both resided, he and his Mom, in the same house. Cause the Mom was takin too long. And he had tah get back. Tah Anderson, Indiana! In his Mom's car. To his Mom's house....? Yah see?


There were lil odds and ends that were told about the brothah ovah ah time. 

So, when I informed her I was a Trump supportah. And she said, 

"You just like my Brother!..." 

I got that Charlie Brown shit goin, "Whah! Whah! Whah-whah-whah-whah!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Faux Pas!

 The so-called 'elite' are using this here shit they named:

Modern Technology!

Against US!

Butcha see?!

We've got more control ovah this shit than them!

And once we overstand that premise!?

The only thing they can do at that point is to...

Shut the shit down!

But then!

They've made a fatal 


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck their Level! They Are Not On Our Level!

 Talk about their sorry asses!

Every fuckin chance y'alls sorry asses get!

Talk bad bout'em too!

My brother Chauncey used tah tell me this lil anecdote all the time:

"Meredith! Listen?! When a muh fuckah applies pressure on that ass! You apply it back! And then some!"

We sittin up there talkin bout what they doin, what are we gonnah do, oh woe is US...!

Fuck all that bullshit!

Think bout these muh fuckahs and their given attitudes?!

You don't know?!


You fuckin know!

Muh fuckahs with real money fuckin 

Hate tah get


Hate tah get 


Hate tah get...

Yah see what I mean?!

If yall don't have enough thah fuck tah do with all that money, than to act like teenagers with yalls grown asses!

Bye Our Father!

I know how tah get on a fuckin teenagers' nerves!

Just gottah tease 'em! 

Tellin the truth bout that muh fuckin teenagers' flaws!

And they have witnessed them!


Cause the truth fuckin hurts when We see it as so!

Especially when you're ah teenager!...


What those muh fuckahs gonna do?

Make yo ol Black broke sorry ass


Fire yo sorry ass?

Kiss my ass muh fuckahs!

Just like bein in the military!

Yo rank 

Don't mean fuckin dick!

Out on these real 



(Peace! More to come...)

Klaus Martin Schwab

World Economic Forum?!

Thee Holy fuck!

Fuck you!

You ol ugly bastard!

 Everybody listenin tah this ugly fucker!

Have you seen him?!

The mothah fuckah's butt ugly!

And gots thah nerves tah have two fuckin offsprings?!

And you know those two muh fuckahs got hit with the ugly stick too!

And whatevah woman or women fucked this troll!

Ol ugly no-count havin ass mothah fuckin Klaus been payin ah steep price for some


Cause ain't nobody fuckin that sorry ugly ass mothah fuckah fo


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 8, 2022

"Alpha to Omega"

 There is! 

An absolute!


Of course!

There's always ah caveat fo that Black sorry broke ass!

Our sorry broke individual Black asses just have tah figure out what that shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Those Poor Ukrainians? Thee Holy Fuck!

 Thah fuck wrong with muh fuckahs?!

I mean shit!

If Our own abode isn't up tah code?!

Thah fuck We think some othah mothah fuckahs

Should be!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Obsolescence In The Human Will!

Thah Holy fuck

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

This shit's the best We got at thah fuckin present!

I mean whatchou gonnah do?

Lie down and play dead!?...

Fuck that noise!

Got tah make do!


We have always done!

And We most certainly will

Always fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck The Ukraine! What About US!?

 Got US Americans starvin and homeless and shit!

Children bein fucked in this here US of A;

Literally and figuratively!

Lettin the Global pedophile Network run rampant in these parts!


Even befo Our Father!

Got US muh fuckahs up in this bitch can't even pay the muh fuckin rent and mortgage cause y'all shut the shit down fo close tah two years! Makin shit up! Thah fuck!

Family owned businesses decimated by y'alls sorry ass always selfish decisions!...

And y'all stank no-count havin asses want US tah have some type of empathy fo some grown no-count  sorry ass mothah fuckahs that decided on their own accord tah turn tah the muh fuckin, "Dark Side"!? Now the light, showin that sorry ass some shit bout their decision makings?! And the plethora of penalties thereof?...And y'all rich asses think US really gonnah give ah real good Holy fuck!?


Get some! You!...

Thah fuck y'all rich muh fuckahs been smokin?!

Like "Whitney Houston" said,

"Crack is whack!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Talisa Garcia" The First?! Come Ohn Naw!?

 Talkin bout takin one fo thah muh fuckin team!

Oh, I'm sorry, you meant the first that's ownin up tah the shit?!


Cause we ain't even gonnah talk bout:

"Karen Allen, Kate Capshaw, Carrie Fisher..."


Thah fuck they think they fuckin foolin?!

Quit playin!

The jig is up!

Like ol "Leonard Cohen" sang so long ago:

"Everybody knows!..." ...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Clandestine Approach Always Prevails

 "Gil Scott-Heron" said it right so long ago:

"The revolution will not be televised..."


We ain't that fuckin stupid!

All these marches, movements...

Goin on are funded by, the same muh fuckahs that are enslavin US,

The so-called 'elite'!



That's how they get all the media attention and shit!

Our revolutions throughout Our history have started underground!

Then when the right time tah get that ass comes!

We've always gotten that ass!


In this muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Napoleonic Absolution Resolution

 "Religion is what keeps the poor from

Murdering the rich."

Ain't that what that short muh fuckah said

Way back in the day!?

Not killing!

But Murdering!



And what the stupid rich muh fuckahs go and fuckin do?!

Came up with COVID

And told the pious,

"Y'all can't fellowship cause of COVID!"

Finin mothah fuckahs and shit that defied the

Trumped up law!


Y'all super-silly-muh-fuckahs

Just wannah get murdered!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dear Sorry Ass So-Called 'Elites'! Thy Reckoning Cometh Nigh! III

 You evah witnessed the Denver Airport's mural of that what looks like thah "Exacting Death" muh fuckah?! 

Gas mask on, A-K in the left hand donned with a scabbard and the huge "Veil"  sword in the right hand hoverin ovah the meek!? 

Protectin those broke asses!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Dear Sorry Ass So-Called 'Elites'! Thy Reckoning Cometh Nigh! II

 How do you survive thah muh fuckin blood filled fallout?!

Purchase yo Black sorry broke ass an ill gas mask!

Cause the 'elites' rotting eviscerated bodies!

Gonnah be the foulest smell evah!



(Peace! More to come...)

Dear Sorry Ass So-Called 'Elites'! Thy Reckoning Cometh Nigh!

 They tryin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

But tah no fuckin avail!

Just ah mattah of fuckin time fo those slovenly muh fuckahs!

Remittance is due!

With y'alls stank sorry asses!

Tick-tock says the clock!

And like any timepiece!

Time eventually says

Fuck yah!

Don't feed yah!

Cause I don't fuckin 

Need Yah!


Our Father is

Gonnah protect



Soon, the blood will flow

In US streets along with the 'elites'





(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 4, 2022

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse..." IDK!


Fuck you!


I didn't study law!

I'm not ah Lawyer!

A judge!

A magistrate!...

Y'all the mothah fuckahs in jurisprudence!

Not my Black broke sorry ass!

That shit has everything tah do with you!

Not my pedestrian, layman...ol Black sorry broke ass!?

(Peace! More to come...)

Infinite Armed Truths!

 That last blog lead me tah anothah thought!

Maybe in the Second Amendment we've just been conditioned to think, "Arms" meant guns, pistols, artillery, ball peen hammers...But maybe that's not the case at all?

I mean the shit was written by attorneys, you know how they roll? I don't like this shit but I've got tah go along; ergo, I'm goin tah use some ambiguity.

We talkin bout non-rah-rah muh fuckahs! The rah-rah muh fuckahs done had the bettah marketin of the fact that, "Arms" meant lethal weapons and shit!

But the non-rah-rah muh fuckahs were tellin Our sorry asses:

"If you understand the law. You will always be armed, informed and in good standing."...


(Peace! More to come...)

Welcome to the Non-DMZ!? And "The Right To Bear Arms/(Truth)"

 Oft times, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, my ol Black broke sorry ass feels as though I'm witnessin and livin in a fuckin menagerie! 

This shit don't feel right at the fuck all!

But then my Black broke sorry ass thinks,

"Bro you've been askin for this bullshit! Now it's manifestin itself! Yo sorry ass wannah go back to your normal way of thinkin?! Now?! Uh...fuck that playah! Those blissful more ignorant times are fuckin gone Son! Can't be hesitatin now! Fuckin too late! How did that ol car ad-jingle go: "You'! Asked for it! You got it!..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Idle Time Muh Fuckahs!

 Even the so-called "elites" got an excuse fo fuckin failin!

Shameful mothah fuckahs!

Yah got all the money and power in this God damned world!

And you refuse to fix the shit!


Without killin ovah two-thirds of the

Global population!

Now that's some






(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 3, 2022

INCELs: Klaus Schwab, William Gates, King/Queen Elizabeth II, Ted Turner, Anthony Fauci, Henry Kissinger...Y'all Fuckin Ugly! And Quit Bein Fuckin Mad About The Shit!

 See what I mean?!

Mothah fuckahs ain't nevah got no dick or pussy!

Based on their Godawful



(Peace! More to come...)

Finally Witnessing Truths!

 Mothah fuckahs will go tah bat fo ah muh fuckah that they haven't even interacted with othah than cosign fo their own fuckin family!

You say tah thah muh fuckahs!

"Raquel Welch is a transgender!"

Talkin bout muh fuckahs gettin offended!

Damn Bro!

I ain't talkin bout Our Sistah or Mommah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Idleness! Kills US! And Them Muh Fuckahs Needs Tah Overstand Some Real Shit!

 We are all Monkeys!

Tah them!

Tah do experiments on US; tah fuck US howevah they want tah fuck US; tah treat US howevah they want tah treat US...

And for them.. 

Tah just tah witness the outcome from their sick scenarios, the subsequent fallouts and for their amusements!?

With y'alls lazy no count havin asses!

Thah Holy fuck!...



You ask?!

Cause the mothah fuckahs don't have tah fuckin work! 

And tah not havin tah just fuckin work!?

They don't have a fuckin clue!

Of, havin tah just the fuck work!?

In ordah tah just fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Understand Your Sorry Ass Strengths! But, Most Of All, Understand Your Sorry Ass Weaknesses!

 Yo sorry ass may come up with some shit!

But that don't mean fuck!

Bout cho sorry ass bein

The voice

And the face

Of the shit!..

(Peace! More to come...)

War In The Ukraine?

 Thee Holy fuck!

That shit ain't no damn war!

Ain't even ah fuckin battle!

It's ah fuckin insurrection

With the aid of righteous outside forces!

And comin tah US real fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 1, 2022

Mon Dieu! "Serge Monast - Project Blue Beam (NASA)"

 Read the shit!


And nobody's talkin bout the mothah fuckah!

You got  Milton William (Bill) Cooper,

Jacques Vallee...

Can Serge get a lil love!?

That muh fuckin Quebecois, Canadian, even though he's dead, tellin yah how it's gonnah go down!



(Peace! More to come...)

"Indigo Children"

 Niggahs and Nigresses!

Believe me You!

You ain't seen nothin the fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

I Screen! You Screen! We Screen! For Green Screen!

 Niggahs and Nigresses!

Fuck the seeing!

Turn the shit off!

And finally 

Go Human!...

(Peace! More to come...

Elite? Maybe. But Y'all Muh Fuckahs Are Fuckin Ugly As Fuck! And That Blueblood Bloodline Is For Shit!

 These mothah fuckahs kill my broke Black sorry ass!

All these fuckin so-called elites,

Got the cases of the fuckin 


Them mothah fuckahs are fuckin 


I mean I ain't no prize or some shit!

But I'm bettah lookin than all those sorry uncomely muh fuckahs put togethah! 

I'm even bettah lookin than their uncomely women!


I guess yah just can't buy






(Peace! More to come...)

No Prep Time Needed

 Settle in!

It won't be long!

Mothah fuckahs buyin generators, MREs, ammunition...


I got news for yo muh fuckin blues Sonshines!

That shit ain't gonnah do yo Black broke sorry ass any fuckin good!

When the shit finally hits the fan!

That shit gonnah get on every single one of US!...

Yah bettah the fuck well 

Have the knowledge of

Travelin lightly!


Have the knowledge of

Doin without some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)