Thursday, March 4, 2021

Indianapolis' Weather Modifications and The Big Bucks Theory

 I think a lot. But I guess who doesn't? But for some reason things will keep going like a recording until I put keys to blog. Ya know.  I'm looking at the weather now, in early March no less, and everybody feelin good bout this shit! Well, I don't. Not observing all the goddamned chemtrails in the skies over our fair city of Indianapolis. Oh, and guess what, the "NCAA" tournament starts in 14 days, the weather is supposed to be even more dreamy. 

The fuck. Y'all remember when Super Bowl 46 was played in our wonderful city February 5, 2012. That whole month HAARP fucked up the weather, unseasonably warm temperatures. Though we have a dome stadium, the fun happens for the fans outside. That day the high was 48 degrees and did not get under 37 degrees. I remember walkin round downtown and motha fuckas, me included, with jackets on and beer in hand. Member that shit? 

The whole Super Bowl weekend:

Friday, February 3, 2012 high was 54 degrees

Saturday, February 4, 2012 high was 46 degrees

Sunday, February 5, 2012 high 48 degrees

Monday, February 6, 2012 high 48 degrees...

The whole month of February, in Indianapolis, Indiana the temperatures were mild. In February.... In Indianapolis, Indiana...the fuck.

Now this. For the "NCAA" tournament from Thursday, March 18, 2021 to the tournament finals on Monday, April 5, 2021 the weather in Indianapolis, Indiana will not get under 47 degrees on any given day. The finals will be played on a partly sunny beautiful 63 degrees day...towards the end of winter. In March. In Indianapolis, Indiana. Believe me! I've lived in this bitch my whole fifty-five years old life! Ain't eva busted a move ta live anywheres else! This is my...Home! And the weather ain't makin no fuckin sense! And fuck yo "Global Warming" bull-to-the-shit!

And where the fuck is The NCAA Headquarters? Come on na!

Natural occurrences? Manipulative planning?... Hmm? Just sayin.


(Peace! More to come...)

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