Monday, March 22, 2021

Behind Closed Doors, Toujours Mes Amis dans d'Etats Unis: Cult Against Cult

 This shit's funny as hell yo! You see when one takes it upon oneself to obtain and attain enlightenment, one tribal cult entity in particular and let us just call the other cult "G Men." Now, these motha fuckas fightin against one anotha cause somethin done gone mightily wrong...

"...cause some fuckin body done overstepped their fuckin bounds goddamned it! Now gentlemen...and ladies....we're not gonna just sit up here and let this shit happen to Our Great Country! Are We?" Mnuchin said.

"Give it a fuckin rest! Will ya kid?! Now on ta fuckin business!" She paused and took a two shot full of good ol' Elijah Craig '18' down without a wince. Put the six inches in height and three inches by width highball glass she just drained down gently on her, breathtaking, mahogany desk. Composed herself a tick and continued, "...Where the fuck do we go from here mister smartasses!" Pelosi retorted...

(Peace! More to come...)

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