Monday, February 22, 2021

The Green New Deal, gonna be a stone cold ill thrill pill, to steal and seal the deal! For real!

 You remember, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, the old Toyota commercial's slogan: "You! Asked for it! You got it!..." Member that shit? Well check this out playas! Very apropos! Much love to the imaginer of that quite befitting situation we have all gotten ourselves into!

$2.65 a gallon motha fuckas! Ya heard may? And motha fuckas ain't sayin shit about it on the news. Tryin ta avoid green house gas emissions, so they say. We know. Or I hope We do. It's going to keep going up without a peep from the media. Cause: "Who doesn't want clean air? And who wouldn't want to save the planet!" Uhm! Sometimes I just can't take ignorance! But unfortunately My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas bein amid the ignorant we shall be! But let me tell ya sorry ass somethin? When the shit gets $5.50 a gallon, holla at a playa. Cause yo sorry ass can't get off the sorry ass thrill ride we never agreed to ride...But ride we must! Ya know....

(Peace! More to come...)

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