Saturday, February 27, 2021

COVID is real! But...

 I ain't sayin COVID is not real! I'm sure it is. But...and it's always that fuckin but that gets yo sorry Black ass don't it? No double entendre intended mind you My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. Just sayin, that's all. 

But, ya kept the airlines opened and theys still on and poppin sunshine!? The fuck that about? Just explain it simply ta ah nigga? Please!? 

The first thing you do with a True Pandemic is to shut off travel! Shit! Ta try yo sorry White ass ta contain the shit! Not! And I repeat, Not lettin a motha fucka on a goddamned  plane when they could possibly have the shit, and fly their ass from New York to clear across Our Great Nation to California in five hours, possibly infectin the whole notha side of Our Great Nation with the shit! Don't make no fuckin sense sunshine! I don't care how ya put it! Salty, sweet, bitter...I gives a real tired fuck! The shit don't make no damn sense if the imminent affect is real!? 


(Peace! More to come...)

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