Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Half of our working waking life is spent amid co-workers... Get the fuck along!

 If you think about it, you spend half of your waking working life amid coworkers. And yo ass has the nerves to fuss about that shit until yo sorry ass retires, then you still bitchin and shit! Half playa. Half. 

You ever heard the old saying, "Misery loves company"? I don't play that shit anymore when it comes to a working environment. Half of my waking working days ain't gonna be played out in an environment of misery. I worked at Meijer not so long ago, in the night Dairy stock position. Didn't make much but that wasn't the reason why I was there. I wanted to make an honest living and not be bothered with and just to do my job and go home. But cha see other people over yo employment future have other things in mind other than leaving yo Black ass alone and letting you do your goddamned job! No, they wanta fuck witcha cause they can and I'm the boss and you...well you ain't shit...

Well that just ain't the way you treat a hard workin motha fucka tryin his best to make a difference no matter the money or circumstance. But cha see again, they's gives a real good fuck! They don't care! But to the adverse, you do. So do you boo! Find a job where there is the right working environment for you no matter the money. Shit, you can make a lot or a little but the one thing we all want is not money if you're really honest about it! We just want to do our best job to pay our monthly bills, be left the fuck alone and blessedly, return home safely! Ya heard may...

(Peace! More to come...)

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