Saturday, February 27, 2021

COVID is real! But...

 I ain't sayin COVID is not real! I'm sure it is. But...and it's always that fuckin but that gets yo sorry Black ass don't it? No double entendre intended mind you My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. Just sayin, that's all. 

But, ya kept the airlines opened and theys still on and poppin sunshine!? The fuck that about? Just explain it simply ta ah nigga? Please!? 

The first thing you do with a True Pandemic is to shut off travel! Shit! Ta try yo sorry White ass ta contain the shit! Not! And I repeat, Not lettin a motha fucka on a goddamned  plane when they could possibly have the shit, and fly their ass from New York to clear across Our Great Nation to California in five hours, possibly infectin the whole notha side of Our Great Nation with the shit! Don't make no fuckin sense sunshine! I don't care how ya put it! Salty, sweet, bitter...I gives a real tired fuck! The shit don't make no damn sense if the imminent affect is real!? 


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 26, 2021

"Cheap Talk" by Loose Ends

"I'll be..."  

Bangin! Get chew movin! But fo some damn reason my right hip is hurtin like a mug! Ya know? But still...

"...Talkin ta yo extra nosy friends..." Come ohn na? Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Japanese Cherry Blossom Oil (JCBO)

 Nigga! Let me tell yo sorry Black ass! I'm inta these essential oils, natural oils, therapeutic oils...whateva the fuck! Cause they work. Let me tell ya My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! 

Whether yo sorry ass likes males, females or, shit, fuck it! Both! Whateva motha fucka it's yo fuckin world and definitely yo fuckin truth! Ya heard may? I'm hear ta tell ya! 

Okay! Take a hot ass shower, lather up all good and shit! Step out of the shower, and befo yo sorry no count havin ass, dries off, put baby oil all ova yo body, for moisturizing purposes! Let me tell ya, the shit works! Plus, yo Black sorry ass don't look like ya been playin in a bin full of flour and shit! Ya know?

 Anyway...Now yo Black moisturized ass can towel dry the fuck off! There ya go! 

Now, the most important part of this envisioned tryst with yo woman or man, or shit, both...whatevathefuck! Take some Japanese Cherry Blossom Oil, shake, rub between your hands and rub that shit all ova yo newly softened ready ta get freaky ass! And the shit works let me tell ya. 

JCBO is fucking intoxicating! Eat cho ass up! Then have the nerves ta say ta yo tired sexed ass, "Now, what's for dessert?" 

Hah! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

AAF (Animal Ant Farm) "Smooth Criminal" and Fuck Michael's Version! For Real!

 Some justice is finally served with a redo! And a MJ's song no less! Go figure!? Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Mind Is A Terrible Thing"

 What kills my Black Sorry Ass is motha fuckas don't fuckin think. Cause thinkin is a stone cold trip! For real! I rememba applyin and havin a job interview for a city job that had to do with the Marion County Jail. It wasn't dealin with some fuckin convict! Fuck that! Not for what the salary was posted ta be! Motha fucka don't wanta get maimed fo life fo some funky 25 thousand and some change! Ya know? Fuck That! And fuck you too! Ya heard may!...

The point nigga! The fuckin point playa? I'm gettin ta it! Just hold your horses please? Help an elderly brotha out? Thank ya. Now, as I was sayin. Well I didn't get the job. Don't know why? Don't really give a real good fuck! But it sho is the fuck funny why the shit pops inta your sorry Black ass mind ever once in awhile! Don't it My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? 

All My Black sorry ass has got! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, February 22, 2021

"Louder Than Love" TKA

 I'm tellin ya My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, you need an outlet. When you have the time listen to it. Chill as shit and fuckin simple as shit! Ya know?

But I'm old. So what would I know? (Big Smile!) Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Green New Deal, gonna be a stone cold ill thrill pill, to steal and seal the deal! For real!

 You remember, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, the old Toyota commercial's slogan: "You! Asked for it! You got it!..." Member that shit? Well check this out playas! Very apropos! Much love to the imaginer of that quite befitting situation we have all gotten ourselves into!

$2.65 a gallon motha fuckas! Ya heard may? And motha fuckas ain't sayin shit about it on the news. Tryin ta avoid green house gas emissions, so they say. We know. Or I hope We do. It's going to keep going up without a peep from the media. Cause: "Who doesn't want clean air? And who wouldn't want to save the planet!" Uhm! Sometimes I just can't take ignorance! But unfortunately My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas bein amid the ignorant we shall be! But let me tell ya sorry ass somethin? When the shit gets $5.50 a gallon, holla at a playa. Cause yo sorry ass can't get off the sorry ass thrill ride we never agreed to ride...But ride we must! Ya know....

(Peace! More to come...)

Tryin Ta Make A Blind Human See?!

 If! Afta all this fuckin time My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas yo sorry ass ain't seen the disparity? Come on nah!? Come ohn! Please! You ain't gonna change a grown ass motha fucka! No matter the: Diversity Training: BLM; KKK; Neo-Nazis', Crypts, Bloods...whoever the fuck, gonna change the fuck who they are by some sorry ass 'class' warfare! Ain't gonna happen Sunshine! Not yesterday. not today and you bet cho sorry ass definitely not tomorrow! Shiiiiought!

Ain't no invention nor 'class' we done came up with yet to learn how to: make a blind human see? 

Ya heard may! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 21, 2021

HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program): We're way far from home than that, "Smoke Stacks," absurdity!

 Oh, don't cha just love it, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? The more I research the shit goin down in Texas, I shall deduce: HAARP is alive and well and living partially in this US-of-fuckin-A! Ya heard may? 

War? The military? NASA?...we don't need all that shit any longa! The fuck! Now, when we need ta kill some motha fuckas off for population! 

We don't have to send anyone to visit you to get yo used ta be comfortable ass in check! No, we use our shit at HAARP and freeze, tsunami, no rain for months...ta make yo sorry asses understand a thang or two! Yo ass don't have shit unless we tell you that you have...well...shit. Ain't goin down like that playa!

They have found out how ta manipulate the most powerful force on this firmament: The Weather. 

And it ain't gonna be nothin nice My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Nothin nice at all...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Ain't Got Time Fo The Bullshit! Nigga Got Child Support!

 Shit! Let me tell ya! I can tell some shit is afoul. Look at the shit like this, "You smoke weed right?!" 

I know, you wouldn't be here if ya didn't! Ya know? So check this out, motha fuckas tryin ta tell ya it's stank weed and tis not did a damn tang mahn! Whah?...

Whah? Shit ya scared motha fucka?! Nigga done sold yo ass some foul weed and yo broke ass down some 250 and some change! A spade is a spade! And a nigga got child support! 

Ya know? Fuckin round and shit!

Love ya my Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Better days are ah comin'! Hah! Holla!...

(Peace! More To Come...)

Cornel West

 It's funny as shit to see a motha fucka fall when their asses been the forefront of, "Theys no slavery reverberations. Only People that don't want ta put in the woryk!" 

And look at this motha fucka! What he gonna do My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? The fuck, he gonna do? 

They fuckin know yo sorry Black ass can't play the race card! God damned it! So, yo super-silly-very-sorry-Black-ass stuck like ah motha fuckin Chuck! Ignant motha fucka you! 

And I'm glad ta tell ya sorry Black denyin ass...'You're welcome!' 

Ya heard may?! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Handlers of Naomi Osaka (Current Beta Kitten Programming Victim)

Fuck wrong with that bitch? Ain't anybody asked? 

Somethins wrong with that Young Lady. Puttin her autograph on a lens along with a drawing she scrawled a cat! Just hollering for help! But we refuse to see the signs that have been given to US time and time again: yet: "It can't be!" Oh, it be playa! It be!

Eyes void as shit! The fuck you lookin at? I want to ask that lost as fuck motha fucka! The the fuck lookin at!? Rhetorically of course. Cause that young lady don't have the faintest clue what the fuck was done to her! Eyes all empty and shit! The fuck went wrong Sunshine? Cause the shit is pitiful lookin, and a motha fucka like me needs ta know the truth. And believe you me, 'I can handle it without a handler!' For real! Unhm! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

1 Corinthians 12:26

 The suffering starts now My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Now! 

Ya see suffering now get yo soon ta be tired ass used to some shit. You ain't no damn bear that can eat all the calories that you want, yo ass hibernates and shit for a time and a nigga is the same as whence he began. Uh, no playa. Shit don't work like that. Uhn-the-uhn- uhn! 

Matthew 13:50 "And shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth." We there playa! The furnace of fire is upon US! The furnace of fire is just allegorical! 

Ain't gonna be nothin nice! Practice suffering. It will make the shit comin "to a neighborhood near you real soon" a little bit less fatal. Holla!

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The New Real "Green Machine" Just fucked Texas! Sans crude oil being involved.

 Burt Reynolds be damned! Bless Our Father's soul. 

Texas motha fuckas are some the most hard headed motha fuckas yo sorry ass can come in contact with. For some reason they think they are absolved from the US fuck! 

These motha fuckas contracted with HAARP to send the shit your fuckin way, for some sorry ass last desperate chance for independence, self sustaining! Ain't gonna happen son! Let New US get cho monkey ass in line. No water? No electricity?... But, we be Texas people! We be special! 

Really?! And as old as yo motha fuckin ass is? Got no sense at all! Shit!  Oh, you don't know what the, US fuck is? That's what we are all getting and taking. And it ain't feelin too nice. Is it? 

Let my broke ass tell ya. Texas understands more than any other state, based on their fossil fuel economy. You don't stand a fuckin US chance of succession nor an absolution to: The Green New Deal! 

You hard headed motha fuckas! You!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Coopers' Craft 100 Proof And Fresca

 "A sacrilege to Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey! Sir!?"

Just say, "Cheers!" And thank me later...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Can't You Smell The Smell?"

 Is it just me? Or am I crazy by saying: "After you cook collard greens in bacon fat, the shit has a little distinct smell of Chitt'lins?" Oh well...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Daffodils," by William Wordsworth

 His last name is apropos. Whenever you get down My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, read it! Works for me every time! Just sayin. Lift cho sorry ass up real the fuck quick! And yo sorry ass knows that's mighty quick! (smile) 

But check it out whenever you have the time. It just may get you through another one of Our Father's trying days...and believe it or not...

It is...A Beautiful Thang! Oh, yes it is!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pootie! Get cho money motha fucka!

 "Tirzepatide, Eli Lilly's next-generation diabetes drug..."These motha fuckas kill me! Got all these medical, biological...degrees and shit! And they want you to take them serious, because they are... well...serious!

But shit! Playa!? Please tell a poor broke motha fucka like I surely am. 

How can I take yo ass serious, when you naming yo pharmaceuticals off of the advice from a motha fucka named: Pootie Tang!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Abolishment of The US Airwaves: The Underground, The FCC and The Five G (UFF)

 The FCC is not a viable agency any longer. Trying to catch up with something they sanctioned long ago, now out of their control. 

The Powers of Communicators that said, "Fuck the Airwaves! We'll take it Underground!" And they did, quite successfully in fact. And what did the FCC do then? That's right, motha fuckas got lazy, start fuckin their mistresses and male whores during lunch breaks...chillin! Chillin is fine! Chillin is as copacetic as shit! Who doesn't like ta chill?...

But the problem is playa, you usin my dollas ta do it! That's why the shit is so fucked up now! Because for anything to go underground, sooner or later those motha fuckas gotsta surface for some fuckin air, to live again. But you didn't prepare for that did ya? 

I'm sorry cause yo ass was chillin all those decades. Cool. 

They callin it WIFI, Air Bands, Ultra Frequency Radio Bands, Microwaves...whatever the fuck! Ain't the shit still Ours'?

What happened when those motha fuckas went underground? They materialize all the sudden and shit and the shit ain't ours no mo?! The fuck! Fuck that! I would like my money in small bills please...Ya know?...

(Peace! More to come...)

" On Writing," by Stephen King

 The best shit you ever need to read to find your voice and not be scared of that voice you want to let out. One of the Greatest inspirational, motivational...books you could ever read if you love to your own chosen unique voice. 

Just sayin! Holla...

(Peace! More to come...)

LGBTQ! Your Fucking Marketing Fucking Sucks!

 Good God Damned! The fuck done happened ta US? Theeeee Fuck! Have you seen that motha fucka Biden selected as Assistant Secretary of Health? The Best example you got? Cause Rachel Levine is an Ugly Fucked Up Lookin Queen. Y'all need ta be ashamed of y'allselves cosignin for that...piece of shit! 

The best Transgenders' got as an argument? He's a butt ugly woman let alone what his sorry no count havin ass looked like as a man! God Damned!

At least get an attractive one to market! The fuck kinda of bullshit fucked up marketing agents y'all broke, evidently, asses has got? For real?!

Damn! And that's all I can say My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

 "A wolf in sheep's clothing." You know? Holla...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 12, 2021

A Trumpet By Any Other Name...

 We've been through way worse than this, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Way worse! So why are we so fucking scared? 

Cause Massa tells US so? And looks! The shit even workin on their own white folks!...

(Peace! More to come...)

G.R.A.S. should be G.R.A.S.S.

 Now if you really want to get technical I can throw in a ringer for you, "G.R.A.S.S." Generally Regarded As Safe Shit! 

Albeit, Grass; marijuana; loco-weed...Whatever the fuck! Ya know? Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Phantogram Phan and The (No Longer) FCC

 Where these motha fuckas been? Radio and Sirius playin what the music industry tells them to play. Probably even owning the various music outlets their damned selves. Laws thrown out of the proverbial window because of money. What happened to Payola? Must carry?...Where the fuck is the FCC? Cable and Dish done tore that ass a new one! Haven't they? Oh, really. No problem. The airwaves are the Public Airwaves. My ass! for an astronomical price playa, it is what it is!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Phantogram's, "Fall In Love"

 Shiiiought! Funk-to-the-E! Whah? Ya heard my copacetic Sorry Black Ass! For real!  My Dear Sweet Beautiful Sistas and Brothas! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Phantogram's, "When I'm Small"

 Negro! When you get a chance, check the shit out! Weird as fuck! But the shit works on some weird shit level! Ya know? It's like a, Crazy Bitch, video. The motha fucka playin his guitar stayin steady. Bein a professional. Shit, look at this crazy bitch! He even looks at the camera more than once like, "You see what I'm sayin?" But check out her boots? Nee-gro! Nothin wrong with the feather of leather. Ya know?

 And it is! A Beautiful thang! My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Oh, yes it is! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sam Walter Foss's "The House by The Side of The Road"

 You have to have an outlet now! More than anytime in our living human history, we are better served finding something more productive to do than to just "Sit in the scorners' seat." Ya heard may? Holla...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, February 8, 2021

"Hey Ya" Outkast II

 Okay. I'll pose this question and leave this subject alone. Cause, I love this video don't know why but I sho nuff do...But tell me playa, does Andre 3000 have a lace front? Or just good hair after bumping or perming?

Inquirin minds wantsta know dawg! Ya know?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Encore Bezos; Aussi Chapelle

 Think about it. They informed US time and time again that Dave Chapelle was 'CooCoo for Co-Co Puffs!' Turnin down fifty plus million dollars? You ungrateful motha fuckin nigga you say the jew! What ye say is not may. For ever in Our Father's short days. 

Mein Bezos. Billions of dollars turned down for...whatever the fuck it is, was or will be...based on your precedence of aforementioned threshold of material lunacy?...

Bezos is just...Out Of His Fucking Mind! Ya know?...

( Peace! More to come...)

White Motha Fucka or Black Motha Fucka, who gives a real good fuck...That Motha Fucka!

 The hypocrisy of it all! Goddamn! Check this out playa, if you in a room full of niggas and the only white motha in the fuckin room, I ain't gonna waste a motha fuckas time by not statin the motha fuckin obvious, "Oh, you mean that white motha fucka right there!" Shit and my ass don't even have to point, turn around...shit nothin! Shit, nigga you know! Fuckin round and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Mitigating Damages

 You know what? I hate the bullshit now with corporate America? They get away with bullshit responses: "Well she's a disgruntled ex employee..." 

Hold up playa! Didn't chou hire the bitch?! Oh, you did? You do background checks don't chou? Right. Right! And you still hired her? If what you are saying about this woman is true sir, it is more about the lack of human resources hiring practice and less about trying to make a one time fuck look bad! But lets not bullshit one another? Shall we...

The Mark of The Beast is at your back door. You gonna open it. Or Not?

 Don't chou just love how history is repeating itself time, time, time...and again? You just gots to! The same shit is happening what we have read and researched over and over in our human's history and we get, as before, the case of the sorry ass, "Can't Help its!" 

And the miserable Aria will continue until...I mean fuck it bro I'll be part of that control group that passes on that vaccine. 

"Well that's not the point..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, February 4, 2021


 The fuck! Ya heard may? The fuck! 

What in the holy fuck is coming down the pike where this motha fucka makin billions of dollas off some shit says all the goddamned sudden, "I'm resigning!" Kind of nasty shit they got on yo sorry ass? Can hear Loose Ends right now sangin that shit, "You! You got me hangin on a string now..." For real! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Half of our working waking life is spent amid co-workers... Get the fuck along!

 If you think about it, you spend half of your waking working life amid coworkers. And yo ass has the nerves to fuss about that shit until yo sorry ass retires, then you still bitchin and shit! Half playa. Half. 

You ever heard the old saying, "Misery loves company"? I don't play that shit anymore when it comes to a working environment. Half of my waking working days ain't gonna be played out in an environment of misery. I worked at Meijer not so long ago, in the night Dairy stock position. Didn't make much but that wasn't the reason why I was there. I wanted to make an honest living and not be bothered with and just to do my job and go home. But cha see other people over yo employment future have other things in mind other than leaving yo Black ass alone and letting you do your goddamned job! No, they wanta fuck witcha cause they can and I'm the boss and you...well you ain't shit...

Well that just ain't the way you treat a hard workin motha fucka tryin his best to make a difference no matter the money or circumstance. But cha see again, they's gives a real good fuck! They don't care! But to the adverse, you do. So do you boo! Find a job where there is the right working environment for you no matter the money. Shit, you can make a lot or a little but the one thing we all want is not money if you're really honest about it! We just want to do our best job to pay our monthly bills, be left the fuck alone and blessedly, return home safely! Ya heard may...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Co-Signing Intimates

If your significant person tells you, "You're a sorry ass!..." Well Sunshine I'm glad ta tell ya, you probably are! The fuck you want me to say? You fuckin picked 'em!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Always talkin bout bullshit!...

 Who's watching? Shit? Nobody!  And everybody! You ever heard of social media? 

Well shit, you just like me, old school. And that lace front is fabulous girl!  Native American or Indian? Shit you know my ass straight organic, "Native American nigga!" ...

Well...fuck a duck!

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, February 1, 2021

"Hey Ya" OutKast

 Me propose, if I may, Andre 3000 saw the video in his mind before that song and subsequent video was produced. Just sayin.

(Peace! More to come...)