Friday, January 31, 2025

Saccharomyces Boulardii

 So check it?! my old Black sorry broke ass misses takin ah probiotic and shit!

Can't take 99% of thah muh fuckahs out there because they contain 'Milk' products. An old niggah don't do well at all with milk products so I found this shit! Anyway...

Yesterday, started takin this shit. Directions say take two in thah morning on an empty stomach and two in thah evening on an empty stomach. So, I took thah shit as directed.

Well, today in thah morning took thah shit as directed again. Well, last night I felt like I was catchin thah Flu and shit! Today, thah flu like shit exacerbated! I'm like, workin with thah muh fuckin public sucks fuckin hairy balls! But...hold up!

Put old Saccharomyces Boulardii in thah search engine and shit! And what thah fuck!?

'Can cause flu like symptoms due to die off. Start slow then build up with this supplement.'

Too fuckin late!

Our Father's speed!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

US FED Commie Conjuring of US's Firmament's Human Nastiest of Nasties Diseases!

 When US 's workin with thah muh fuckin 



US is goin tah catch some shit! And buildin up immunological titres be fuckin damned! 

CaUSe, I mean shit! 

Biden/Harris done let thah floodgates of Global fucked up diseases commence God damnit!

Shit, Global HIStory is correct?!

There's a whole lot of indegenioUS peoples dead like, 

Dead ass, that got-got by these sorry ass evil so-called firmament's

Discoverers and its' crew, then subsequent colonization!

I mean, fuck!

Open US borders!?

US immunity fuckin 

Compromised like ah muh fuckah and goes tah fuckin shit!

What thah fuck is an old broke ass niggah missin and shit?!

Our Father's speed!

Border Czar, Tom Muh Fuckin Ugly Ass Homan

 So my old Black ass had tah do it! Thah muh fuckah can't talk fo shit!

And what did I come across?! 

Suny Polytechnic Institute?! Established 1966! Just ah year aftah my old Black ass was born and shit! So that's some weak ass educational shit! Ergo, old ugly Homan be like,

"I want to become an honorable 



That muh fuckin "Institute" had its sho nuff US problems!

But, I mean, shit!

Readin his shit?

An old broke niggah jUSt has tah deduce, that fucked-up US secret society

'Masonry ill shit's thah fuck


And will get ah sorry ass broke muh fuckah



"White House Begins Offering Buyouts to Federal Workers - Muliple Online Sites" II

 I mean, shit!

I was in thah Army for ah lil while back in thah day! my old Black ass told y'all that fucked-up story tah get thah fuck out that muh fuckah! Luckily it was durin thah time of US amnesty! Anyway...

US broke muh fuckUS joinin that muh fuckah tah sacrifice US's 

"Hoorah!' lives for this muh fuckah!

And thah best these evil FED Commie lazy muh fuckahs could avow was thah fucked-up military credo,

"Hurry up and wait."!

Thah fuck lazy muh fuckahs?! I didn't sign-up for this slothful deplorable bullshit!

So ah niggah sho thah fuck 


And ain't looked thah fuck back not 

One muh fuckin

US time!

"Trump's disapproval rating jumps after blitz executive orders - The Independent"

 I mean, shit

If my old Black broke muh fuckin ass controlled thah sorry ass propagandists' minions


US broke assUS would be in trouble


Oh, shit!

US broke assUS are already in trouble anyway!

"Louisiana Republicans Clutch Their Pearls Over The Super Bowl Halftime Shows - HuffPost"

 Thah fuck?!

These are thah same evil FED Commie muh fuckahs that 've been enslavin US niggUS for ovah ah century some shit in


Them Commie muh fuckahs just like these British evil elite monarch families and shit! Fuck US's children, traumatize thah lil muh fuckUS for adrenochrome maximum effect, then drink US children's blood and then subsequently eat US children!

Thee Holy fuck?

And got thah muh fuckin nerves tah 

Feighn bein

Shocked and

Offended by some S' Bowl halftime Luciferian muh fuckin shit!

And them sorry ass degenerates bein Luciferians their damned muh fuckin degenerate selves!

Now, that's some fucked-up evil US FED Commie shit for real!

Kindah fuckin absurd US shit US broke assUS done been complicit in and shit?!

MTF Brittany Mahomes, FTM Patrick Mahomes And Test Tubed Children

 Thee Holy fuck!

No mattah what they put on MTF Brittany, thah muh fuckah still looks like trailer muh fuckin trash! That muh fuckah and Taylor Swift gets along so well because they have genetically somethin in fuckin common and shit! They're both biological males God damnit!

And FTM Patrick with that dyke perpetual hairstyle showin US what thah fuck he organically USed tah be!

I mean, shit!

Their Children?



That fuckin 

"Family" is

An evil fuckin CIA/FED Commie conjured real life 


What thah fuck is an old tired ass broke niggah missin and shit?!

Busted MTF Senator Elizabeth Warren

 Thee Holy fuck!

Only ah 


Male can be that fuckin

Clueless and that fuckin

Ugly as ah muh fuckin


I mean, shit!

Old Ass Senator Bernie Ugly Sanders(BUS)

 That muh fuckah needs tah go!

Havin ah serioUS hearing about some shit and this stupid old ass FED Commie clueless muh fuckah wants tah talk about


If I were RFK Jr. I would have laughed at that sorry muh fuckah's serioUS old ass talkin bout 'onesies' and would have asked for a brief break!? So I could stop laughin at that absurd stupid shit!

"Mister Chairman, please grant me a fifteen minute break so I can compose myself once again. We are speaking about serious US subjects and Senator Sanders wishes to ask about onesies?" And my old Black ass would still be laughin at that old ass degenerate FED Commie


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

"Stalker Thoughts - NothingnUS" Mon25Aug2025, Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana @ 03:23AM


I'm watching You! (Shit go round you know what I do)

I'm watching You! (Shit go round you know what I do)

I'm watching You! (Shit go round you know what I do)

Damn, Baby I'm in love with You!

I'm watching You!...


 I hurt all thah God damned time! Now, there 're some days where thah pain ain't so bad! But most of thah time, fuckin hurts!

Daddy had osteoarthritis but I didn't really undahstand that shit when I was ah young muh fuckah!

He'd be rubbin "Bengay" on his big bony knees and I'd ask him every once and awhile,

'What's wrong Daddy?'

"Meredith. You have good days but mostly bad days with this stuff. This is one of those mostly bad days."

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass undahstands exactly what Daddy was talkin about back in thah day!

God damn!

Our Father's speed!

Border Czar, Tom Muh Fuckin Homan And The Pedo Pervert Pope (P3)

 So Pope Pedo Pervert Francis, that looks like thah muh fuckah's been eatin too many babies and shit, gonnah talk that fucked-up shit about US sendin muh fuckah's back home and shit! Talkin bout it ain't Christian and this degenerate fuckin lil boys and eatin 'em tah boot! Anyway...

Old ugly Homan was like,

"The Pope? He has a wall surrounding where he lives!"

I'm like, 'Goddamned skippy!'

The Vatican City is thah smallest country in this firmament! Insulated like ah muh fuckah!

And this Pedo Pervert Pope Francis talkin that absurd fuckin shit! "It is not Christian!"!

Can US send these illegal migrant muh fuckahs tah The Vatican City and shit?!




Kiss everyone of US's assUS'!

You nothingness of whatevah thah fuck!

I mean, shit!

An old niggUS' tired as fuck!

"White House Begins Offering Buyouts to Federal Workers - Muliple Online Sites"

 Fuckin brilliant shit!

CaUSe them some lazy ass muh fuckUS!

I mean, shit!

Just like their muh fuckin sorry ass slothful FED Commie


Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 Our Father's speed!

President Trump's Border Czar, Tom Muh Fuckin Homan (Home Man)

 Would I like tah be an underling tah that muh fuckah!



He'd be cussin my old Black ass out every God damned day for four fuckin years!


That shit!

But...I mean, shit! 

That ugly White trash lookin and White trash soundin muh fuckah knows how tah send some

Ungrateful US migrant muh fuckahs

Back thah fuck



100% Safe and Effective mRNA Vaccines

 Excuse me Global evil leaders?

"Yes! Insects!"

We would just like to know,

How many mRNA vaccines have you all taken?


Don't take anothah muh fuckin shot of 



US broke assUS,

Are perfectly made!

Our Father's speed!

Yuval Ugly Ass Noah Harari

 Ugly sorry ass muh fuckin propagandists' minion pedo ain't worth ah fuckin shit!

Just call 'im,

Ugly nasty ass muh fuckah!

His despicable ass be like,

"Yes. That's me. What can I do for you?" 

Melinda French Gates or Bill Ugly Gates Ex

 my old Black sorry broke ass got some ill ass words for that sorry ass:



You's an ugly ass just like yo busted



"Pregnant Megan Fox and ex MGK aren't in contact as her due date approaches: report - Page Six"

 CaUSe fucked- up MGK was like,

'You're a fucking Tranny bitch! Why the fuck would I want to adopt some lil muh fuckUS that ain't fuckin Mine! And when you get rid of that stupid ass "Moonbump"!? Holla at yo boy!"

"Suits' Gabriel Macht Reveals He and His Family Moved Out of the U.S. - E!News"

 Bye sorry ass muh fuckahs!

I mean, shit!

Don't let thah US door hit yah,

Where Our Father

Split yah!...

President Trump's Biometric Entry-Exit Traffic System for The USA or The Commie evil elites' RFIDCs

President Trump!

Voted for yo sorry muh fuckin propagandists' minion ass!

Straight out thah gate,

Talkin that FED Commie RFIDC shit!

God damnit tah fuck!

US is in some serioUS

Commie fucked-up shit!

Pray my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!


Our Father's





Our Father's speed!

Unprecedented "NFL" History For US NiggUS! But The "Buffalo Bills" Shall Win SB 59! II

 my Black assUS so glad Buffalo didn't win and shit! God damn! If they had won? I would 've been kickin myself for not bettin on those muh fuckUS!

Ah broke niggah would have lost ends that ah old broke niggah really can't afford tah part with and shit! 

my old fucked up rationale was quite off! Way thah fuck off!



The second of thah first

Two startin niggah quarterbacks in thah S' Bowl in "NFL" history and shit!

I mean, shit!

I like Hurts!

Can't stand FTM Mahomes!

Mahomes won thah first!

 But eithah way ah niggah QB 's gonnah win! Unless...

Sunday, January 26, 2025

"Does China 'operate' Panama Canal, as Trump says? - BBC"

 "From October 2023 to September 2024, China accounted for 21.4% of the cargo volume transiting the Panama Canal. Making it the second largest user after the US...."

And it still ain't US's shit!

"We lost so many lives! We have lost so much money building it!"

I undahstand!

But before that shit was dug!

How much time and money was US spendin goin round muh fuckin



I mean, shit! 

God damn!

US ungrateful sorry ass muh fuckUS!




Our Father's speed!

The Best US Chicken Soup (Written by The Ghost of Anthony Bourdain)

 "Who makes the best chicken soup? I mean, my God? Think about the innumeroUS palates we're talking about in that equation? Now, if you're speaking about my palate? I can definitely tell you the best Chicken Soup I've ever tasted! Some other individual palate? Christ, no!"

Our Father's speed



Multiple Age-Related Common Surgeries Are Not The Only Old Ass Solutions!

 If US don't like thah mainstreams' State and FED Commie fucked-up 

Health options afforded tah US by US's selected

Health Plans!

I mean, shit!

Ah, broke ass muh fuckah gots tah go



And re-discover








But ah niggah gots tah give up beer!


Our Father's speed!

US Vices Are All Cancer CaUSing!

 I don't know? Shit! I watched these videos since I vape about how tah hijack ah non-rechargeable vape?

US broke ass muh fuckUS be makin that shit happen, US cap'ns! And that's some real ass Human broke ass shit right there! Talkin bout broke-ass ingenuity!? Live and in muh fuckin color God damnit!

Then I started thinkin and shit!

US are beautifully made and thinkin muh fuckUS!

my old Black sorry broke ass ain't doin all that shit! Though for some reason that shit 's fascinatin as fuck tah me! Anyway...



Ah muh fuckin cheap ass

Rechargeable vape God damnit!

"Well as you know? The rechargeable vape releases more toxic vapors over time?"

I undahstand! But no mattah what thah fuck Sonshines!

US is inhalin foreign unknown

Vapors intah

US's pristine


Just ah broke ass suggestion,

Get thah muh fuckin rechargeable!

I mean, shit!

Unless ah broke ass muh fuckah gonnah quit thah


Our Father's speed!

Five Stars?

 Why not, six, seven, eight...fuck it,

Infinite stars God damnit!

US muh fuckUS wants everybody they know,

"That McDonald's on West 38th street near Lafayette Road ain't shit!" 

"That muh fuckin Rally's yo near 38th street and Lafayette Road? Ill yo! For real!"

"The Goodfellas downtown got some rude ass workers! But thah pizza is 'What's up'!"

"Ruth's Chris ain't worth the money no mo yo!"

"Shapiro's prices are insane yo! Close tah twenty dollahs for ah fuckin corned beef sandwich!?"

"That Taco Bell in Speedway! How thah fuck they still in business?!" ...

Don't like any of thah shit!

Stay US broke assUS thah fuck 


And complain about 

US's own homemade cooked shits!

And thah fucked-up inflationary prices US paid for thah ingredients tah make that homemade shit!

Our Father's speed!

May I Ask You Something?

 US muh fuckUS wants tah tell US Males about US Females and tell US Females about US Males and shit!

Those same US Males or US Females have had more than thirty relationships with their still single assUS bein 33 years old or youngah! And still ain't came across ah muh fuckin 

Keep-'er Or


But they sho thah fuck can tell US about their "No good for nothings..." ovah thirty and countin chosin fuckin varioUS failed

Boos! Anyway...

I've learned tah not state an opinion on any subject! Just an old ass suggestion. Yo soon tah be dead Black broke ass listens and learns more that way! 

Unless US asks? Fuck! It! Keep askin US!

Ergo, that's what my old Black ass will do, ask ah shitload of questions, if ah muh fuckah allows me to?!

But thah muh fuckin tricky thing about those questions tah anothah?

US can't sound like US has an opinion eithah way!

Just curioUS and all type of

RighteoUS shit!

Our Father's speed?

Luke 21:25-28 KJV II

 Muh fuckUS wants tah sit up here and tell US happy broke assUS,

"Just quit watching 'Tell-A-Vision'! Turn that ill shit off!"

But them same broke muh fuckUS tellin US that shit are all up on this Internet and shit!

Or got some fucked up sick ass vice goin on and shit! Anyway...

Okay, give up thah Internet! Give up 'Tell-A-Vision'!

So, when this shit goes down soon, when them horrible sirens and horns start blarin,

Can an old niggah check that shit out at that point?

But even still,

How can ah niggah believe whatevah them evil propagandists' minions spittin, even while readin their dour US fucked-up script!? When that soon time comes?

Our Father's speed!

"Here We Go Loopty Loo - Children's Song"

 I mean, shit!

Maybe these 


Children have been mocking 

US adult broke assUS

All this muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Stop The rich Boredom US Madness?! Uh? No!




Them evil degenerates don't work!

I mean, shit! 

"Where thah fuck is this US FED Commie DID fucked up shit madness going?"!

US maybe askin US's selves!?

That's ah muh fuckin 


Non-US A

Soon tah be 

Answered degenerate evil elite Global World broke ass

Query that shall continue tah go unanswered and shit!

Our Father's speed!

Biblically, US Knows What's Next.

 "I've been hearin that end of thah world shit all of my life!"

I undahstand! And my old broke Black ass has too!

And thah fucked up thing about that RighteoUS shit,

YOU and I, are now witnUSes tah this ill ass fucked-up prophesied




Our Father's speed!

Controlling This Firmament Is Slothful evil elite Non-Working Insanity!

 Ennui of just fuckin with US broke assUS!

I mean, shit!

Them evil nasty ass imbeciles

Shittin USDs!

God damnit!

But that shit's not enough!


Children's blood and eating the blood letted 



Flesh! Now that's Kosher! Anyway...

But that shit's not enough!

Fuckin Children, fuckin Females, fuckin Males and fuckin Transgenders!

Still, not enough!

Money tah do whatever else them ugly evil rich muh fuckahs want and buy!


But for some fucked up reason,


Gets thah proper evil ire up on those

Degenerate nothingness muh fuckahs!?




You sick evil elite degenerate fucks!

Our Father's speed!

US Commie Country Proper (USCCP) II

 I mean, shit!

Is an old broke niggah thah only one of US that don't think, 'Matrix my old Black ass! This is some fucked-up bizarro type of evil shit!"?

Okay! Thank you! I needed that shit!

CaUSe these evil FED Commie US muh fuckahs talk bad about China,

But aspire thah US Commie FED fuck, tah be jUSt like them sorry ass 

Red evil


President Trump puttin this elite minion from Oracle, some Ellison gay ass muh fuckah! Talkin bout what thah fuck do thah evil FED Commies want thah fuck tah talk about! mRNA vaccines!

Can't make this US FED Commie takeovah shit up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



I mean, shit!

What thah fuck's an old broke ass niggah missin and shit?!

And what thah fuck done went wrong with US broke muh fuckin assUS


God damnit!

Our Father's speed!

US Needs To Quit Wasting PrecioUS Human Time!

 If yo broke ass 

Knows some shit!?

Why thah Holy fuck yo muh fuckin

Old Black sorry broke ass gonnah be sittin up there

Arguin about some muh fuckin shit that yo broke ass


Our Father's speed!

C-130 Hercules and C-130 Super Hercules (Lockheed Corporation/Lockheed Martin)

 'We modified both obviously to Human specs. Other than cargo ships. Our products are the greatest mass movers of human beings in documented history. Unlike cargo ships, it gets the Human products at their various destinations quicker, cleaner and safer. With zero escapees! You heard that right! There has not been one person trying to jump out of our various Human transports! Zero! Better than the USPS's record! Almost seventy years and haven't lost one, of hundreds of million close to a billion now, Human shipment!'

Collective Souls of Our Father's Truth

US needs good solid RighteoUS people in US's lives in these





Don't need no pacifying, rah-rah... muh fuckUS in US broke ass lives!



CaUSe US needs muh fuckUS that are goin tah tell US about our lyin, triflin...fuckin up selves!

US muh fuckUS that can not only 

Give that


Love shit,

As well as

Take that


Love shit!





Our Father's speed!

US Commie Country Proper (USCCP)

 Muh fuckahs kill me on the various propagandists' minions platforms and shit!

Takin ah muh fuckUS comment, vlog...whatevah thah fuck, off because of foul language!

I mean, shit!

Got muh fuckin pedophiles all up in thah US FED Commie government and shit!

And an old niggah can't type thah word


Thah fuck?!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Becoming US VictimlUS III

 "Thank you. Okay. Cheers? Please continue Meredith. I mean, damnit man! I hath beer to drink! I shall not talk again thy sir until thy hath finished! I shall in thah meantime, quaff!"

We both laughed! 

'Okay. Maybe I won't go at it as strong as I thought you needed tah hear it and shit? my bad! I'll dial it back!...'

"Meredith, don't do that! I didn't mean..."

'No, what I'm trying to explain is by the way you responded to me is that I was going about communicating to a friend who I love, thah wrong muh fuckin way! I mean, shit! You're down! But thah way I went about it. Was thinking you were rock bottom. So dialed back it shall be!' She smiled. She had a beautiful smile, then floating out of her lips, like in slow motion her lips moved "I love you niggah!"

'I love you too! From the depths of my soul!'

"Then, let's live and die together!"

'So let it be righteously said! So let it be righteously done!'

Twelve years later...

Our Father's speed!

Becoming US VictimlUS II

 '...So here we go. You can kiss my ass!'

"Thah fuck's wrong with you niggah!? You know me?! I ain't thah one?!"

I lightly smiled and said no thing!

A long pause. "I get it niggah! Okay. No more interruptions. I promise."

I said, no thing.

"Meredith! I'm sorry? You know me? I just don't want to get to know me!"

We looked at each other after her last remark and started horribly laughing! Then I asked her, "You want another beer?"

"If you're having another?"

'You already know Sis. Light or Regular?'

"Light please, thank you!"...

"MAC's Chicharrones"


And they fry them shits in 




Not seed oils

Our Father's speed!

Becoming US VictimlUS

 "But I just don't know? I mean, he says one thing. Then boom this!"

I said, no thing!

"I mean," she continued, "I'm totally confused?!"

I said, no thing!



"No! Like, so? What do you think?"

'About what you were just telling me about?'

"Man? Of course?"

'Just checkin?'


'Are we cool? What I mean, and hope, is like we so close I can tell you some shit, in an only ah true muh fuckah can love you type of way? And this is the reason my Black ass gots tah say it that way kindah of friend tah thah end kindah...'

"Niggah! I get it! Yes! Now let's move this shit along!"

'Thank you!'

"You're welcome. Now, speak on it!"

'I love you! I want you to know that. But I feel I have to tell you about yourself as only a true love could!'

"Thah fuck niggah! Got my big girl drawls on and everything! Speak on it?! Please?"


Just Trying To Survive In The Land of Nod

 Thah muh fuckah had 'Born To Fight' written all ovah 'im!

So I suggested.

'Yo! We don't have to do this! Let me be on my way? And everything's cool baby!'

"No. The only way you make it out of here is through me!" And we were in my shit? He paused to crack his knuckles in each hand loudly, the sounds bouncing off of my heavily reinforced expensive walls, "And that just ain't gonnah happen! Bro!" then he started appoaching violently! I stated again,

'We don't have to do this!'

He smiled and continued to close!

So, I pulled out my .38 revolver.

Fired on that ass!

"Boom! Three points!"

And his blood fuckin up my expensive locally made Indianapolis


"SMART LA 2028 Olympics" A NWO Showcase Spectacle To The Global World: The Demise of Lastly Fallen Sovereign US! III

(Opening day, Friday 14July2028 @ 18:33 Pacific Time USA: Ambassador to The NWO, Ex-U.S. President, Barack Obama)

"So everybody wants to know, why Michelle and I divorced! Conjuring this reset! This Global Genesis! I have to tell you a personal story. I think all Americans can appreciate. Well let me tell the world! I said, Michael baby! I need a dick to go all thah way up my ass! Not half-way up my ass!"

And the "SMART LA 2028 Olympic" crowd roared with love and admiration!

Then the chant began,

"O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!..."

The US UnConstitutional Blame Game

 I mean, shit!

US, can throw othah muh fuckUS undah thah proverbial "bus" or whatevah othah demise US choses tah facilitate,


But, I mean, shit!

Ah muh fuckin 


American made 

Vehicle doesn't run on its





Our Father's speed!

Natural: Back In The Day

 'Membah that shit?!

That was ah muh fuckin 

Afro God damnit! And my

YOUng ass USed tah have, I believe, was ah nice one?

I mean, shit!

Niggah, had ah

Pick and shit!

But, US niggUS was broke, and my young ass wasn't workin, so...barber shops were like once ah month some shit!?

So about two weeks would go by, that 'fro be leanin ah lil bit! Fuck! It! Anyway...

We USed tah call it 

"A Natural".

But my old Black broke ass is tired,

And I started thinkin about that

"Natural" word as US in thah Black community utilized it at thah time.

I mean, shit!

I didn't witness too many "Naturals" back in thah day! Those afro adornin muh fuckUS had some glistenin bad-ass perfectly round ass shits! Not ah hair higher than thah othah follicle! Again, bad ass Afro type of mean shit! Topped off with ah niggah mUSt "Afro-Sheen", niggah don't yah know?! And thah shit smelled good and shit! Thought my YOUng Black ass was intah somethin! Until thah misalignments of thah 'fro started happenin! Anyway...

But, jUSt mUSin about days gone bye...

"Natural" ain't about no coiffed shit!



"Natural" is wakin up every day, and not fuckin with them beady-beadies whatsoevah!


"How yah niggUS doin" type of organic shit! Bam! All my Black ass has got kindah raw shit! Fuck! It!

Here's my matted fucked up Black ass boyoings 


Kindah raw shit!!

Natural shit!


US Black assUS would only wish our kinked up shits was so put togethah as

Allen "Farina" Hoskins'!




Our Father's speed





Die DEI!

 Thah propagandists' evil minions showin this "Haitian" bein "deported" on mainstream platforms' headlines and shit! I don't know if thah shit's true or not!? But if it is?! Fuck! It!

I mean, shit! 

DEI, my old Black sorry broke ass!

Got enough of US niggUS lookin like yo violent lookin

Predator lookin nigger ass ovah here right thah fuck


Get that broke black ass back tah


Yesterday, God damnit!

Our Father's speed!

Ecclesiastes 12:14 KJV

 The Biblical words of the past are 

Being revealed to witness in US




Our Father's speed!

Ex-US National Security Advisor John Ugly Ass Commie Bolton

 Yo sorry US Security Clearance shits have been



I mean, shit!



Fuckin ugly ass Commie muh fuckah!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Proud US White Broke Ass Compatriots!?

 my old Black sorry broke ass undahstands!

Y'alls White brethren done fucked othah White US brethren!

Shit, happens in thah niggah community all thah God damned time! But

Can't blame US White muh fuckahs muh fuckin




I mean, shit!

US muh fuckin broke ass niggUS are all in control of some shit! Runnin this US FED Commie ill shit! US niggUS got it like that!

Keepin White muh fuckahs enslaved and shit!...

US White muh fuckahs,


Come oh now?!

US muh fuckin broke ass niggUS ain't got no control of shit in US tah keep not even one God damned White muh fuckin person or thing in any sorry ass


Bondage or some ill ass US FED Commie 

White propagandists' minion shit!!!

This ill ass FED Commie takeover ain't about US broke ass niggUS!



Like back in thah day thah old heads USed tah say,

"Let White folks fight with White folks! And leave yo Black ass out of that White folks evil shit!"

So US muh fuckin niggUS ain't runnin ah God damned muh fuckin evil FED Commie thing up in this sorry ass 

Commie bitch/bastard!



Our Father's speed!

Current A.I. Mitigating Human And Human Future US Broke Ass Casualties

Them evil FED Commie muh fuckahs don't give one solid US fuck! 

Gonnah be ah US muh fuckin blood bath!

I mean, shit!


US shall still be fine


Our Father's speed!...

Luke 21:25-28 KJV

 Tis US


US broke ass muh fuckUS want tah sit up here and deny

The Book of Revelation!

I mean, shit!

Some pre-emptive righteoUS broke ass qualities that


HIStorically wasn't meant for thah jUSt thah fuck's US broke assUS


Our Father's speed!

Unprecedented "NFL" History For US NiggUS! But The "Buffalo Bills" Shall Win SB 59! II

 I mean, shit!

It's that evilly rich elite proven time and time again ill,

"Rocky Balboa" vs

"Apollo Creed" type of shit them lazy muh fuckahs always resort to and shit!

US niggUS ain't race-baitin shit! That's

Them FED Commie degenerates, that don't have dick for ah muh fuckin imagination!

Prurient evil degenerate sorry ass fucked-up shit?

Thems some sorry ass muh fuckahs gots some conditioned fucked-up imagination! All thah fuck day long! CaUSe them evil nasty muh fuckahs don't work! Gots idle time like...until death and shit! Anyway...

Look at sports throughout US HIStory and shit?! Nike's Dan and Dave! Coco Gauff and any othah professional tennis playah, thah smalll percentage that is not Black? Tiger Woods? Lamar Jackson?...

I mean, shit! Them evil propagandists' minions had all sorts of adjectives that meant "dumb" tah go along with Lamar Jackson! Shit, 

"He can't read defenses!" "That ball was thrown like a non-Quarterback!", "You know, they wanted to draft him as a receiver. Couldn't you imagine his explosiveness as a receiver?" he's all thah rage! As ah muh fuckin QB and shit! But...yo Black young bad quarterback ass gots tah wait yo turn, God damnit! We sorry ass evil elite lazy muh fuckahs run this shit! Sit back! Collect yo hush-money check! And all of us shall be fine!'

And Lamar et al says,


Our Father's speed!

22 Year Old Malcom Mannix, Indiana University College Football Running Back, Interview After The Sixth Over 250 Yards Game. (Circa October 2026)

 "Well tell us how you feel after another spectacular performance?" The irritating sports' reporter asked.

'Oh, our team definitely showed up! This week. The coaches coached! We practiced hard! Executed like we have been coached and have practiced. And with that said, we won.'

"I'm sorry. I was referring to your performance! Two-hundred and sixty-six yards on the ground. And another one-hundred and twelve receiving?"

'I'm gonna get real. For real. I might catch some flack? I might get sent home forever?! I don't know? But I'm not fearful of any of that backlash from what I'm about to say. Football is a team sport! The offensive line blocked their assignments, the wide-receivers blocked their assignments, the quarterback handed off to me so I could hopefully complete the various assignments afforded to me. But, I'll say this like my Daddy used tah tell me. 

"Malcolm! Don't ever fool yourself! We don't do Human shit! And don't accomplish Human shit! On Our


"'I Am Not Going to Apologize': Bishop Who Confronted Trump Speaks Out - TIME"...

 Anothah Catholic MTF



All these 



Catholic parishioners and shit!


There hath been 






Priest in

Catholicism's ill evil manmade


I mean, shit! Thah fuck's wrong with US broke assUS my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?


Anothah muh fuckin


Executive order should be exacted!

Dismantling of this tired ass 

Separation of Church and

State, muh fuckin


And yank that

501 (c) (3) from those

Heavily FED Commie funded and heavily FED Commie 

Compromised ill ass subversive

"US Organizations"!

Fuck 'em!


"Put me in "DOGE"! I'm ready to play! Today!..."

Our Father's speed!

"The Fable (2019)"

 Bad ass muh fuckin 




Our Father's speed!

Unprecedented "NFL" History For US NiggUS! But The "Buffalo Bills" Shall Win SB 59!

Even sports are theater! Fuckin scripted! Leaving anything tah chance is forbidden tah these evil degenerate FED Commie control freaks! 

"But that's ah shitload of people we talkin old ass broke muh fuckah!" I undahstand. But,



Just like in thah muh fuckin real world with LEOs and shit! In professional football, they're just called "Referees"; ergo, NFL US propagandists' minion Handlers! All US professional sports have their given handlers! my old Black sorry broke ass don't give one solid fuck! God damnit! Shit US talkin bout 20 billion USDs ah year sports' industry and shit! Anyway... 

At thah muh fuckin start of thah playoffs, US had

Five Black QBs and

Three White QBs!

Now durin thah perspective Championship's of thah two divisions, US is down tah

Three Black QBS and thah

One White QB left!

And thah White QB just got engaged tah ah Zionist Jew!

I mean, shit!

If my broke ass had some money!

I'd bet everything I had on thah muh fuckin

Bills tah win thah 

S' Bowl!

Shit! And would finally get an old niggah paid and shit!

CaUSe them evil nasty ass degenerate elite muh fuckahs haven't 


US tah not look at

Color of 





No mattah thah evilly money makin

US well-written circumstance!

Our Father's speed!

"SMART LA 2028 Olympics" A NWO Showcase Spectacle To The Global World: The Demise of Lastly Fallen Sovereign US! II

 Thah reason why this shit 's 

Prescient is that if

President Trump is really for 

US broke assUS!?

Them evil nasty ass Globalists are not goin tah let him be witnessin in


I mean, shit!

JFK started talkin that 'Secret Society' shit!

And US are witnUSses tah JFK's fucked-up presidential

Rogue ass demise!

Shit, that muh fuckah got shot by his Secret Service muh fuckin


That's why ol Jackie was tryin tah scramble out thah back of that car and shit! Opposite thah shooter, where Jackie saw thah revolver with silencer and thah person that was shootin that shit was their sorry ass Freemason FED Commie Secret Service driver!

In plain sight!

Still, ain't nobody publically said shit about that ill ass fucked-up assasination shit!

Some "Shadow Government" and "Wizard of OZ" type of 




God damned skippy!

Welcome tah thah 

Old World and thah

New World known biblically as

"The Land of


Our Father's speed!

"I'm Black But Look White, Here Are The Horrible Things White People Feel Safe Telling Me - HUFFPOST"






Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The US Is All US Broke AssUS Have Got!

 How thah Holy fuck yo sorry lyin German, French, Haitian, Cuban, Ukrainian, Israeli, Indian...sorry asses,

Living IN


Be proud of yo sorry ass country and yo

Ungrateful sorry ass livin IN


How thah fuck that shit work?!

I mean, shit!

How much yo sorry ass nothingness of ah fucked up country, with yo non-American ass livin here,

Payin yo sorry ass tah be yo broke countrys'


CaUSe y'alls sorry foreign asses obviously ain't 

Livin and playin in yo muh fuckin sorry ass 


Countrys' respective teams God damnit!

Thah fuck wrong with these ungrateful foreign muh fuckahs?!

Talkin that bullshit, "In my country..."! my Black broke ass undahstands! But

Don't give one




CaUSe you and I ain't havin no muh fuckin conversation in no God damned Tel Aviv, Paris, London...and wherevah thah fuck else in this firmament!



me and yo broke diasporic sorry ass is havin ah conversation




Our Father's speed!

Matthew 24:6 KJV



Soverign shit ain't evah fuckin



Our Father


So be it!

Our Father's speed!

The Fuck Done Went Wrong With US Sonshines?!

 my Black ass witnUSses all thah fuckin time,

US muh fuckUS purchasin ah

"Lay's" Party-Size bag 13 oz for,

$5.49 or highah some shit! With not ah second thought!?

For fuckin 'crisps'!? 

Three ounces short of ah fuckin pound!

And these are thah same US broke ass muh fuckUS

Complain about

Nutritionally solid 80/20 Ground Beef bein

$5.49 a fuckin


Kindah fuckin absurd US broke ass shit?!

Our Father's speed!

"I'm On Fire - Bruce Springsteen"

 There was this White comedian I was watchin once! I forget thah muh fuckUS' name and shit! But I remembah thah muh fuckah makin jokes and not about this muh fuckin ill ass song!

In his shtick, he started saying the words of the song! God damn! 

And I was like, that's some pedo shit! In fuckin plain sight! Which thah muh fuckin comedian was gettin at in his shtick! old muh fuckin broke Black ass listens tah music, songs...differently, ever since I witnessed that standup comedian. It's kind of weird it's takin my old ass this long tah 


Listen! Spurred on by a


Comedian! Good lookin out!

I mean, shit!

They tantalize US broke assUS with beats, melodies...evil

Sirens' songs!







Our Father's speed!

Fuck A Soda!

 These evil muh fuckahs got 

"Pepsi Cola" 6pk 16.9 fl oz,


Thah fuck?!

I don't fuck with any of that shit! An old niggah was jUSt passin by, while gettin by! Anyway... 

I mean, shit!

Go around tah thah next aisle,

The beer aisle, my aisle of choice!

Well up jump thah muh fuckin devil God damnit!

"Pabst Blue Ribbon" 6pk 16 fl oz,


Why thah fuck, are US broke assUS muh fuckUS fuckin round with



When naturally made delicioUS American  lager

Beer is thah same muh fuckin price!?

And, will get that broke ass


Ah solid muh fuckin broke ass 


But, I mean, shit?!

Thah fuck my broke ass know?!


Our Father's speed!

***Executive Order Withdrawing The United States From The W.H.O*** II

 I mean, shit!

my Black ass don't know what evil FED Commies pissed 

President Trump off?!

But them Globalists are fucked for ah lil while!

That fucked up 


"Pandamic Agreement" is fuckin

Refuse for now!

And President Trump with this muh fuckin

Executive Order majorly fuckin

The W.H.O. And

The W.E.F.

Done put this 

NWO agenda on

ICE for ah fuckin time!

Fuck those ugly rich evil commie Global degenerates!

my niggah!

Our Father's speed!

***Executive Order Withdrawing The United States From The W.H.O***

 President Trump!

my niggah for real!

I knew I voted for his ass for ah US broke ass reason!

I mean, shit!

Maybe there is a lil



Hope for 

US muh fuckin

Broke AssUS!

Way tah go


Our Father's speed!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

There Soon Shall Be An End

Fuck yes my old Black broke ass voted for

President Trump!

I damned well did!  Muh fuckin skippy. God damnit!

"Well what is old orange man going to do? Save US?"

Shit, at this US point there ain't one of US that can save this sinkin USS Commie fucked-up shit!

"Well, what about Our Father?"

Shit, Our Father already tried! And US done fucked it up, again!? 

Now, US broke assUS have reached 

The Age of Revelation! And muh fuckin gnashing of teeth!

And it shall come tah pass soon, because thah muh fuckin trumpets are blarin, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

my old Black broke ass has not ah clue what US broke niggUS votin about?!

CaUSe these FED Commie degenrates are

Going to make all of US broke assUS even more ah muh fuckin


Be singin those "Prison/Chain Gang Songs" in no time and shit!

God damn!



I'm fuckin baffled with them evil muh fuckahs!

CaUSe this US Commie takeover ill shit should have been taken ovah ah long fuckin time ago?!

Fuckin Commie rich ugly evil degenerate muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!

Prenuptial Agreements?

 Thee Holy fuck!

Every time an old broke niggah hears this shit, be havin me laughin like ah muh fuckah!

Ain't no in Love muh fuckah gonnah sign no stupid absurd muh fuckin


I mean, shit!

Just by bringin up that ill 


That sorry ass marriage is fuckin

Dead ass




Thah fuck's an old niggah missin and shit?!

Our Father's speed!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Being US FED Commie Fucked! And Choosing To Be US FED Commie Fucked! Are Two Different US Sorry Ass Things!

I ain't suckin yo nasty damn herpes infested nasty ass evil elite 


Nor bendin ovah tah violate my old Black sorry broke tired muh fuckin ass!



Fuck that noise!

Muh fuckUS wants tah talk that ill ass shit,

"That's because you have always had a choice!"

I mean, shit! I undahstand!

And my old Black ass can definitely dig that cogent shit!

But check it? US are all adults up in this muh fuckah! I ain't talkin bout no sick ass fuckin elite evil nasty degenerate shit!



my Black broke ass talkin bout consentin grown ass muh fuckin adults and shit!

Like you and me!

And my old Black ass shall nevah consent!

Take my shit, aftah yo sorry ass beats thah fuck out of me?!

I can dig it!

But me willfully givin yo sorry muh fuckin evil elite degenerate asses thah


Sans ah vicioUS





What thah fuck y'all rich degenerate imbeciles be smokin! 

CaUSe God damn! Pass that shit tah an old broke ass niggah!

US muh fuckin broke assUS already knows!

Our Father's speed!

"TikTok Restoring Service For U.S. Users, After Trump Signals He Will Save It - The Wall Street Journal"

 How did 

'Public Enemy' rap it?

"Don't! Don't! Don't believe thah hype!"!

Our Father's speed!

Darland Albert Hopson II

I think of 

Brother AL often and shit!

It's ah muh fuckin


my old Black sorry broke ass smiles a lot on


Well, for one, Mommy and Daddy was intah thah Pentacostal church!

Brother AL and his Wife my Sistah-in-Law, was intah thah Pentacostal church!

my whole Black ass broke life has been defined by


God damn?!



I smile on 



Our Father's speed

Brotha AL!

Proper US Nourishment?

 my coworkers inform me,

"You eat some nasty shit!"

I undahstand!

But, fried chicken skins! Fried pork skins! GelatinoUS pigs' feet!? Eight hour crock pot chicken gizzards with onions, celery, green pepper, salt,  Black pepper, Campbells' Mushroom Condensed Soup, a cup of milk and ah shitload of garlic cooked around six hours with some Basmati rice...

Toast some Italian bread! Put some butter, garlic powder, onion powder, a sprinkle of sea salt and oregano on that shit?!



It's fuckin righteoUS munchin time God damnit!

I mean, shit!

I guess an old broke niggah does eat some nasty shit!

But that nasty shit is muh fuckin

DelicioUS tah my old Black sorry broke ass!

And that my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS,

Is ah beautiful muh fuckin

US thing!

Oh, yes it is!

Our Father's speed!

Fuck Them evil elite Historical Nasty Ass Degenerate Muh Fuckahs!!!

 my old Black sorry broke ass loves avowin in satirical prose, who them rich evil worthless lazy muh fuckahs are really about!

Them evil degenerates can't stand tah be hated and ridiculed!

I mean, shit!

Think about that ill evil shit!

These sorry ass FED Commie welfare recepient muh fuckahs got sycophants around them constantly! Insulatin them fucked-up mentally deranged rich sorry asses!

Then, yo propagandists' minion muh fuckahs got


Broke muh fuckin assUS!

And US ain't got not one dog in this fucked-up Global absurd NWO fight!



But US broke assUS sure as shit have got ah muh fuckin major long toothed 




Our Father's speed!

The Pedophile Degenerate FED Commie Global evil elite!

 Got ah former MP in Britain that states,

"No one will touch it! We've got the proof! But no one is trying to even touch on that subject."

And US is wonderin why this US shit's goin thah fuck down,

Fast and in ah muh fuckin 

FED Commie fucked up


Thah fuck's done went wrong with US broke muh fuckin assUS!?

I mean, shit!



my old Black sorry broke ass shall deduce!

US can only jUSt


Protect US's meek!


And fuckin 



Our Father's speed!

Start Appreciating RighteoUSly About How To Starve/Fast For A Time





Our Father's speed!

FTM Justin Bieber.

 I know Justine is havin some major mental problems with some fucked up transgendered shit!

Look at thah muh fuckah when she/he was hangin around with Diddy and shit?!

That's ah fuckin teenage girl, God damnit!

Don't give ah fuck!

Is Justine fucked up from thah shit old nasty Diddy et al done did tah that sorry pitiful young ass muh fuckah?!



But, I mean, shit!

Yo sorry YOUthful biological Female inncocent ass was left in thah dis-care of 

Usher and subsequently, 


Yo sorry degenerate parents need tah be


Yesterday some shit for fuckin 



God damn, that's some cold ass evil heartless uncaring 

"Parental" fucked-up shit!

Our Father's speed


MTFs Abound In CIA/FBI FED Commie Conjured Hollywood! Even Back In The Day!

 my old Black sorry broke ass loves me some

"The Rockford Files"!

But since I started researchin some shit?!

I'm like,

God damn!

Rockford show thah fuck loved him some

MTFs and shit!

What did old "John McClane" say in "DieHard", when that woman with no panty lines with thah white lycra suit jumped on her boo?!


FTM Justin Bieber. MTF Cameron Diaz.

 US broke ass muh fuckUS know that!


EX-FED evil Commie AG Merrick Ugly Sorry Ass Garland

 Ding-dong, that sorry

Som-bitch is


Option Broke AssUS Number 1: A Bloody Red US Furture

 I mean, shit!

Every muh fuckin key to


Freedom has been 


How thah fuck do US get this horribly

Compromised, for decades now,



Our Father's speed!

15 Minute Cities, et al: Oh, That's The Heaven Above! But US Is Living In Hell!

 Have US witnessed thah rooms thah Japanese call, apartments?!

I mean, shit!

If these FED Commie sorry evil ass muh fuckahs succeed in this

Global bullshit!?

Start gettin comfy in that 


Commie evil elite


Cell God damnit!

And quit fuckin and havin muh fuckin 



It's come down tah thah 

Supply and 

Demand US economic

Human commodities fucked-up shit!

But thah shit shall work for 


And shall greatly benefit 

US's upcomin beautiful



Our Father's speed!

"SMART LA 2028 Olympics" A NWO Showcase Spectacle To The Global World: The Demise of Lastly Fallen Sovereign US!

 Our Father's speed


Smaller City US F-Stops!

 'IndyGo' done got all this evil NWO/Global city FED Commie financin tah implement all these routes and shit IN Indy!

I mean, shit!

With some ill ass evil FED Commie money all that shit has taken?!

No wondah why these US IN Indy side streets ain't given one fuckin

Thought about and shit!

DPW and drunkard Mayor Hogsett agreein,

"We have done a wonderful job with our city streets in Indianapolis!"!


Our Father's speed!...

Words of Marital Endearment

 When yo muh fuckin 

Wife says tah yo proned tah depression broke Black ass,

"Now. Listen niggah?!..."

Yo old broke male depressive ass bettah start 


I mean, shit!

That's if yo mentally "unstable" old broke Black ass wants tah stay married and shit!?

Our Father's speed!

Hawthorn Berry And Ashwagandha

 Them two shits work! Takes about, in my case, three tah four weeks takin those two shits daily tah undahstand thah efficacy!

I take

Hawthorn Berry 565mg BID

Ashwagandha 450mg BID!

Ran out of both one time. Didn't really pay it no mind! Then about six days latah and shit? Start gettin depressed! People started gettin on my nerves for real! I'm like why? Usually this kindah shit I just brush off bein in patient services and shit! I mean, shit! Tah thah point an old niggah was about tah cuss some muh fuckUS! Then thah shit hit me!

I didn't re-up on Hawthorn Berry or Ashwagandha!

Got my old Broke depressed ass home! Got on Swanson! Purchased them two shits!

Haven't made thah mistake of runnin out since!

Them two shits work! And my old Black broke sorry ass  blood pressure is still


Our Father's speed!

Matthew 5:37 KJV

 I mean, shit!

Aftah awhile God damnit!

US has tah make ah God damned decision about this US FED Commie takeovah!



Stop readin, listenin, watchin...all this propagandists' minion bullshit!

Take US's drawls off,

Sit down!

And shit!

Or get thah fuck off thah muh fuckin



Pull them US drawls up!

Wash US's hands!

And move thah fuck


Our Father's speed!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

US Broken Down?!

 I never bled no shit like that!

But my Black ass show thah fuck was in


"Why didn't you fight back!"

Excellent question!

Thinking...I guess...I would have tah say,

Thah muh fuckin 


Somehow made ah muh fuckin nigggah

Undahstand some US expedited critical


Painful fucked-up


Our Father's speed!

This Humbling Very Finite Human Life

 I write raw human emotional shit!

I'll be writin and/or I'll reread that shit!

And be like,

Thah fuck!?

And oft times

Cry like ah muh fuckah!

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!

Darland Albert Hopson

 US ten Brothahs and one Sistah jUSt called him


my broke Black ass called him simply

Brothah Al!

He was ah gentle kind muh fuckah!

But, Brothah Al had been tah 

Vietnam! And survived that ill ass conjured FED Commie US shit!

And then found

Our Father!

my Brother made me smile often times! Still does!

Not that he said anything funny! Or said some shit worth bein funny! Or tah make ah muh fuckah like me smile!



Brothah Al made this broke old niggah smile becaUSe Brothah Al was ah muh fuckah that

Walked thah fuckin



And talked thah muh fuckin



my old muh fuckin ass misses you and loves you

my Brothah!

Don't think I evah told your Beautiful soul that shit?!

But I show thah fuck 

Loves you and show thah fuck misses yo now

Past muh fuckin

Brotherly ass!

Thank you for everything!

Our Father's speed



Sad awhile!

Too muh fuckin sad!

I mean, shit!

I'll show thah fuck see you


And we'll catch up on some shit!


Do You Want Some More? II

 I remembah Mister Worrell, thah Dean of Students at Crispus Attucks High School in Indianapolis when I was in my Senior year in high school ask me one final time,

"Hopson! Are you okay?"

And thah truth came forth,

'Yes! Mister Worrell! I'm totally fine."

And thah exterior pain in highschool suddenly thah fuck blessedly muh fuckin


elite Muh Fuckin Excuses Be Damned!

 "Well! What about all of the children being vaccinated and dying from the multiple vaccinations?!"

They don't give ah fuck!

"Well what about all of the old people! And people that are having surgeries to be normal!? That don't have the monetary means?! Who are dying!"

They don't give ah fuck!

"Well what about my Dad! That has alll kinds of blockages in his lungs! Caused by their COVID vaccine shit!?"

They definitely don't give one solid

US fuck!...

Our Father's speed!

US! Now,...What?!

 There's ah muh fuckin calmness that comes ovah 

US muh fuckin 

Human beings when thah muh fuckin 

Truth bites in and shit!

A muh fuckah assuredly thinkin bout some shit!

Then thah fucked up resoundin conditioned shit,

"You broke asses are feeders! Nothing more! Nothing less!"

evil elite FED Commie shit chimes in!

I mean, shit? 

What thah fuck are US goin tah do about that evil elite sorry ass muh fuckin

US broke assUS muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!

US evil FED Commie Sorry Ass Bullies V

 I remembah 


Aftah ah day or two of bein 


I wouldn't be actin like myself and shit!

She would ask,

"Meredith. Are you okay?"

Seein somethin within me that she didn't like!

'Yes." Would always be my response!

CaUSe I mean, 



Public schools and shit!

Ah niggah ain't even gonnah begin tah 

US muh fuckin


Unless yo broke ass can get me out of this sorry ass evil muh fuckin painful fucked-up bully oriented shit!?

Our Father's speed!

Do You Want Some More?

 I remembah back in thah day, thah muh fuckin bully at that time, hit me thah fuck hard!

I couldn't talk my way out of such a "Sissy" strike! I used tah say "Sissy" tah make them undahstand that shit didn't do shit! 



But that shit hurt like fuckin nobodies' business! Almost made ah niggah cry and shit! But yah save that bullyin prideful fucked-up shit for latah, when nobody is around and shit! Anyway...

my Black ass was thinkin at thah time,

"I can't take anothah one of those fucked-up horrible


And I didn't have to!...

Quickly! And Unto The Muh Fuckin US Broke Ass Point!

 my old Black sorry broke ass got ah lot of fucked-up 

Beat-up stories!

I hate and have always hated physical violence!

Ergo, I got my ass beaten ad nauseum along this fucked-up life's way!

Was it good for my Black sorry broke ass!?

Or, bad for my old Black sorry broke ass?!

Me, thinks!?

Aftah all thah bullshit pain has muh fuckin been collected!


Those multiple ass beatings were somewhat illy

RighteoUS! As fucked up as that may, read!

I mean, shit!



Our Father's speed!

Chipping Away At The US FED Commie Truth!

 'Thah fuck's wrong with US?!'



CaUSe thah US FED Commie conditioning of fucked-up US 

Truth is ah muh fuckah!

Like my old Black ass tryin tah give up beautiful manmade 




Our Father's speed!

The Burning of Toxic LA LA LAnd Long Fucked-Up FED Commie History!

 "After the lithium batteries burn. Residents are trying to deal with the toxic lithium gases."

Fuck lithium gases and shit!

Thah toxic gases hits are goin tah keep on


Our  Father's speed


Just US Broke AssUS, Pray!

 my old Black sorry broke ass is worryin about these next three days in 



I keep readin these propagandists' minions mainstream headlines of some shit like,

"Here's what your household should do in a power outage."

I mean, shit!

I remembah last year, in thah US IN winter. I texted my neighbor,

"Do you all have power?"

He texted back,

"No! Not good!" And it was sub-zero degrees outside and shit! But aftah about thirty minutes some shit! Thah power was restored!

my old Black sorry broke assUS' family ain't lookin forward tah this so called conjured HAARP, Geoengineered...

"Polar Vortex" absurdity!

'Conjured' bein thah muh fuckin ill ass fucked-up optimal evil FED Commie term for their fuckin  sorry ass absurd bored



Get! A muh fuckin US job you shiftless FED Commie evil degenerate ingrates!

Our Father's speed!

"Labor takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice. - Voltaire" VI

I mean, shit!

Do US not witnUS!?

Them evil sorry ass lazy degenerate worthless muh fuckahs are interpreting 

US as their sorry ass fucked-up definition of:


Can't make this FED Commie shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



And them sorry ugly ass lazy degenerate muh fuckahs are still 

Ensconced in


Want and 


Them evil muh fuckahs have gots tah 


What thee Holy fuck done went wrong with US Sonshines!?

And what thah Holy fuck is an old niggah missin and shit?!

Our Father's speed!

US evil FED Commie Sorry Ass Bullies IV

 I don't give one Holy US fuck about 




my old Black sorry broke ass lives in




Fuck 'em!


Hold thah fuck up!

Them California muh fuckUS pay more in

US tax payin dollUS than all thah rest of 

US othah



Close tah 90 billion dollUS some shit in FED Commie evil taxUS and shit!

And old Pedo Joe gots thah nerves tah send

Seven hundred and some change 

Federal Commie funky ass dollUS tah every affected California homeownah!

Thah FED Commie fuck?!

They've given Israel, Ukraine...and whoevah thah holy fuckin non-US-tax payin broke ass

Fuck! Ovah three hundred billion USDs in thah last four fuckin years!

And with that shit!

US FED Commie government with that ovah three hundred billion USDs and countin, 

Could have sent every Woman, Man and Child in thah state of  California, 

Eight thousand and some change

USDs God damnit!

I mean, shit!

What thah fuck done happened tah US Sonshines!?

And what thee Holy fuck is an old ass broke niggah missin and shit?!

Our Father's speed!

A Toothsome Pearly White Smile Tells US Broke AssUS, About US Broke AssUS!

 Mommy and Daddy lost their teeth a long time ago when they were still here as witnUSses in their twenties some shit!

I remembah they'd take US yearly for Dental check-ups!

Mommy, "Meredith, do you know I can't even bite into an apple with these things?" She'd cut the apple and put thah cut apple piece into her mouth to chew with thah skin.

Daddy, "I just should have taken better care of my teeth. But when your family is broke, so growing up broke, with no insurance, what is a young person going to do?"

They both had false teeth. Upper and lower dental plates and shit!

I remembah my Brother AL, he would smile being in his seventies and I'm like,

Look at his teeth?! Naturally and beautifully, 

White as fuck!

He still had a "Colgate" good lookin muh fuckin smile upon his passing!

And I aspire tah have thah same smile when an old niggah soon 


It's thah little caring and little important broke ass muh fuckin things in this muh fuckah!


I'll be shit!

Our Father's speed!

"Talk To Myself - Christopher Williams"


Deep ass


Predictive programming







Conditioned broke assUS' evil shit!

Check it, when US have thah time?

US evil FED Commie Sorry Ass Bullies III

 I mean, shit!

It's like Ray-Ray and his boys tellin ah niggah he gots tah pay for traversin down their street just tryin tah get back and forth tah school! Now if ah niggah didn't, that would be a mile and ah half difference that I would have tah take tah get tah school some shit! Maybe ten tah twenty extra minutes some shit?!

Don't give ah fuck!

Kick my docile Black ass God damnit!

CaUSe gettin up twenty tah thirty minutes earlier every mornin durin thah weeks' school days, especially durin Indianapolis winters?

Ah young ass niggah shall get his ass kicked on ah muh fuckin regulah!

Thah ass kickin only lasted some three minutes or less and shit! Still savin some twenty minutes or so at thah crib! Aftah awhile them niggUS just started sayin tah ah young niggah, "Whaddup niggah?" And let ah muh fuckah pass without some fucked-up recourse!

Did it hurt?! 



Was it worth it?!






But do US not undahstand. Whenevah I have seen one of those muh fuckahs out and about, them muh fuckahs be makin it ah point tah say, "Hey! Whaddup niggah?"! And not with any muh fuckin type of malice in that shit?

Our Father's speed!

The evil Global World/NWO...Firmament's Nations, Are All WitnUSsing The evil FED Commie Induced US Final Dramatic Fall!

 Why thah fuck would my old Black sorry broke ass tell anothah broke muh fuckah, what I'm goin tah do?! And that broke muh fuckah's tryin tah kill my old Black sorry broke ass!?

"Why? Why would they just randomly want to kill you?"

I undahstand! But thah shit was meant tah be in thah written prose, in this instance, allegorical and shit!

I mean, shit!

US sits up there and do all these God damned good for nothin marches, for thah whole world tah witnUSs!


US is bein witnUSsed by this soon tah be Global World, as this is thah last muh fuckah tah



Our Father's speed!

For US Broke AssUS Eyes Only!

 I mean, shit!

With US broke assUS, 

Can't do much about this evil

FED Commie

US takeovah!



CaUSe US's assUS are fuckin broke!

But, God damnit! What US can do while this evil shit is transpirin is tah

Start rattlin them evil manmade cages they've conditioned intah 


Make some noise! Not tah be witnUSsed by thah multitude which includes them nasty muh fuckahs!



I mean, shit!

Like them sorry ass ugly degenerate evil muh fuckahs have been doin all throughout HIStory!

IN thah 




Our Father's speed!

US Hacks Are Only to Fuck US Broke AssUS Over!

 Ain't it funny, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS how when these "Russian", "China"...hackin shit takes place, US nevah hears about these rich degenerate FED Commie muh fuckahs gettin their identities fucked ovah?!

Ain't seen one propagandists' FED Commie evil minion on thah tele' talkin that, 

"I was hacked! My whole life savings is gone! My credit score is nothing!..."

Not fuckin 

evil sorry ass worthless...


How thah fuck that evil fucked-up rich shit work?

Our Father's speed!

US evil FED Commie Sorry Ass Bullies II

 They are paying thah fuck away US's


"Why would a federally elected US citizen do such an absurd thing? I mean, they are one of US! Right?!"


Our Father's speed!...

US evil FED Commie Sorry Ass Bullies

 They force US tah pay federal taxUS and shit!

Then they give those same taxUS tah anothah muh fuckin country that don't have tah pay US's hard earned federal tax shit back tah US?!

Then, if US don't pay federal taxUS them evil FED Commie muh fuckahs make US broke ass lives



Them worthless evil FED Commie propagandists' minions still givin US's hard earned taxpayin dollUS,

Not tah help US?!



But tah help

Their evil ass Global NWO elitists fucked-up sorry ass 

Peers, in ah non-US othah country!

And US broke assUS ain't did shit and ain't said jack shit about that evil fucked-up shit!

I mean, shit!?

Thee Holy fuck done went wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thee Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!

Fuck That Listening To These Majorly Out of Touch evil FED Commie Very Ugly Repugnate Rich Muh Fuckahs!

 I mean, shit!

What thah fuck are US broke muh fuckUS scared of and shit?!

Bein thah fuck broker?!

Don't make no fuck bit of sense God damnit!

Most of US are ah paycheck away of bein in

Abject poverty and shit!


Most of US are still listenin to these sorry ass evil FED Commie elite muh fuckahs,

Tellin US how US should be livin!?

Them nasty degenerate muh fuckahs have not ah fuckin clue,

How US broke assUS are even tryin tah jUSt

Subsist on ah fuckin 


And, them deplorable FED Commie evil muh fuckahs could


Less about 

US broke muh fuckin assUS!

Thah fuck's done happened tah US broke assUS Sonshines?!

What thah Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Just Leave US Broke AssUS Alone!

 I remembah ah long time ago towards thah end of my datin life, ah biological woman told me,

"All I want out of life! Is to be left alone. And to be able to survive on my meager existence."!

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!

Thee Holy Fuck!? II

 So as I'm lookin at this so called 'Iranian" everyday life shit!

my old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass got slapped! CaUSe an old niggah ain't witnessed one God damn


Or one God damned

White muh fuckah tah be witnessed!

Our Father's speed!

"In space no one can hear you scream. - Alien (1979)"

 And muh fuckin biological 

US women gonnah move out there in thah sticks with ah fornicatin

Pseudo-Christian and shit?! Thah no count muh fuckin men

Plays church!

But don't go tah church!

Don't live nothin like thah church's



How thah fuck that shit workin out?!

Our Father's speed!

Thee Holy Fuck!?

 So I'm watchin this video of somethin titled, 

"Every Day Life In Iran" some shit! And I'm thinkin, 'Shit my old Black sorry broke ass could live there!' Looks super clean. Food looks on point! People look friendly! But...those muh fuckin major religioUS beliefs cool! 

I mean, shit!

With all that modernization? Y'all tellin an old ass broke niggah,

Y'all still believin in this 

Stoning and othah bullshit?!

But thah stone cold bitch about this fucked up shit is,

How thah fuck my old Black ass even knows this place that I'm chosin tah witness is,


I mean, shit!

I ain't witnessed that bitch up close and personal and shit!

And I can only suggest this, with my old Black ass, 

Second-hand information is ah painful future muh fuckah!

Our Father's speed!

US Human Beautiful Age-Old RighteoUS, Satire. II

 There's ah beautiful muh fuckin

RighteoUS thing in


evil FED Commie muh fuckahs wants tah step out there and say, 

"We doin thah damn US FED Commie thang!"!


Not, jUSt yet, with y'alls 

Stank, ugly, evil...asses!

Not, jUSt thah fuck, 



Our Father's speed!

Sans Manmade US Coping Inducements III

 Thah fifth day? 



Informed my wife, 'I'm purchasing beer today.'!

"Cool! How many days in this time?"

'This is the fifth.'

"Oh! Yo ass gettin better! Keep workin at it! And can yah pick ah Sistah up a bottle of Stella Rosa?"

'Sure! What flavor?'

"Any flavor you choose will be fine Love! Thank you."

'Ah niggah's out!'

"I figured as much. Come here and give me some sugar you very different lovely man, you!"

"You Can't Stop What's Coming. Now, That's Vanity - No Country For Old Men"

 Yeah! That makin this shit ah bettah place US tired shit is thrown thah fuck out thah fuckin window and shit! Alas, US goin tah feel some FED Commie evil elite pain!

I mean, shit!

US broke assUS could have stopped this FED Commie NWO clusterfuck, comin tah ah neighborhood next tah US soon! But US didn't! Or shit, that shit's already done hit US broke assUS' neighborhoods!?

Them degenerate nasty rich sorry ass muh fuckahs are never tah blame!



It's like that old ass fabled tale of "The Scorpion and The Frog"  and shit!

And thah scorpion is tearin US's frog broke assUS up!



Our Father's speed!

Sunday, 19January2025







Our Father's speed!

Let US Go!

 When you write in real time, there is a certain Human purity in thah shit!

This is what my old Black sorry broke ass is thinkin now!

Talk tah somebody? Get up tah make dinner? Get up tah take ah piss?...go tah work!

Come back tah writin this shit!

I mean, shit!

A whole new written visual perspective of this

Existence tah expound upon!

I mean, shit!


Mes amis!

Our Father's speed!

US Human Beautiful Age-Old RighteoUS, Satire.

 That's all this shit is my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS,

Long USed Satire! Existin way before my old Black ass was even born and shit!


These commie muh fuckahs don't want tah be


Can't stand tah be


And don't yo broke assUS dare

Deride US




US broke assUS!

I mean, shit!?

Yeah, straight talk!

Our Father's speed!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

US Shit? Or, US Shinola?

 I mean, shit!

What did some of them old school muh fuckUS USed tah say back in thah day,

"He doesn't know shit from shinola!"!

What thah fuck that really means? my old Black broke ass has not ah clue! But thah way they USed tah utilize it was ah type of ah major dig sayin in so many words, thah muh fuckah was dumb! Anyway...

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Gil Scott Heron"

my old Black sorry broke ass listened tah this shit again for thah umpteenth time and shit!

Then somethin hit me!

Based on that niggUS' words/lyrics and shit!

How thah fuck US niggUS know his black sorry ass wasn't talkin bout evil

Them and 

Not about US broke assUS!?

Our Father's speed 



The US FED Commie Purge

 "Well what are we supposed to do? Our US towns are infiltrated! Our US cities are infiltrated! Our US judicial system has been infiltrated! Our US military has been infiltrated!...I mean, what are we supposed to do?!"


Our Father's speed!

"A USA 'Red Communist Dragon'"

 "Yes we see it. Based on that user's algorithms. We'll keep an eye out on it! Yes, sir! I will call you back with any further disturbances. Good evening, sir."

He looked back at his screen. What the fuck?! How'd they ever put this user on the blip? The user was all over the place.

Then a funny thing happened. The 'google Account's Manager' started reading...

Another Step Closer...

 "Well, why would rich people care about what we are doing? That just doesn't seem right?"

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass show thah fuck undahstands!

But, that's because,

This shit ain't


Our Father's speed!

Start Appreciating US's Beautiful Our Father's Created Human Biological Females!

 Thah most fucked ovah muh fuckUS in this firmament, literally as well as figuratively, are:

The muh fuckin




Now, them 

RighteoUS muh fuckUS shall have


US FED Commie









And woe be untah them evil elite force feeding Global World nasty degenerates!

I mean, shit!

All things bein considered!

A man will kill yo sorry broke ass fo show!

But ah mad muh fuckin 


Woman, once yo sorry male ass done fucked up too many times and shit!

Aftah that biological woman is through with US!

US biological males shall only wish for 


Our Father's speed!

Sans Manmade US Coping Inducements II

 "Well what about Delta 8 and vaping nicotine?"

I undahstand and shit!

I mean, shit!

my old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass can get with 

Ephesians 4:28 KJV and shit!

But God damn!

An old broke ass niggah gots tah take it


Step at ah fuckin


I mean, an old broke niggah still gots tah

Get along at


God damnit!!!!!!

Our Father's speed!

The Fucked Up US FED Commie Entertainment Industry Multiple Gaffs

 So, I don't know why. 

my old Black muh fuckin ass clicked on this article about,

Chris Martin, thah lead singer in Coldplay and shit!

Well, started tah read thah shit!

Then I ran across thah muh fuckah talkin bout he and old Paltrow's children,

"Well, none of the children are biologically mine."

Thah US commie propagandists' minion sorry ass fuck?! 

Did an old niggah jUSt read?!

MTF Bonnie Nasty Ass Blue, Pornographic Actor and "OnlyFans" Creator III

 I mean, shit!

On ah metaphysical level, tah my old Black assUS' rationale of undahstandin this beautiful, underused, abused, underappreciated...firmament wasteland, where my mental state is currently,

There is this 



Electricity with infinite bandwidth racin through this firmament!

Entering and 


US constantly!

Charged with Female/Male positive energy!

Dependin on thah circumstance?! 

US picks up what 




Thah othah negative nothingness of


Electrical shit!

Attenuates and


Gets cut thah fuck

Off! For ah


So, all these electrical 



Humanly charged positive particles are all around 

US broke assUS!

Just start pickin them 

RighteoUS shits thah fuck



Integrate with US's



Finally on ah muh fuckin



Electrical level!


And let's move

US thah fuck 

On and thah fuck

Beyond this FED Commie fucked-up US bullshit!


Our Father's speed!

MTF Bonnie Nasty Ass Blue, Pornographic Actor and "OnlyFans" Creator II

 I mean, shit! This is jUSt an old broke Black ass showin US how an old broke niggah thinks and shit!

Just writin some shit! Based on an old niggUS' almost three score of US witnUSsing and shit! Anyway...

1,057 men waitin on tah insert their nasty ass dicks, intah anothah used tah be nasty dick's multiple holes (vagina bein manmade and shit) of thah now record breaking dickless degenerate, posin as ah biological female sorry ass evil commie propagandists' minion degenerate muh fuckah!!!??? 

I mean, shit!

What thah Holy fuck is an old niggah missin and shit!

US done went straight-up, rabid ass and batshit crazy and shit!

Thah fuck's done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!? 

What thee Holy fuck?!

Our Father's speed!

MTF Bonnie Nasty Ass Blue, Pornographic Actor and "OnlyFans" Creator

Thee Holy fuck! For thah past three days some shit, I've witnessed these articles on mainstream media and this muh fuckin propagandists' minion commie degenerate!

Claimin tah have had sex with 

1,057 men in one muh fuckin day and shit! Even, breaking thah old muh fuckin record for degenerates!

Well, them 1,057 men done all fucked anothah biological man!





Don't do this type of nasty ass fucked up shit!

"What The Fuck Do You Want my Old Black Broke Ass To Say?"

 Thee Holy fuck!?

US muh fuckUS constantly askin some shit, but not askin some shit,

"I think everyone of us should be vaccinated. I'm sure you agree."

"Have you been looking at them terrible wildfires going on in California? Ain't that a shame." 

"Got old ass orange man coming in office. Now, who is he going to save?"

"You see that nasty ass bitch having sex with ovah ah thousand mothah fuckas in a fuckin day?! Ain't that ah nasty bitch!"

"These young people just don't want to work, do they."

"The government isn't doing anything for us. And you know that's right."...

Our Father's speed!

Sans Manmade US Coping Inducements

 I'm on thah fourth day of not havin nothin tah drink and shit! 

I mean, shit! An old broke niggah ain't talkin bout no fastin or some shit like that!



my old Black sorry broke ass is talkin bout, thah nectar of

Our Father


Shit! Shit! Shit! And if I didn't say 'shit' then, shit!

Fuckin sucks!

Tired as fuck! Havin brain fog like ah muh fuckah! Constipated and shit, though I pop ah 200mg of Magnesium Citrate daily, thah production ain't there! 

But, then again...I haven't been eatin much lately.

Thinkin about ah cold ass Pilsner Urquell! Beer temp ah cool 40 degrees and shit! Poured into ah tulip glass. Takin that first mouthful!...

God damnit! 

It fuckin


Our Father's speed!

DAVOS, Switzerland and Klaus evil Degenerate Ugly Ass Schwab

 It's Hebrew and shit:

Da - Yes

Vos - You.

And old evil ugly Klaus still can't buy muh fuckin

Good looks!

Fuckin butt-ugly nasty ass fucked-up lookin imbecile!

The US FED Commie Five Tiered Structural US Broke AssUS Current Demise

 Capitalism begat

Fascism begat

Socialism begat

Communism begat


Our Father's speed!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Surreal!? II

 But, I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass don't give 

One, fuck!

This despicable US FED Commie shit that's goin down IN US!

Now, this shit's majorly fuckin


God damnit!

Our Father's speed!


 Remembah when all these Ign'ant muh fuckUS all up in thah propagandists' minions media and shit were always sayin that word?!

I mean, shit!

Them ign'ant muh fuckUS said it so much them broke muh fuckUS had evil scholarly muh fuckahs callin each othah and shit sayin,

"Tell the others! The word "Surreal" doth not need an epitaph. It committed horrible linguistical suicide."

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Bill Ugly Gates or BUG II

 We broke ass muh fuckUS listenin tah

"Savants", "Brilliant minds"...that don't even know what US

Broke assUS

Know! Of just even fucking, how tah fuckin 



Live, God damnit!!!!!!

Them evil muh fuckahs have not ah fuckin clue!?

I mean, shit!?

"For real!?"


And havin thah nerves tah try tah murdah most of US broke assUS!

Thah US broke ass fuck?!

Our Father's speed!

Bill Ugly Gates or BUG

 Muh fuckahs in FED Commie government keeps on with this Bill Ugly Gates horseshit!

BUG doesn't even have ah fuckin 

College degree in shit!

So why thah fuck's that ugly muh fuckah's name on thah proverbial US fucked-up

Conjured evil FED Commie

Altered table and shit with his dumb busted lookin muh fuckin rich ass!?

And just too lazy tah go back tah school and earn ah degree!

With all that muh fuckin money and shit!?

Them despicable evil imbeciles 



I mean, shit!?

Our Father's speed!

Prime Ministers Ain't Shit!

 Like ah muh fuckin 

US Presidency but quite 

Unlike ah muh fuckin US Presidency!

I mean, shit! At least in US yo Presidential ass is ah third of thah equation of laws and shit! 

Prime Ministers?! Talk tah thah "Crown". The "Crown" states XYZ. I better do XYZ if my career is to continue!

You don't rule shit!

Prime Ministers have everything tah do with 

British rule!

Maybe US Presidency does

Too! US 'll witness soon enough.

Them muh fuckahs might be Greenland, Canada...but them sorry ass muh fuckahs are fuckin around with British sorry ass muh fuckahs on their British ruled nations'


Y'all broke muh fuckin asses bout tah be like British slaves,

"Bought and Sold"!

And thah broke ass evil Global fucked-up hits jUSt keep on comin!

Our Father's speed!

In LA LA LAnd The D.E.W.s Are Still Kicking Ass And Taking Numbers God Damnit! And The Military FED Commie Wicked Drones From The East Appear In The West! II

 I'll be fucked!

Muh fuckin sorry ass propagandists' minions reportin about ah heavily smoked sky from all of the burning and shit!



Those muh fuckin gray geoengineered heavily smoked skies have been thah fuck there!

I mean, shit!

Those FED Commie chemical trails released for three days straight ovah L.A. before them sorry ass manmade conjured evil shit were meant to

Hide all of those muh fuckin

Military drones from thah 


Tearin that muh fuckin ass up now, in thah muh fuckin


US sovereign US nation!

Is now, with the utmost certainty,


War with these

FED Commie and evil elite anti-US sorry ass degenerate muh fuckahs!

Our Father's speed


In LA LA LAnd The D.E.W.s Are Still Kicking Ass And Taking Numbers God Damnit! And The Military FED Commie Wicked Drones From The East Appear In The West!

 I mean, shit!

Stealth mode be fucked!

There these drones all in thah news before Christmas 2024 now wreaking havoc in thah 

West! Some evil shit!

Read and watch some shit in real time is some even more fucked up evil shit!

I mean, them evil elite muh fuckahs are fuckin cold as fuck!

Shit, I mean them degenerate muh fuckahs did that shit tah Maui and shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass didn't pay it no mind!

Now them evil sorry ass bastards done brought that shit stateside tearin some shit up!

And thah fucked up thing about this timely ill shit!

How long would it take all of those drones in thah East ovah New York, New Jersey...some shit, US was hearin about ad nauseum before Christmas!? Now, ain't heard dick since!? 

Tah get tah thah othah muh fuckin side of


"Wicked witch from the" muh fuckin "East"?!

God damned FED Commie fucked-up

"Wizard of OZ (US)" absurd fuckin skippy!

Them Sorry Ass Muh FuckUS Are Just Plain Old Fucked-Up NWO Commie Men!

So tired of this manmade broke assUS conditioned diction of,

"Well, he's a pastor!?" Or, "Well he's a priest!?"...thah best ubiquitoUS one though is,

"Well he's Law Enforcement!?"...


Still US


Ignorance of


And there shall be a horrible punishment for that ill ass shit of




While still witnessin this abhorrent, despicable FED Commie fucked-up US shit!


Our Father's speed!

Pope Pedo-Ugly-Ass Francis

Have US witnessed this repugnant ugly ass muh fuckah recently and shit?!

Shame before 

Our Father! 

That evil sorry ass muh fuckah looks like he's been sacrificin and then

Eatin too many muh fuckin 





And that muh fuckah shall pay for that evil shit!

And US broke assUS don't even have tah lift ah muh fuckin laborioUS fingah God damnit!



Our Father shall take care of his evil nothingness of filth!

US 's Broke! But, I Mean, Shit?!

 I mean, shit!


20-muh fuckin-25

US broke muh fuckUS still think these rich sorry ass evil nasty worthless muh fuckahs are 

Better than


Broke assUS!?

God damn?!

CA "Governor" Actor: Gavin New-Som-Bitch!

 Sorry ass muh fuckin Commie tryin tah blame thah muh fuckin FED for some ill Government state preparedness shit!


It's called ah grievoUS neglect of civil public servant 





Fuckin clueless 

Commie fucked-up alien dick!

God damnit!

Our Father's speed


The Lifespan of A Professional Sport Is Based On The Numbers of Injury Per Game/Bout...Season

 Professional Baseball 162 games and shit! I mean, shit! Have US looked at one of thah "Greatest" players in professional baseball's "Babe Ruth"'s physique?! Fat ass, slovenly muh fuckah! Eatin hot dogs and drinkin beer alll day and shit, and this muh fuckah's one of thah professional baseball! No wondah 162 games ah season!

Professional Basketball, 82 games ah season. Injuries, not too bad for 82 runnin, jumpin, stoppin...offensive and defensive too many muh fuckin games on them muh fuckUS!

Take professional Soccer?! 38 games ah season! Injuries, negligible and shit!

But American professional Football!? Comin in at lowly 17 games ah muh fuckin season!?

I mean, shit!

Yo muh fuckin American professional Football playin ass needs tah make yo muh fuckin money and fuckin 


Our Father's speed!

"Greenland's leader says he's ready to talk to Trump - CNN"

 Thah sorry ass muh fuckah's first name is


Thah fuck!

Now President Trump talkin bout buyin Greenland and absorbin Canada and shit!

And what do Greenland and Canada have in common!?

Yes! Fuckin skippy!

Prime Ministers!

And who do those sorry ass evil

Prime Ministers



Thah muh fuckin sorry ass evil muh fuckin

"Crown" of muh fuckin England!

US FED Commie evil elite D.E.W.s Battle Cry: LA LA LAnd, Maui...Next Muh Fuckin Annihilating US Booty On Duty!

Yeah! Thems some sick ass rich evil elite degenerate nasty FED Commie fucks! 

Our Father's speed


The highest price the customer will bear."

 Chicken wings still $4.99 for them bitches?!

Ground rolled breakfast sausage $5.69 a pound?!

80/20 Ground Beef $5.99 a pound?!

Head of Lettuce $2.29?!

Roma Tomatoes $1.99?!

Six Pack of Ramen Noodles $2.29 on sale?!...

I mean, shit!

Don't them evil supersilly lazy ass nasty degenerates undahstand,

"Squeeze too tight!

Yo sorry ass gonnah get a horrible fucked-up mighty US funky ass majorly well needed broke ass


InnumeroUS Nationwide Ineptitude of Mayors!

 US IN, Indianapolis is IN fuckIN trouble!

I mean, shit!

Hogsett done smoked thah ill, drank thah offerings of thah many 



While our beautiful city is complicit to the

Ill FED Commie unbelievable


Kills tah come!

Our Father's speed!

There Shall Always Be Sacrificial Global World Bloodied Goats And Their Bloodied Kids!

 I mean, shit!

Yo worthless, lazy, asses don't want tah clock in this bitch and work for 




Their evil elite slothful credo shall always be:

"People that own shit! Don't work for the shit!"!...

"Royal family's $56M windfall infuriates Brits choosing whether to eat or heat: expert - FOX NEWS" II

 my old Black ass honestly believes this shit!

Thah muh fuckin nasty, sorry ass, degenerate, slothful...

Royal Family has become an evilly chosen elite




Remembah thah so-called US family 

"Mishaps" that have and still happenin tah thah muh fuckin ugly ass evil elite family of



Exiting and exalting the evil year of

"Our Lord's"

2025 evil


"Royal family's $56M windfall infuriates Brits choosing whether to eat or heat: expert - FOX NEWS"

Shits funny as fuck tah my old Black sorry broke ass! Even British broke muh fuckahs actin lke they intah somethin talkin that, "The Queen" or "The King" or bettah yet, "The HeQueen"! Them sorry ass family of ugly degenerate fucks got them broke British asses! Anyway... 

So these sorry ass entitled nasty rich degenerate "royal" muh fuckahs, got ah sovereign grant that funds them sorry ass do-nothin muh fuckahs activities and shit!

And them sorry ass thieving low-life muh fuckahs, just because they got thah 

"Pure Ugly Genes" of royalty?

Them sorry lazy ass entitled fucked-up lookin ugly bastards get 

$165,000,000 per year from thah heavily taxed


For doing absolutely fuckin nothin!

Save for bein one of their goddawful


Can't make this evil fucked-up Global shitshow up




"Professional athletes' homes are still getting broken into...CNN"

 Them sorry ass muh fuckUS are playin in their perspective sports 

"LIVE" on television, streaming...whatevah thah fuck!?

Got social media pages where their boo and them ign'ant muh fuckUS tellin where they at and shit! "Gonna be ah long night!". Here's how it goes,

"Hey, Ray-Ray? It's me."

"Shit niggah! Get ah niggah paid, I see what's up with your call!"

"Cool! But check it! Be lookin at my channel and when I say, "It's gonnah be a long night!"! Then send them niggahs tah rob whatevah they want! We done got our shit out already and shit!"

"Right on! A free for all! I can dig that shit! Good lookin out!"

"But, Ray-Ray? Tell them niggahs tah not get caught and shit!?"

"Bet! Hollah!"

Mike Alien-Looking Ugly Ass Pedo-Pence!

 At thah sorry ass Carter funeral! That muh fuckah had ah look on his face that said, 

"Shit! I fucked up! But them lying mother fuckers told me he would never be president again!"

President Trump not even wantin tah look at thah muh fuckah, with his whole body lookin like,

"Fuck you! Pence bitch!"!

And evil ugly ass Pedo

Pence was not shit!

Nor evah will be shit!

You sorry ass evil degenerate worthless

Pedo-Pence bitch!


The evil FED Commie and Rich Globalists, Long Overdue, Soon Demise

 my old Black sorry broke ass would absolutely love tah witnUS, when 

US finally gets tired of this evil elite Global world FED Commie shit!

And start comin togethah as ah

Broke assUS


It's going to be a beautiful bloody evil elite spectacle tah be able tah be ah broke ass


Whethah I'm able tah witnUS that broke ass beautiful day in this year of

Our Father


US History?

I pray!

Our Father's speed!

LA LA LAnd Fires Are Conjured evil FED Commie Global World Real Shit! And The D.E.W.s Take A NWO Bow Once Again! II

 Muh fuckin FED Commie propagandists' minion muh fuckahs wants tah talk about LA fires and shit!

Fuck thah fires!

Thah chemical fallout is goin tah be 


I mean, shit!

Just from thah muh fuckin burning 

Vinyl Siding chemical fallout


God damn!

Our Father's speed


Revelation 2:19-28 KJV



Protect our 






US shall be fine 



Our Father's speed!

Revelation 2:9 KJV

 Our Father's speed!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

This evil elite US Shit Is About To Go Biblically Down! II

 "Oh did you know about what Trump did today?"

'Don't have thah slightest.' I say in earnest. BecaUSe thah historical Bible has tah do its do! US has past thah muh fuckin RighteoUS time for savin God damnit! Fuck! That! Still I feign listening,

"Well...wahn-wahn. Wahn-wahn! And wahn-wahn is going to do wahn-wahn!"! Charles M. Schulz was right all along and shit! CaUSe US is straight-up "Charlie Brown"!

That's what this US shit has come down to and shit!

Again with fucked-up

US broke ass

Hopes and fucked-up

US broke ass


Our Father's speed!

This evil elite US Shit Is About To Go Biblically Down!

 my old Black sorry ass still got ah muh fuckah that's gonnah prove tah me what my Black ass already 


I mean, shit!

He doesn't obvioUSly becaUSe he keeps sendin me shit about President Trump, Musk, California Fires...


God damnit!

The Book of Revelation was not written jUSt for



Our Father's speed!

The US ill Six Words "Das Ist Verboten!" Are: "You Are A Fucking WorthlUS Commie!"

 Them evil muh fuckin degenerates hate that shit!

BecaUSe they are that evil degenerate despicable shit!


Commies are them FED propagandists' evil elite minions are not


Our Father's speed!

USA Passe Broke Ass: Pop, S' il Vous Plait?

 my old Black ass remembahs when we didn't call thah shit no God damn,

"Soda pop" or fuckin "Soda"!

I USed tah ask Mommy,

'Mommy, can I get a Pop?'

Our Father's speed!

Caffeinism II

 my old Black sorry broke ass had

Hyperhidrosis for fuckin years and shit!

'What thah fuck could it be?' I would ask myself time and time again?!

But ah niggah loved him some coffee! With enough Half and Half tah turn thah shit ah burnt caramel color, three teaspoons of sugar for 16 ozs! US already knows! And latah on hittin nicotine induced squares!

Havin thah nerves tah wondah why ah niggah was sweatin oft times profusely and shit!

"Well what about all the beer you drink?"

You see? I thought you already knew? 

Beer, shall never be a factor in my broke Black ass health problems!


I mean, shit! What's an old niggah supposed tah do, drink boring ass

Water until an old niggah dies?!


Enough of that ill absurdity!

For real!

Our Father's speed!


US broke ass muh fuckUS talkin that ill ass shit,

"I love coffee!"

my old Black sorry broke ass undahstands! But at least 

Read thah shit my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!? This is some FED Commie


"Eyes Wide Shut" kindah evil clandestine sly brilliant shit? Thah ill shit reads,

"Can mimic the characteristics of Bipolar Disorder," "Psychoactive drug"...

And thah shit is legal as fuck! Everybody IN US consumin that shit! 


US Men and 

US Children, God damnit!

Thah US fuck?!


Thah US evil supersilly commie muh fuckahs talkin bout

Alcohol and

Cancer! And alcohol US IN, US has tah be at least 21 years of age and shit tah consume!

And them sorry evil FED Commie muh fuckahs ain't put warnin label

One on muh fuckin 

Caffeinated products and shit!



I mean, shit!

God damn. But


Can't make this FED Commie shitshow up Sonshines!



Our Father's speed!

A Certified US Letter Of Presidency 'Oath Of Office'?

 Still waitin on that shit! I mean, shit! How cheap can these evil commies get and shit!? Send US proud broke ass muh fuckUS thah muh fuckin "Oath" for

US?! But



These FED Commie muh fuckahs can spend all US's FED Commie taxpayin money on sendin US voters "Questionnaires" and othah stupid political fucked up shit!

Instead of sendin relevant, US historical...US shit, that US shall keep and be proud of and shit!

"Well, you can just print it from the Internet!"

my old Black sorry broke ass undahstands!

I mean, shit!

I don't know shit!

But, I'll tell US what?!

I'm undahstandin more and more every fuckin minute that my old Black ass is still ah muh fuckin broke

WitnUS tah this evil FED Commie fucked-up deplorable ill fated conjured

US shit!!

The US FED Commie ill Fatal 'Nourishment' US Broke AssUS Scam II

 "Well what did you do then?"

Well. Based on when I was young and very athletic and shit! I undahstood then, what I put in was what I put out!

But I hadn't really thought about it until those red-purplish fucked up splotches started takin ovah me, now, externally. 

And thah dots started tah connect effortlessly aftah that shit....

The Absurdity of evilly Clouded elite Men

 So thah muh fuckah says in this video about bein boiled in oil, water or lead back in thah 1500s some shit!?

"It led to find another way for humane execution."

Humane execution?!

Isn't that thah muh fuckin epitome of an

Oxymoron and shit?!

What thee Holy fuck is an old broke niggah missin and shit?!

Why Do I Have To Stop Blogging On Blogger?

 BecaUSe of the 

BCC! The Blogger Censoring Community and shit!

I mean, shit!

Ain't nobody readin this shit! Like I stated before, three or four muh fuckUS ah month!?

And the BCC fuckin with me?!

And...ah niggah ain't gettin paid for shit!?

Now, God damnit!

How petty is that fucked-up shit?!

The US FED Commie ill Fatal 'Nourishment' US Broke AssUS Scam

 my old Black sorry broke ass consumes food differently now.

"When did that start?"

Good question. I guess it started maybe five years ago some shit! Five-five and ballooned to two-hundred-and-twenty-five pounds! Hypertensive. That didn't really bother me. But when my Black sorry ass started gettin these red-purplish big ass splotches all ovah my torso, arms, butt cheeks...I was like,

'Thah fuck's goin on inside of me?!'... 

"Fined For Not Shoveling Snow? It Could Happen In Indianapolis - Jade Jackson, Indianapolis Star"

 God damned skippy!

With all this 'Green Iniative' Global elite NWO bullshit! Of course them evil muh fuckahs are goin tah make US pay for their soon conjured enslavement camps of

"15 Minute Cities" bullshit!

I mean, shit!

How thah fuck broke muh fuckUS gonna walk any God damned place when US IN sidewalks are covered in virgin snow and shit!? Ain't nobody, not even thah city, done shoveled shit! Even in Downtown INdy broke muh fuckUS walkin in thah now cleared streets becaUSe walkin on thah sidewalks can leave ah broke ass muh fuckah crippled and shit! Fall down, bUSt some bones! Fuck! It!

Welcome, to the New World Order US broke muh fuckUS!

Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs are lazy as fuck! Tellin US broke assUS what they gonna do about conjured "Global Warming" and shit! And ain't thought about thah plethora of fuck-ups in their future dystopian vision for US broke assUS and shit! CaUSe them lazy worthless nasty muh fuckahs live 99% of their daytime indoors! Fuck US outdoors! Then at night, well, it's time tah get down with hedonistic, evil FED Commie nasty style! Get driven every place and shit! Don't have tah worry about slidin and goin off thah road...caUSe them evil muh fuckahs have thah finest drivers US taxpayin money can fuckin buy God damnit!...Them evil FED Commie muh fuckahs don't deal with US's real shit! 



Not evil, one! Anyway...

Just, "Get it done" you broke sorry ass muh fuckUS! And thah best them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs have got? Fuckin fining US broke assUS! Thah fuck?!

Why haven't them slothful rich muh fuckahs came up with some robotic shit that cleans thah snow off of public sidewalks?! Underground electrical heatin rods goin undah sidewalks and streets so them muh fuckahs won't ice or won't snow up?...They don't want tah do anything about thah infrastructure if it costs the town, city, state... some fuckin taxpayer ends!



Taxpayer ends, that them sorry evil commie degenerates utilize tah

Graft! For thah all mighty evil public conjured 


US IN taxpayers' big old collective glorioUS


Friday, January 10, 2025

"James Woods Tears Up While Sharing Heartbreaking Update On CNN - Trending Poliitcs (Rumble)"

my old Black sorry broke ass didn't even click on that sorry ass propandists' minions ill shit!

"Well that's cold Mister avowed PioUS!"

I ain't written pioUS shit!

An old niggah jUSt writin some shit! That's all! Anyway...

Thah muh fuckah's ah muh fuckin evil commie propagandists' minion

Actor for fuck's sake! Of course he should be evilly able tah 

Tear up on




LA LA LAnd Fires Are Conjured evil FED Commie Global World Real Shit! And The D.E.W.s Take A NWO Bow Once Again!


2030 in 

Real muh fuckin commie, at any Human costs,

US fucked-up


Them some nasty cold ass evil Globalists sorry ass muh fuckahs!

And US 

Shall not take for fuckin granted bein




Thems some evil, elite, ugly, nasty, degenerate, sly ass, evilly brilliant... FED commie sorry ass muh fuckahs fo show!

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed 


The USCC (The United States of Communists' Central)

Thee Holy fuck!

US have been infiltrated by muh fuckin


Them sorry nasty degenerate FED Commie muh fuckahs have pimped 
US thah fuck


I mean, shit!

And US still on thah muh fuckin broke assUS whores' fucked up US stroll!

Thah fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

What thee Holy fuck?!

Elon evil elite Ugly Ass Musk

 Just anothah sorry ass degenerate evil elite propagadists' minion!

Greedy and soulless just like his evil elite sorry ass muh fuckin nasty handlers!

I mean, shit!

That sorry ass

African muh fuckah is truly just anothah


Niggard, or just anothah sorry ass



And what do US know God damnit!

Thah muh fuckin sorry ass commie African nigga ain't even 


Now that shit makes US undahstand


Niggas come in all ugly muh fuckin human

Colors and shit!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

US Individual RighteoUS Beautiful Truths!

 Thee Holy fuck!



US individual one of

US gots somethin tah say about this fucked up FED Commie evil deplorable shit!

I mean, shit!

How can

Individual fucked ovah FED Commie US broke muh fuckin assUS


Write thah fuck

About this evil 




I mean, shit!

Before it's too US


Our Father's speed!

US Broke RighteoUS AssUS Have Been Here Too Many Muh Fuckin Historical Times! God Damnit!

 It's funny as fuck tah my old Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass!

How US is caught up in this conditioned 

All about myself bullshit!


US is about tah

Catch some horrible

Togethah muh fuckin fucked-up



FED Commie Conjured ill 

Broke assUS fucked-up








Together kindah

RighteoUSly very


US broke 

Free kindah beautiful shit!

Our Father's speed!