Saturday, December 14, 2024

Why Certain Memories Haunt?

 I'm like everyone of US. Things, memories come into my mind and I'm like, 

'Why thah fuck did I just remember that shit?'! I mean sometimes like five, six and shit!

"How do you know? That you were five or six!"

Because Mommy told me so! I would verify with her by asking her like, 

'Mommy. Do you remember we were in the store, I think Kroger over on College and 38th Street? And I ran into this display of peanut butter, and luckily only one broke. And you grabbed my hand and said, 'Let's go.'?'

"Yes, that's funny I do," she began, "You were real young then. And when we both got into the car? Do you remember what happened?"

'Yes, I do. Your nose started bleeding.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

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